Wednesday, 2023-10-11

opendevreviewzhouxinyong proposed openstack/sahara-image-elements master: Fixes the several problems/errors caused by tox 3
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-sahara master: Remove usage of deleted manifest_dir
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-sahara master: Remove usage of deleted manifest_dir
opendevreviewzhouxinyong proposed openstack/sahara-image-elements master: Fixes the several problems/errors caused by tox 3
opendevreviewMerged openstack/sahara-image-elements master: Fixes the several problems/errors caused by tox 3
opendevreviewzhouxinyong proposed openstack/sahara-plugin-spark master: Fixes the several problems/errors caused by tox
opendevreviewzhouxinyong proposed openstack/sahara-plugin-cdh master: Fixes the several problems/errors caused by tox
zhouxinyongI assume you've noticed, Sahara's broken gate is prohibiting movement on the sahara-plugin-spark. I tried to fix it ,but it didn't work. Please take a look  07:02
opendevreviewzhouxinyong proposed openstack/sahara-plugin-cdh master: Fixes the several problems/errors caused by tox
opendevreviewzhouxinyong proposed openstack/sahara-plugin-cdh master: Fixes the several problems/errors caused by tox
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Another short Gerrit outage for updates on This update ensures we are using the current versions of all Gerrit plugins.23:47

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