Tuesday, 2014-04-01

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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Imported Translations from Transifex  https://review.openstack.org/8271906:06
openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [IDH302] Restoring cluster parameters after scaling  https://review.openstack.org/8436406:26
openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [IDH] Integration tests for IDH 3.0.2  https://review.openstack.org/7971906:26
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Fix default repo links and tarball links for IDH  https://review.openstack.org/8411807:35
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix check active nodemanagers for vanilla 2 plugin  https://review.openstack.org/8422811:23
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [IDH302] Restoring cluster parameters after scaling  https://review.openstack.org/8436411:41
openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/sahara: [IDH] Integration tests for IDH 3.0.2  https://review.openstack.org/7971911:41
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openstackgerritSofiia Kostiuchenko proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fixed tests failures when SKIP_ALL_TESTS_FOR_PLUGIN=True  https://review.openstack.org/8441711:54
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openstackgerritChad Roberts proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Updating dashboard user guide doc for icehouse  https://review.openstack.org/8416913:17
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openstackgerritSofiia Kostiuchenko proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fixed tests failures when SKIP_ALL_TESTS_FOR_PLUGIN=True  https://review.openstack.org/8441713:38
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tmckayelmiko, so this "how to add a new migration script" -- is that a new doc, or updating the README in migrations?  Do you know?13:46
tmckayelmiko_, ^^13:46
tmckayaignatov, SergeyLukjanov, ^^ do you know what we're aiming for here?  New section to the online docs, or review of the README?13:47
crobertsrhI was lost on that one too13:47
tmckayI think I survived on the README and common sense13:48
tmckayit wasn't too hard13:48
ErikBCan anyone comment on Code Freeze for IH?13:52
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tmckaycrobertsrh, hmm, looks to me like we just need a short section under developer guide "HowTo".  The installation guide under the "venv from pypy" section already has an instruction that will upgrade the database to "head".  If you're using RDO or Fuel, I'm gonna assume that the package handling/openstack does the right thing.14:18
tmckayAnd if you're in a weird space, the dev guide is still there14:18
tmckayprobably rip off most of the README with a few more words14:19
* tmckay crobertsrh == souding board :)14:20
tmckaysounding, even14:20
crobertsrhWhich page is this?14:20
dmitrymetmckay: regarding docs for migrations: user still needs to issue DB update command for RDO14:21
dmitrymeright now it is missing in the docs, I am going to fix it soon14:22
tmckaydmitryme, okay.  I was thinking it might be done by the rpm install, but what you say makes sense.  Are you okay with me adding a migration script section to the dev guide?14:23
dmitrymetmckay: sure, currently I have only Installation guide on me14:23
tmckaypretty much just the readme, with a few words about the revision numbers.  We have been using sequential, but that's just a convention14:23
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Update REST api docs  https://review.openstack.org/8424914:28
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aignatovErikB: what do you mean exactly?15:04
aignatovregarding feature freeze15:04
ErikBaignatov, yes feature freeze15:06
openstackgerritDenis Egorenko proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Add hadoop v2 support for IDH plugin  https://review.openstack.org/8306215:06
aignatovErikB: what is your question about Feature freeze? :)15:12
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ErikBaignatov, simply when15:21
mattfErikB, we're in it...15:22
aignatovErikB: feature freeze since Mar 415:22
aignatovas far as i remember15:22
mattfErikB, there's a pass for code w/i plugins tho, w/i reason15:23
mattftho, imho we should be locked down for the past 2 weeks15:23
IvanBerezovskiymattf, hi. could you please take a look on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/83062/ ?15:24
mattfoh man, idh15:25
