Wednesday, 2014-06-18

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openstackgerritAlexander Ignatov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fixed H405 pep8 style check
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Handle remote driver not loaded situation
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Fixed E265 pep8
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix Sahara CI links
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openstackgerritDaniele Venzano proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Implement scaling for Spark clusters
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed a change to stackforge/sahara-ci-config: Add ZMQ parameter to gate-savanna-pep8-trunk
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openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [test commit] my test commit
openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [test commit] my test commit
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openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix Sahara CI links
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix Sahara CI links
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-saharaclient: Updated from global requirements
tellesnobregatmckay: I just read your spec and blueprint and looked into the code13:30
tellesnobregalooks good, just small things to change13:30
tellesnobregabut looks cool13:30
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tmckaytellesnobrega, thanks.  The next big thing to decide is how we map job executions to engines.  Kind of fuzzy.  For example:13:37
tmckayI have heard that it is possible to run mapreduce jobs on spark.  It is also possible to deploy Oozie on a cluster running spark.13:37
tmckaySo, when we submit a Hive job, let's say, how do we decide how to run it?  Job type is not enough.  We need to know node processes at least, I think, and maybe how spark is installed and configured.13:38
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Updated from global requirements
tmckayaignatov, SergeyLukjanov, ^^ I should add this discussion to the etherpad.  Not sure what to do here.13:40
tellesnobregai see13:40
tmckayI have an idea to how to ask the plugin, but it might be too much ... I'll post it on the etherpad13:41
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tellesnobregaso, for storm, the idea is to implement a new plugin for it, create a engine that will manage its jobs13:47
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tmckaytellesnobrega, yes.13:58
tmckaytellesnobrega, as with spark, it may be possible to wrap storm jobs in Oozie, and use that engine, but it may be more trouble than it's worth.  That is our current thought for spark13:59
tellesnobregaok. I will keep that in mind as well14:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Sync up oslo log module
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Migrated integration tests to testtools
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Make deleting transient clusters safe
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Fix docs for configuring authentication
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aignatovtmckay: great, I’ve looked at your patch, good start on this activity :)14:32
tmckayaignatov, thanks!  I need your brilliance on the job engine selection problem.  I'm adding to the pad now ...14:32
tmckayaignatov, we can do simple things, but I want to get it right so it is extensible -- so maybe more complexity is needed14:33
aignatovyes, I thought before that each plugin may have it’s own edp engine (and even more than one engine)14:34
aignatovand it’s not dependent on job types14:34
tmckayaignatov, I have an idea to ask the plugin to return a job engine14:40
tmckaywith some defaults, for instance we can provide a default Oozie engine since we already have it, and a default spark command line engine (which I hope we will have :) ) or a default Ooyala engine14:41
tmckayaignatov, I was thinking of passing a dictionary of constructor methods for the defaults, so the plugin could just allocate and return a default object or make its own14:41
tmckayaignatov, current vanilla and vanilla 2 would just return the default Oozie engine. Spark would return the spark one.  HDP, which looks like it might support both (at the same time, or one or the other?)  could decide14:42
tmckayaignatov, and if someone wants to be fancy they can derive their own JobEngine and return it14:43
tmckayaignatov, I think the plugin needs to look at the cluster too and examine what node processes are running14:43
tmckayokay, on the phone, have to go for now14:43
openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Make Cluster Template accept default_image_id field
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aignatovtmckay: yes, about plugin needs, recently sreshetnyak added validate_edp method to plugin SPI15:14
aignatovit could check all node processes for edp job executions15:14
aignatovmoreover it could check all needed stuff to decide if it can run job with provided engine15:15
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [DO NOT MERGE] Decrease samples for PI job in IT
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tmckayaignatov, ping16:28
aignatov pong16:28
aignatovtmckay: pong :)16:28
tmckayaignatov, I updated the pad, starting at line 55 "Determing a JobEngine for a Job".  I particularly like option 3.  It would be easy to add for existing plugins.16:29
tmckayCan you take a look when you have a minute?16:29
tmckayI think I'll try an experiment, maybe post it as a dependent CR16:30
tmckaySergeyLukanov, too.  ^^ I don't see alazarev around.16:30
tmckaydmitryme, maybe you are interested in this too ^^  and venza, but I think venza is on a different schedule :)16:31
* tmckay gets some lunch16:31
tmckaytellesnobrega ^^16:31
aignatovtmckay: ack16:32
aignatovI’ll have a look16:32
aignatovbut later, time to go home :)16:33
tmckaygotcha, thanks.  I'll put up a sample CR, I think it could work very nicely16:34
