Monday, 2014-04-07

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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix big job binary objects in mysql
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openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix up Savanna UI installation guide
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openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Minor fixes to Sahara UI
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openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Minor fixes to Sahara UI Installation Guide
openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix up Sahara UI installation guide
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Update links for vanilla images in doc
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tellesnobregatmckay: hi, can i install sahara in devstack without swift?14:03
tmckaytellesnobrega, I haven't tried.  glance uses swift, not sure what it will do if swift is not there14:05
tellesnobregatmckay: im trying to start it but im getting a image upload error14:05
tmckaysahara can run without swift.  binaries are stored in the internal database, and hdfs can be used for data sources14:05
toskytellesnobrega: not so much a swift expert, maybe your backend has no much space (like a small loopback device)14:06
tmckaytellensnobrega, my approach would be to use the glance client from the command line (maybe even embed pdb in it) with the --debug flag, and examine the devstack logs to try to figure out where the error is.14:07
tellesnobregatosky: looked at the used space, still have plenty14:07
tellesnobregatmckay: sure14:07
tmckaynot really sure what else to suggest :)14:07
tmckaythe 2 problems I've had are 1) disk space gone and 2) the swift service not running or the glance-swift user for some reason not created14:08
tellesnobregai think that the user is the problem, im running the same command as devstack and it is working14:11
tellesnobregabut it doesn't when devstack runs14:11
ErikB1Neutron config question... Does it ever make sense to configure Sahara to have use_floating_ips=True AND use_namespaces=True (with Neutron)14:15
* ErikB1 thinks that they are xor14:16
ErikB1tellesnobrega, I have run Sahara on OpenStack sans Swift14:19
tellesnobregaErikB1: i will try to figure it out14:20
tellesnobregaErikB1: thanks14:20
tellesnobregatmckay: the user is there14:25
tmckaytellenobrega, I was just going to suggest examining users with keystone :)  I have not done that too much14:26
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tmckaytellesnobrega, so if enough of devstack is running, and you can upload images from the command line, maybe you can launch sahara from the git sources14:29
SergeyLukjanovicehouse-rc2 tbd list:
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Fix up installation guide
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Check that all po/pot files are valid
tellesnobregatmckay: so, swift is not showing in the catalog, its started but an endpoint is not defined, im not sure why. can you send me a localrc file that worked for you? maybe im missing something in mine14:35
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Add examples of upstream files that we should not change
tmckaytellesnobrega, this is what I'm using
tmckaytellesnobrega, my devstack source was last pulled on March 18 ( 871b1e47092a6463cb39be48c66bfe3e646920c2)14:41
tmckaytellesnobrega, so I may be slightly out of date14:41
tmckaythat could be a difference14:41
tmckayI like to leave it alone when it works :)  Although I think the reclone is pulling fresh stuff in /opt/stack for all the services14:41
tellesnobregatmckay: i see. I looked into glance log now, and i found an error about specifing endpoint, which is the same error i get when i try to run swift via cli14:42
tellesnobregareclone does that14:42
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tmckayah, sounds like a possible smoking gun14:42
tmckayso, I imagine somewhere in the devstack scripts there are calls to keystone to add endpoints14:43
tmckaymaybe you can annote those calls14:43
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tellesnobregai will look for it14:45
openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fixed wrong use of SaharaException
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aignatovtmckay: hi, could you please take a look on this
tmckayaignatov, sure thing15:17
openstackgerritRobert Nettleton proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Removes the service stop call for gmetad.
tmckayanybody ever see an OozieException using hadoop 2 when sahara tries to run a job, This request requires HTTP authentication."15:31
elmikotmckay: i was having a bunch of authentication issues on friday, do you know what keystone endpoint it's hitting, or have a log dump?15:33
tmckayelmiko, this is a little different.  This is sahara contacting the Oozie server on the cluster it has created to submit the job15:33
tmckaykeystone shouldn't be involved15:34
elmikotmckay: ahh, ok :)15:34
tmckayI expect there is some difference in the way Oozie is set up in the image for hadoop 215:34
tmckayoozie.log:2014-04-07 15:13:31,951 ERROR UserGroupInformation:1193 - PriviledgedActionException as:hadoop via hadoop cause:org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException: Server IPC version 9 cannot communicate with client version 415:37
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elmikowell there's your issue, just upgrade the client version :D15:38
tmckayaignatov, who might know about any oozie client/server version mismatch issues on savanna-ci?  I wonder if this has been seen before, or if I need to generate my image differently15:39
