Wednesday, 2018-12-26

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openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: APIv2 - api-ref documentation for APIv2
toskyeheh, someone read my comment13:49
tellesnobregatosky, hi, I did :)13:52
toskydid you see also the story that I created?13:52
toskyI was working on the APIv2 tempest client, found those issues, and then I also realized that we may need to change the structure of the tests and duplicate them for v1.1 and v213:53
toskybut I will have to ask to other qa people13:53
tellesnobregaquick downstream question, we are not having meeting today right?13:53
toskyI'd say no13:54
toskyI think I canceled it, yep13:55
openstackgerritTelles Mota Vidal Nóbrega proposed openstack/sahara master: APIv2 - api-ref documentation for APIv2
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sahara-dashboard master: Few python3 (and 3.6) compatibility improvements
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