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dmitrymetmckay: yep, I will take a look16:49
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SergeyLukjanovtmckay, alazarev is on vacation till Monday17:29
tmckayokay, thanks17:30
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, I'll be traveling tomorrow the whole day (for visa)17:31
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, I'll review your specs/patches at friday17:31
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, okay, I'm here tomorrow then gone on vacation until June 3017:31
SergeyLukjanovunfortunately I need to wake up for the plane in 6 hours...17:31
tmckayheh, go to sleep!17:31
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, okay, I think I'll make review till the end of your vacation :)17:32
tmckaysounds good17:32
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, the problem is that now is 9:32 PM and I need to wake up at 3 AM :)17:32
SergeyLukjanovbut usually I'm going to sleep at 1-2 AM17:32
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, oh, that's terrible17:34
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, the pros is that it's a one day trip for visa17:34
tmckayyes, that's nice.17:35
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tmckaycrobertsrh, ping with a weird problem17:49
crobertsrhtmckay:  pong with an odd response17:50
tmckayI login in to horizon (local), and immediately get sent back to the login screen, but log says it was successful17:50
tmckayLogin successful for user "admin".17:50
tmckay[18/Jun/2014 17:49:25] "POST /auth/login/ HTTP/1.1" 302 017:50
tmckay[18/Jun/2014 17:49:25] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 171917:50
tmckay[18/Jun/2014 17:49:25] "GET /static/dashboard/css/6bf08293a8e0.css HTTP/1.1" 200 15132117:50
tellesnobregatmckay: i would also need an image with storm stuff as well right?17:50
crobertsrhtmckay:  That is weird.  Maybe clear your cookies for localhost?17:50
tmckaytellesnobrega, yes, unless the provisioning plugin for storm could install it all17:51
crobertsrhor whatever address you're using to hit your horizon17:51
tellesnobregait can, but isn't it better to have a predefined image to make it quicker17:56
tmckaytellesnobrega, yes17:56
tmckaycrobertsrh, it's getting a 302 on the post,  POST /auth/login/ HTTP/1.1" 302 0   -- not found, huh?17:56
tmckayit worked yesterday, of course17:57
crobertsrhof course17:57
tellesnobregai think so too17:57
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tmckaycrobertsrh, still running my old setup with local horizon and sahara-dashboard linked in.  Anything weird there?18:02
tmckayor, anything different?18:03
crobertsrhShouldn't be anything different18:03
crobertsrhNot many changes merged there lately18:03
crobertsrhany errors in the horizon log?18:03
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crobertsrhoh...log was above18:04
crobertsrhtry a different browser maybe?18:04
crobertsrhthat would eliminate any cookie related stuff18:04
crobertsrhOr even a "private" window of firefox18:04
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tmckaysame.  So, for some reason it can't resolve /auth/login it looks like18:07
crobertsrhAre you sure there were no errors at horizon startup?18:12
tmckaycrobertsrh, only this18:13
tmckayDeprecationWarning: check_for_test_cookie is deprecated; ensure your login view is CSRF-protected.18:13
tmckayWARNING:py.warnings:DeprecationWarning: check_for_test_cookie is deprecated; ensure your login view is CSRF-protected.18:13
crobertsrhWhen did you last update your horizon bits?18:14
tmckayjust now, I was getting failures so I upated everything18:14
crobertsrhHmm.  I suppose there could be something in their latest that is hosing things down.  I haven't updated my dashboard "classic" env in awhile18:15
crobertsrhMaybe grab an earlier horizon commit from icehouse?18:16
tmckayyeah, I could try.  Only thing I think should have changed from yesterday to today was devstack, though18:16
tmckayI wonder if authentication is failing for some reason18:17
tmckayand causing a redirect18:17
crobertsrhOh, I thought you meant you changed your horizon bits, not devstack18:18
tmckaycrobertsrh, I was getting failures earlier, so then I updated horizon and sahara-dashboard and still got the same failures, then I pinged you18:19
crobertsrhah, ok.18:19
tmckayOnly thing that should have changed before my first login was devstack.  And my Sahara edp bits, but that shouldn't matter18:19
tmckaygonna try pdb in process_request()18:20
crobertsrhRight.  anything in keystone logs?18:20
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tmckayI should like.  hmm, looks like "302 Found" from the debugger which is just a redirect18:26
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tmckaycrobertsrh, still hosed.  I wonder if some update to an external module is to blame.  Falling back to cli.19:23
crobertsrhNot sure.  When I get a minute, I can try a "latest everything" with the classic dashboard and see what I get.19:24
tmckaycool, thanks.  as long as I can get this latest CR tested and pushed, I'm happy.  PTO starts Friday :)19:25
crobertsrhtaking the family to camp again?  Or is that later in the summer?19:25
tmckayweeha, my "get the job engine from the plugin with default selection based on job type" patch works.19:39
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Allow plugins to choose the EDP implementation
crobertsrhtmckay:  looks like a couple other guys in #openstack-horizon are seeing your logging in to dashboard error20:51
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tmckaycrobertsrh, thank you, I figured it was devstack :)21:02
crobertsrhI'm glad it was devstack21:03
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Refactor the job manager to allow multiple execution engines
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Allow plugins to choose the EDP implementation
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openstackgerritRobert Levas proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Upgrades the HDP plug-in to install Hue
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