Sunday, 2017-03-12

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openstackgerritkavitha h r proposed openstack/sahara-ci-config master: Replaced uuid.uuid4 with uuidutils.generate_uuid()
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frta_tosky, built my own qcow image for the ambari plugin to address the issue of not finding the jps bin. The deployment fails after ambari has been installed. login in after changing the ambari password shows an empty cluster. Tips?19:54
frta_Used the instructions from the deploy guide to build and register the image.19:55
jmloweI'm having trouble getting a working newton install, all of my cluster create and delete operations wind up with trust creation errors, any hints?19:56
frta_So I guess Sahara contacts the ambari REST api and starts a deployment. port 8040/8041?19:57
frta_At step "Wait registration of hosts"19:58
frta_The actual sahara heat stack is listed as "CREATE_COMPLETE"20:00
frta_Ok, Error during command execution: "ambari-agent start"20:02
frta_from sahara-engine.log20:02
toskyfrta_: as you noticed, the sahara plugin for ambari drives ambari20:04
toskyfrta_: unfortunately there is no much to do than check the ambari logs20:05
toskyif ambari is up already, you can already connect to its graphical interface20:05
frta_ok. looks like it's polling for registration to complete20:05
toskyjmlowe: uhm, I would recheck the configuration20:05
frta_so I guess the step that fails is to register the secondary and the workers and have the ambari plugin installed on them.20:06
frta_/var/log/ambari-server/ dir is empty20:07
frta_no ... wait20:07
toskyall logs on all nodes :)20:07
toskyI mentioned the web interface of ambari because it was useful to visualize few errors20:08
frta_tosky, Ah... ok "Received registration request from host with non compatible agent version, hostname=stormar-20:14
frta_storm-worker-0.novalocal, agentVersion=, serverVersion="20:14
toskyoh, that's something20:15
frta_built it "tox -e venv -- sahara-image-create -p ambari -v -i ubuntu"20:15
frta_So the plugin is installing for the server?20:15
toskyit may be an error; ambari 2.4 was introduced recently20:16
toskytry with ambari, it handles HDP 2.3 and 2.420:16
jmloweI may have found it, so sahara uses admin_user instead of username in the keystone_authtoken section unlike other openstack services like heat and nova?20:17
toskyuh, something changed there not so recently, but I don't have my deployments right now20:25
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toskyjmlowe: checked, and confirmed; even in Ocata, admin_{user,tenant_name,password}20:28
jmlowenot what I expected, also, hasn't s/tenant/project/ been the rule of the day?20:28
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toskyyes, correct, it has been, but I can't answer now why it was not changed20:29
toskybut the new one should be supported too20:30
toskythe support for the v3-style parameters was added post-Ocata in puppet-sahara:
toskybut keystone v3 has been supported for a while20:31
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jmloweAm I just overlooking the place to set --floating-ip-pool in the UI or is it really not there?20:34
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toskyI'm sure that there is20:35
jmloweI got a validation error when I tried the cli, so there's more too it20:36
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frta_I'm past the last issue using Now let's see about the jps bin.20:40
frta_tosky, thanks!20:40
toskyjmlowe: this is a bit older but still same structure:
toskyfrta_: and please file a bug for that issue with ambari 2.420:48
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frta_tosky, logged it
openstackLaunchpad bug 1672218 in Sahara "Using ambari 2.4 with image - inconsistent server/agent version" [Undecided,New]21:14
jmloweis there a patch to get past what seems to be the removal of floating ip pools?21:18
toskyfrta_: perfect, thanks; please add also the version of sahara-image-elements (branch master? or the branch for some version?) and the version of openstack21:19
toskyjmlowe: floating ip pools are definitely supported (also one of the most tested configuration); I would try to isolate the problem instead21:20
toskythe traceback does not say much of what's going on21:20
frta_ahh... used master branch21:20
frta_will try with stable/newton as well then...21:20
frta_and update...21:21
toskyfrta_: and then you deployed newton ?21:21
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toskyfrta_: because iirc the support for ambari 2.4 was added after newton21:21
toskyso only ocata21:21
frta_realize that....21:21
jmloweopenstack floating ip pool list21:21
jmloweFloating ip pool operations are only available for Compute v2 network.21:21
toskyjmlowe: that's irrelevant21:21
frta_Will update the bug. tomorrow.21:21
toskyjmlowe: they are normal public external networks in neutron21:22
toskyjmlowe: the name stuck in sahara21:22
jmloweWARNING: Command floating-ip-pool-list is deprecated and will be removed after Nova 15.0.0 is released. Use python-neutronclient or openstackclient instead.21:22
toskyjmlowe: yes, nova network is deprecated21:22
toskystill, a "floating ip pool" is still the place where you get your floating IPs, which (for neutron) is a public external network21:23
toskyfrta_: you should use the branch of sahara-image-elements which matches your deployment, or (easier) the packaged version of sahara-image-elements (if you deploy with packages)21:23
toskyfrta_: if it is the case (openstack newton with ambari 2.4.0), it may be much be NOTABUG - and I suspect that vgrindev will answer before me about that tomorrow :)21:24
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jmloweok, so here's what I'm wondering, it seems that the ng object doesn't have a name item but it doesn't matter because check_floatingip_pool_exists doesn't actually use the name in sahara/service/validations/, am I missing something here?
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toskyjmlowe: it would be useful to know what you are doing exactly, as I lack a bit of context here21:44
toskyI mean, that's the code, but I had no problems when trying to create node group templates with associated floating IP pools and neutron21:45
jmlowetosky: this fails and I don't think it should openstack dataprocessing node group template update --floating-ip-pool name=public 786fce2c-ea2c-499d-965d-097dea9f882621:45
jmlowetosky: also, can you actually create a new node group template and specify the floating ip pool with the UI, I really don't see where to do this with the Newton ui21:48
toskyjmlowe: doesn't it match with the picture that I've shown above?21:48
toskyis use_neutron = True in sahara.conf?21:48
toskyI think we switched the default value after newton21:48
jmloweit does not match21:49
toskycan you please take a screenshot? I don't have an accessible newton environment right now21:49
jmloweok, so taking out the vestigial ng['name'] and also specifying the public net by id I can update the nodegroup template with openstack cli21:55
toskyyes, but that's not correct21:58
toskyalso the fact that the element is not shown in the UI smell like a configuration issue21:58
toskyjmlowe: did you check the use_neutron key in sahara.conf?21:59
jmlowegrep use_neutron /etc/sahara/sahara.conf21:59
jmloweuse_neutron = True21:59
jeremyfreudbergCan you check out SAHARA_AUTO_IP_ALLOCATION_ENABLED in your horizon local_settings also? I've seen that cause issues21:59
jeremyfreudbergtry out false22:01
toskyyes, the comment says: "False by default.  You would want to set this to True if you were running Nova Networking with auto_assign_floating_ip = True."22:04
toskyand no one wants nova networking22:05
jeremyfreudbergyep, might be worth updating the docs to specify how it affects neutron22:06
toskyor simply kill all options related to nova network :D22:06
toskydeprecated in Newton, there was still one use case that needed it (cell if I remember correctly)22:08
toskyI really hope that it will be fixed for Pike or Queen at most22:08
jmloweok, that's better22:11
jmloweI have the floating ip option in the UI now22:11
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