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mattfIvanBerezovskiy, did you hear that idh is essentially dead in favor of cdh?15:26
IvanBerezovskiymattf, yes, of course. Denis fixed it15:27
mattfIvanBerezovskiy, it's on my radar for later today, thanks15:28
IvanBerezovskiymattf, thanks15:28
dmitrymemattf: am I right assuming that after Sahara RDO installation 'sahara-api' and 'sahara-db-manage' binaries are set in user's PATH?15:32
IvanBerezovskiymattf, I meant that Denis fixed the problem with mirrors for IDH :)15:35
tmckaydmitryme, I have a question about the alembic stuff, since we're  making edits.  In the README it says if you want to migrate from Icehouse to a later release you have to add version tracking to the database with " sahara-db-manage --config-file /path/to/sahara.conf stamp icehouse"15:35
tmckaydmitryme, but, there is no "icehouse" revision.  That won't work.15:35
mattfdmitryme, that's a very reasonable assumption. if it's not the case it's worth a BZ15:36
tmckayand if you've been using icehouse, don't you already have versioning in the db?15:36
dmitrymetmckay: sorry, I am not the right person to ask15:36
mattfdmitryme, are you working through an rdo install?15:36
tmckaydmitryme, okay, I'll use git blame :)15:36
dmitrymemattf: right, adding sahara-db-manage call to installation instructions15:37
tmckayah, aignatov, my friend :)  Called out by git blame15:37
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aignatovtmckay: I just renamed it :)15:39
tmckayaignatov, I don't understand this line in the database migration README, "sahara-db-manage --config-file /path/to/sahara.conf stamp icehouse".  There is no icehouse revision.15:39
tmckayaignatov, okay15:39
tmckaylooks like sreshetnyak, then15:39
mattfdmitryme, most rdo installs have been fresh (no db upgrade), so you may stumble on issues w/ savanna-db-manage. BZ them and we'll get them resolved.15:40
mattfthe hope is to have new sahara packages by the end of next week15:40
mattfand we can fold in fixes15:41
aignatovtmckay: I think this was done by example from other projects15:41
tmckayaignatov, okay.  Well, the "stamp" command is valid, but you have to stamp with a current revision.15:41
aignatovI think SergeyLukjanov is in progress to send patch about icehouse revision15:42
tmckayso, I suppose if you have a havanna database, you have to give it an initial empty stamp15:42
aignatovSince we don't have havana compatibility and alebik scripts were done by icehouse dev cycle15:43
aignatovwe can leave it as is :)15:43
tmckayaignatov, okay.  Should we remove that line from the README?  Or do we add an empty icehouse revision, and then make 001 migrate from icehouse?15:44
tmckayaignatov, I'm using the README as the basis for a devguide page, that'15:44
tmckaythat's why I'm asking15:45
toskywhen are stable branches created usually? (stable/icehouse in this case, like stable/havana)15:46
tmckaytruth is, 001 migrates from None, so I don't think an initial stamp is even needed15:46
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aignatovtmckay: 001 will create initial database15:49
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elmikotmckay: just got back, did you get an answer?15:51
tmckayelmiko, I think so.15:51
tmckayaignatov, are we combining all revisions into a single revision for icehouse?15:51
tmckayEven so, I think we can change the README to say how to use stamp in general, but I don't think we need the "if you want to migrate from Icehouse" part.  Don't want to confuse users15:52
aignatovtmckay: I'm not sure if will combine them, since we have not compatibility from havana I'd prefer to have 001 script only just for creating new icehouse database wit already all updated fields15:54
aignatovicehouse fields15:54
aignatovI agree about some confusing here15:54
aignatovactually in icehouse there will not be any migrations :)15:55
tmckay:)  Okay, I'll post a README change as part of adding the doc page, and folks can comment15:55
aignatovyes, I'm ok with any changes right now ^)15:55
tmckayaignatov, thanks15:55
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Fix db management: don't autocreate db on start  https://review.openstack.org/8275016:09
openstackgerritMatthew Farrellee proposed a change to openstack/sahara-image-elements: Actually abort on unrecognized platforms  https://review.openstack.org/8448516:09
mattfSergeyLukjanov, when are we opening for J dev?16:11
SergeyLukjanovmattf, after the rc116:12
* SergeyLukjanov reading scrollback16:12
mattfSergeyLukjanov, i noticed that nova already opened16:15