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aignatovtmckay: looks strange, never seen before15:43
openstackgerritRobert Nettleton proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Removes the service stop call for gmetad
tmckayaignatov, looks like diskimage has urls for 2 different builds of oozie, maybe I messed up my image build.  I found a related hbase error that suggests my version of oozie may be based on hadoop1, and it is trying to run with hadoop 215:44
tmckay(related hbase error on google :) )15:45
sreshetnyaktmckay, try build image for hadoop 2 only15:49
tmckaysreshetnyak, thanks, trying that now15:49
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tmckaysreshetnyak, looking on my master node, I can get the same error from the command line and I have hadoop-core-1.2.1.jar in the oozie lib directory, sounds like it went wrong :)16:05
crobertsrhpossible DIB bug?16:09
tmckaycrobertsrh, I generated all images at once, default case with no arguments.  I wonder if the oozie download url, or the resultant tarball, got mixed up16:14
tmckaycrobertsrh, from the trace on the current build, oozie lib seems to have hadoop 2 pieces16:15
crobertsrhI'm trying a run with v2 set in the command line right now, I'll see what I get16:15
crobertsrhubuntu image?  (Just so I'm testing the same thing as you)16:15
tellesnobregatmckay: i finally got it working. your localrc worked nicely16:16
tmckaytellesnobrega, hurray!  glad I could help16:16
tellesnobregatmckay: thanks :)16:16
tmckaytellesnobrega, nothing worse than software that doesn't work. Except software that doesn't work that can't be fixed :)16:17
tellesnobregatmckay: lol. Now i just need to start sahara dashboard16:18
tmckaytellesnobrega, crobertsrh I hear is an expert in that area ...16:18
tellesnobregacrobertsrh: hi, i think i need your help16:19
crobertsrhThe rumours are greatly exaggerated, but do let me know if you have problems :)16:19
crobertsrhah, that was fast16:19
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tellesnobregacrobertsrh: im just kidding for now16:19
crobertsrhI'm always here, so drop by whenever :)16:19
crobertsrhThe dashboard is pretty slick, I'm sure you'll have no trouble at all.16:19
sreshetnyaktmckay, yes, it is a bug in DIB16:22
tmckaysreshetnyak, it's a known bug then?16:23
crobertsrhelmiko:  When building an HDP image on RHEL, did it bomb out for you with the following?  passwd: unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 is not authorized to change the password of root16:23
sreshetnyakif HADOOP_VERSION is not set, used oozie tarball for hadoop 1
sreshetnyaktmckay, it is a not hnown bug16:25
tmckayah, I see16:26
elmikocrobertsrh: i did have a similar problem, i turned off selinux to get a good build the first time16:26
crobertsrhah, so it's currently "an undocumented feature that will be fixed soon"?16:27
crobertsrhelmiko:  ah, ok.  Thanks.  I will give it a try.16:27
elmikocrobertsrh: i think bob_n has a patch but i haven't tested it yet16:27
elmikocrobertsrh: see
crobertsrhAh, yes.  It all comes back to me now16:28
tmckaysreshetnyak, would you like to log a bug for it, or should I?16:28
tmckayyou found the place in the code where it's wrong :)16:28
crobertsrhI just reviewed it too :)  Somehow, I didn't make the connection between the 2 :)16:29
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Updating the setup development environment docs for icehouse
openstackgerritDmitry Mescheryakov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix up Sahara UI installation guide
tellesnobregacrobertsrh: happy to say that i wont be bothering you with ui problems :)16:46
crobertsrhawesome!  Enjoy!16:46
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Added rackawareness to Hadoop 2 in vanilla plugin
tellesnobregacrobertsrh: yeah, not so much. lol I'm getting connection refused when i click on anything on sahara16:55
crobertsrhOk, is your sahara-api up and running?16:55
crobertsrhand can you hit that port from wherever your dashboard is running?16:56
tellesnobregai think that sahara-api is not runnign16:58
tellesnobregai tried runnig sahara via cli and got no connection16:58
crobertsrhah, ok.  That would definitely cause the error16:58
toskyuhm, I wonder if openstackgerrit could show also the branch where the change has been merged to16:58
tellesnobregacrobertsrh: i thought that devstack already started sahara16:59
crobertsrhdevstack *can* start the sahara-api if you add ENABLED_SERVICES+=,sahara  to your localrc (or local.conf)17:02
crobertsrhOtherwise, you would have to start it separately17:02
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dmitrymetellesnobrega: if you enable Sahara in devstack, it will not only start sahara-api, but will also automatically install Sahara UI plugin into the dashboard17:10
tellesnobregadmitryme: i will try that now17:11
tellesnobregadmitryme: thanks17:27
dmitrymetellesnobrega: sure, you are welcome17:28
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tellesnobregadmitryme: i'm trying to create a simple cluster, but there is no image showing in the base image. I registered the CirrOS image, but im still not getting any images to create the cluster17:48
dmitrymetellesnobrega: are you using vanilla plugin?17:49
dmitrymeit requires images with pre-installed Hadoop17:49
dmitrymeyou can find links here17:49
dmitrymealso the doc tells the required username and tags for images17:50
tellesnobregadmitryme: thanks17:50
dmitrymeas for the cirros, you will never spawn a Hadoop cluster on it. There is no plugin which supports cirros17:51
dmitrymealso note that only images for Hadoop 1.2.1 are listed here17:51
dmitrymeseems like we need to update the docs17:52
dmitrymeas we support Hadoop 2.3 since recenty17:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Removed possibility to run job w/o Oozie
