Wednesday, 2021-07-07

*** iury|holiday is now known as iurygregory05:53
gtema@diablo_rojo: SDK is currently completely apart in the r1 branch. I doubt somebody except me now can figure out what is going there. And sadly I am also not the one immediately able to say that. stephenfin maybe something from OSC?08:40
gtemaI do not have any small things in my head, only huge parts08:41
*** rpittau|afk is now known as rpittau09:42
stephenfingtema: dtantsur: Can you hit ?14:10
stephenfinWe get an annoying warning using OSC on master without it. Silly typo on my end14:10
gtemayupp, looking14:10
stephenfindiablo_rojo_phone: I don't have anything big but I could probably make up some small issues with the cinder-gap closing. How big/small are we talking?14:11
stephenfinLike a small feature or a trivial bugfix or doc fix?14:12
*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest11214:57
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-openstackclient master: cinder: Remove redundant command
opendevreviewRyan Zimmerman proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: Add the os-migrations API
diablo_rojo_phonestephenfin: something that can be done in a few hours with my help, but suuuper new contributors. There's an Open Source Day next week hosted by Grace Hopper.15:47
diablo_rojo_phoneLike we will teach them to contribute and try to get them to push patches in a single day. 15:48
*** rpittau is now known as rpittau|afk16:09
stephenfindiablo_rojo_phone: Okay, cool. I'll come up with a few small things for OSC and ping you tomorrow with them, if that's okay?16:47
*** mgoddard- is now known as mgoddard16:54
opendevreviewAshraf Hasson proposed openstack/ansible-collections-openstack master: Add Neutron RBAC modules

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