Thursday, 2014-05-08

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openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Clean up openstack-common.conf
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openstackgerritChad Roberts proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Allowing for HDFS data sources without hdfs://
elmikocrobertsrh: just looked at that review, what's with the X in workflow?14:16
crobertsrhIt's the new "work in progress"14:16
elmikoahh ok14:17
crobertsrhI'm not really sure that this is the way we want to go long term, but I want to get something available for tmckay to use in his demo14:17
elmikototally, you've got some whitespace in there14:18
crobertsrhI preferred the old "work in progress" method....the one where you'd just click "WORK IN PROGRESS" and it would display "work in progress"14:18
crobertsrhOh, I were just craving a low-hanging -1 review14:21
crobertsrhwhitespace nazi14:22
elmikoi'm trying to help!14:22
elmikobesides, if i didn't get it you know tmckay would have ;)14:23
openstackgerritChad Roberts proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Allowing for HDFS data sources without hdfs://
elmikowith the work in progress stuff, is it better just to wait until it finished before reviewing?14:26
elmikocrobertsrh: ^^14:34
crobertsrhI'm not offended either way really.  In this case, this is a very early cut just to get something useable for the demo.14:35
crobertsrhFor WIP cases, I tend to leave comments but just go +014:35
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elmikook, thanks. just curious about best practices considering there might be a bunch of churn.14:36
crobertsrhNot sure there is an official "right" thing to do.14:37
elmikoyea totally14:37
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elmikoduring the configuration phase of a cluster, is it possible to see what the tasks are?15:17
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crobertsrhtmckay:  Try the os1 instance now.  I have a tweak up for the hdfs path stuff15:19
crobertsrhlet me know if it meets your needs.  I still need to adjust help text and maybe tweak the UI a bit more15:19
crobertsrhI removed the "prefix" for both swift and hdfs.  For Swift, I check to make sure it starts with "swift://", if not, I add it.  For HDFS, what you give is what you get.15:20
dmitrymeelmiko: which tasks do you want to see?15:22
dmitrymedo you want to see more details than cluster status provides?15:22
elmikodmitryme: well, i'm watching the json output from the /tasks?fields=Tasks and i'm curious what the individual tasks are. for debugging purposes15:23
dmitrymeit is HDP, right?15:23
dmitrymeeach task has an URL, you can use it15:23
elmikook, i should have seen that lol15:24
dmitrymeif you access it, it will first return Access Denied15:24
dmitrymethen strip all the path part of the URL and go there15:24
dmitrymeyou will see login window15:24
dmitrymelog in with admin/admin (defaults)15:24
dmitrymeand after that you will have access to tasks’ URLs15:25
elmikocool, thanks!15:25
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elmikoit looks like putting all the server tasks on one instance is very slooow to setup lol15:27
tmckaycrobertsrh, thanks, I'll try it shortly15:29
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tmckaycrobertsrh, hmm, I can't get there15:58
tmckaygonna try restart15:58
mattfSergeyLukjanov, ErikB1, is there dial in info?16:02
mattfthis'll be interesting16:03
SergeyLukjanovoops, incorrect link16:03
tmckaylooks like it's going to make me install a plugin16:04
SergeyLukjanovit's included into the invitation16:04
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tmckaySergeyLukjanov, google chrome is telling me that party is over.16:16
aignatovtmckay: try to relogin to you account and open link again16:18
crobertsrhthere's a party going on?16:18
crobertsrhthat's way better than a meeting16:18
tmckayit won't let me view the invitiation either, some conflict between my redhat email and google16:19
tmckayit's because Chrome isn't my default browser, I know it :)16:20
elmikoaww, i got party over too :(16:24
tmckayI'm guessing its because is not in the invitation list16:25
aignatovtmckay: I’ve added youor gamil16:26
aignatovgmail account16:26
* tmckay tries again16:26
elmikoaignatov: can you add me, mimccune@redhat.com16:27
aignatovtmckay: you  didn’t missed anything important :)16:27
tmckayaignatov, ok, great!16:28
aignatovelmiko: done16:28
elmikoaignatov: thanks, we'll see if this works :)16:29
elmikoweird, it says i don't have access to chat16:31
tmckayelmiko, it might have to be a google account16:31
elmikotmckay: this is the same account i used for our hangout with jay before16:31
elmikoi wonder if redhat changed the admin policies or something16:35
aignatovelmiko: don’t worry, this was a meeting about our status of summit talks, not related to design sessions :)16:43
elmikoaignatov: ok, thanks. this worked a few days ago.16:44
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tmckayelmiko_lunch, we just volunteered you to do all the talks17:09