tellesnobregadmitryme: i see, the ubuntu image is returnin 40418:04
dmitrymeanybody here knows why Ubuntu image is missing?18:05
dmitrymetellesnobrega: at least other images are present18:06
tellesnobregadmitryme: yes, im downloading centos18:06
tellesnobregadmitryme: after download how do i add the image to sahara?18:07
dmitrymein Sahara menu go to Image Registry tab. Here click on register image button18:13
dmitrymein the registration window provide 'cloud-user' username and two tags: 'vanilla' and '1.2.1'18:14
tellesnobregadmitryme: thanks18:15
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crobertsrhtmckay:  Did you happen to have a streaming MapReduce example anywhere handy?19:11
crobertsrhI'm trying to run against a cluster I finally got running on our internal stack, but it does not have Swift.  Trying to think of things to run that don't really need swift.19:12
crobertsrhI'll check the int tests...duh19:13
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tmckaycrobertsrh, yeah, it's in there.  I'm actually running one at the moment19:28
tmckaysorry I missed your bing19:28
crobertsrhno problem, it only took me 30 seconds to figure it out19:29
tmckay:) been playing with hadoop 219:29
crobertsrhI should probably keep better notes so I wouldn't have to re-learn each time I want to run something other than pig19:29
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tmckayI can't get pig working on hadoop 2 with swift.  It hangs in the map task forever20:00
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tmckayaignatov, is there a way to get a listing of image files available at  I'm wondering if something is wrong with my image20:01
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crobertsrhtmckay:  the plugin page always has "recent" images, well at least 1.2.1 images are there...
crobertsrhNot sure I see a 2.x image anywhere around there20:20
tmckayyeah, playing with 2.3.  So far, a mr and mr streaming job seems to run but I haven't been able to make pig work (java failed to but I may need a new example)20:22
tmckayI believe pig is passing on ci for hadoop 2, which is why I wondered what image or configs were being used20:22
tmckayI thought maybe it was hanging on swift stuff, but it appears to hang with hdfs too20:25
dmitrymetmckay: just checked the CI devstack. Indeed it has hadoop 2 images. Seems like guys forgot to publish images for it20:26
tmckaydmitryme, if those could be made available somewhere, that might help.20:27
tmckaythe only thing I'm getting that looks suspicious is this in one of the logs20:28
tmckaylog4j:ERROR Could not find value for key log4j.appender.CLA log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate appender named "CLA".20:28
crobertsrh+1.  I have built some images myself, but I'm not 100% sure that they are entirely correct yet.20:28
tmckaynot sure if that is killing it or not20:28
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dmitrymetmckay: they are around 1G size20:29
dmitrymeand I don't have access to sahara-files20:29
dmitryme(write access)20:29
tmckaydmitryme, okay, thanks20:30
dmitrymetmckay: do you use the Pig job from ?20:35
tmckaydmitryme, I tried that, and I also tried a pig job bundled with oozie examples that has no udf20:37
tmckayboth hang forever20:37
dmitrymelooking at Hadoop 2 tests seems like the job from resources is used in integration tests20:37
tmckaydmitryme, yes, I think you're right.  Which is why I think something is wong with my setup20:38
tmckayimage, or configs20:38
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dmitrymedo you mean cluster configs or Sahara configs?20:39
tmckaydmitryme, cluster configs20:42
tmckaydmitryme, mapreduce and mapreduce streaming run, and both can read/write swift20:42
tmckaypig hangs20:42
tmckayjava action, well, I think I need to compile something new20:42
tmckaystarts to run but complains that the swift credentials are not set20:43
tmckayIf I can get a pig job to finish, and java job to finish, I'll be happy :)20:43
tmckayThen I can work on getting bigpetstore to run20:43
tmckayI can try the java job from the savanna ci tests ...20:44
tmckaydifferent for vanilla 2 than vanilla20:44
dmitrymehmm, actually I think that the default configs are not changed20:45
dmitrymelook at the same file:20:45
dmitrymethere are defined methods like 'create_..._template' and 'create_cluster', but all of them have empty configs20:46
dmitrymeexcept they set dfs.replication to 120:46
dmitrymealso java and map reduce job binaries are taken from resources as well20:47
dmitrymedid you try them?20:47
tmckaydmitryme, yes, I've been looking at the test.  The mapreduce I've run I think is the same (it works).  Haven't tried the new java yet.  So, there is no special itest.conf that is used on savanna-ci?20:49
tmckayif there are no special configs, and pig fails, and it's the same pig job, then it has to be a difference in my cluster template, or something wrong with my image, I think.20:49
dmitrymeitest.conf - so you mean Savanna config file, right?20:49
tmckayAny non-default test configs for the integration test come from an itest.conf file20:50
dmitrymeaha, I see20:50
dmitrymewe have CI configs published here
dmitrymebut hell if I know where to look for config files20:51
tmckaythank you for your help20:51
tmckayI should verify that the vanilla2 java test action runs for me, then all I have to worry about still is pig20:52
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/python-saharaclient: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/sahara-dashboard: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/sahara-extra: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Updated from global requirements
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