* tmckay walks the dog17:09
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tmckaycrobertsrh, relative hdfs paths worked, thanks.  Much nicer on a long running cluster17:40
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elmikotmckay: nice...17:40
crobertsrhCool.  I will add some details to the help text at some point.17:40
tmckayDo we have a regular meeting today?17:41
elmikoi think so, SergeyLukjanov sent out an email yesterday17:43
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SergeyLukjanovfolks, team meeting in a few mins17:59
SergeyLukjanovin #openstack-meeting-alt17:59
SergeyLukjanovI'm writing from car18:00
elmikosounds dangerous18:00
SergeyLukjanovplease, ack that you see it ;)18:00
aignatovI’m driveing this car :)18:00
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, yes, I see it18:02
SergeyLukjanovcool :)18:02
SergeyLukjanovit's already started18:03
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, dmitryme, ylobankov, sreshetn1ak, ping18:03
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elmikois there an example of how i would run an execute_command and wait for the return?18:21
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mattfi missed the meeting, eh?18:32
elmikoyea, it was short18:32
* mattf shakes fist at dr18:33
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elmikois that even legal?18:33
mattfdon't worry, i'm safe. no needle sharing18:34
elmikolol, good to hear18:34
elmikoSergeyLukjanov, aignatov, are there any examples of how to execute_command and wait for the response?18:35
elmikocrobertsrh, ^^ have you ever done that?18:42
crobertsrhI think I'm missing some context18:43
elmikowell, let's say i want to run a command on an instance using execute_command18:44
elmikoand i want to read the result of that command before deciding what to do next18:44
elmikois that a supported pattern, or is it better to put together a bash command to encapsulate the logic?18:44
crobertsrhA script of some sort comes to mind, but there ought to be a way to do what you're trying to do18:48
crobertsrhThat being said, I've never done it18:48
elmikoit looks like i should be able to do it, but when my command runs the execute_command returns immediately with a string about hasn't run yet18:49
crobertsrhIs there another way to call execute_command (any extra params you can send it to make it block)?18:52
elmikoi see a timeout arg, but i don't think that's it18:53
dmitrymeSergeyLukjanov: ooops, sorry, I’ve missed the meeting :-(18:54
elmikoi'm wondering if i need to issue this context.sleep command to wait for the return18:54
dmitrymeelmiko: I know how it works18:54
elmikodmitryme: cool, any advice?18:54
dmitrymeit actually blocks until the command returns. Its result is tuple (ret_code, stdout)18:55
elmikooh, hmm18:56
dmitrymeor its result is (ret_code, stdout, stderr) if you explicitly passed get_stderr=True18:56
elmikomaybe i used it wrong then18:56
dmitrymecan you show your code?18:56
elmikoi was trying to read the ret_code and kept getting "*** Not yet returned!"18:56
dmitrymeso you mean you get a string  "*** Not yet returned!" as the first item in the returned tuple?18:59
dmitrymewhat about the other items in the tuple?18:59
elmikoi only grabbed 1 return value18:59
elmikoi don't need stdout, just the ret_code19:00
dmitrymethen you should do19:01
dmitrymeretval = r.execute_command(rpm_cmd, run_as_root=True)[0]19:02
dmitrymenote the ending [0]19:02
dmitrymeregarding the actual value you get, that is really weird19:02
dmitrymeI can suspect only pdb19:02
elmikoi'll try it again dereferencing the return tuple19:02
dmitrymethough it is really strange even for pdb19:03
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elmikodmitryme: that worked, i think my pdb knowledge is just rusty19:13
dmitrymeelmiko: I little of it as well, I just know that it can suprise19:14
dmitryme* I know little19:14
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crobertsrhAnyone with puppet expertise available to explain how I can fix the following error when trying to install the sahara-dashboard?  Must pass secret_key to Class[Horizon] at /etc/puppet/modules/horizon/manifests/init.pp:17220:14
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mattfSergeyLukjanov, do you know what happened to all the icehouse blueprints pre-rename?20:27
mattfSergeyLukjanov, the old milestones are empty...20:31
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SergeyLukjanov_mattf, everything moved to the 2014.1 milestnone21:49
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mattfSergeyLukjanov, thanks, i'll mine the 2014.1 milestone22:55
mattfaignatov, crobertsrh SergeyLukjanov, have any particular features of icehouse you think may be worthwhile highlighting to the summit community?22:56
crobertsrhI think the refinement of EDP jobs (additional job types) was a significant step forward in icehouse.22:59
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SergeyLukjanovmattf, you can start with
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