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SergeyLukjanovmattf, they already have rc116:19
elmikomattf: you realize that change you are proposing will totally break my el6 builder ;)16:20
SergeyLukjanovmattf, in fact Juno dev is open right after the rc1 cut (Icehouse dev moved to the milestone-proposed branch after the rc1)16:20
SergeyLukjanovrc1 is planned for Thu16:21
mattfelmiko, i do!16:21
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mattfelmiko, i have a followup change that enables rhel...when we have it working16:22
mattfSergeyLukjanov, ok, so the 3rd we open for J?16:23
toskyjust to be sure, does it mean "branch stable/icehouse created" ?16:23
SergeyLukjanovmattf, we should if everything will work not bad16:25
elmikomattf: cool16:25
SergeyLukjanovtosky, nope, it's a milestone-proposed branch16:25
SergeyLukjanovtosky, stable/icehouse will be created after the Icehouse release16:25
SergeyLukjanovapril 1716:25
toskySergeyLukjanov: will it be created from the milestone branch or from master? Otherwise I don't see how master can be used for Juno16:26
SergeyLukjanovtosky, it'll be created from the m-p branch16:26
toskymake sense, thanks16:26
SergeyLukjanovtosky, np16:27
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, I remember about my part in docs, should push it to review today I hope16:29
mattfelmiko, http://ur1.ca/gyjnk will unbreak you if you accept the "exit 2"16:31
toskydmitryme: you probably know about it, but there is a reference to the unified guest agent in the latest meeting minutes for Marconi16:31
SergeyLukjanovre migration - I'm going right now to push the squashed "icehouse" migration16:32
dmitrymetosky: yep , I did a little speech here :-)16:32
dmitrymebut thanks for letting me know16:32
toskydmitryme: ah, ok, I didn't check the full logs :)16:32
toskydmitryme: any interesting outcome (like interested people), if I can ask?16:32
dmitrymetosky: I am visiting different projects right now, seeing if they find the idea of agent reasonable16:33
dmitrymeMarconi is supposed to be a backend for the agent16:33
elmikoSergeyLukjanov: sounds good16:34
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dmitrymebasically Marconi welcome that idea16:35
dmitrymewhich is not a surprise since agent seems to a regular app consuming Marconi16:35
dmitrymeand every project would love to see it being used16:36
toskyeheh, right16:36
dmitrymeat least that is my feeling for Sahara16:36
dmitrymeright now i am sitting on Solum meeting16:36
dmitrymethey might be interested in consuming the agent16:37
dmitrymeam, I guess 'using' is a better word16:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: Fix check active nodemanagers for vanilla 2 plugin  https://review.openstack.org/8422817:01
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Compact all Icehouse migrations into single one  https://review.openstack.org/8449817:14
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Reserve 5 migrations for backports  https://review.openstack.org/8449917:14
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Open Juno dev  https://review.openstack.org/8450317:19
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SergeyLukjanovtmckay, I see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1277584 on you17:36
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, could you fix it before rc1?17:36
tmckaySergeyLukjanov, yes, I can do that as part of doc day17:37
SergeyLukjanovtmckay, thank you!17:37
openstackgerritSofiia Kostiuchenko proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Added parameters to configure a list of node group processes  https://review.openstack.org/8451017:55
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mattfErikB, is the root-passwd element required in hdp image building, or is it just for debugging access ?18:20
mattftosky, elmiko ^^18:20
ErikBmattf, just for debug afaik18:21
toskyyep, good question - it should be always possible to use the cloud-init user18:21
mattfwe should consider removing it from the elements line in create-diskimage18:22
mattfErikB, would ^^ be ok w/ you? you can always add it back for debugging18:22
toskyErikB: this is the issues we have found: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/129261418:22
mattfimho, it's kinda bad to provide a root backdoor to everyone18:22
mattfwe may or may not have spent 2 weeks stumbling over it18:22
* mattf grins18:23
ErikBmattf, hang on, let me get Bob on the line...18:23
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/sahara: [IDH302] Restoring cluster parameters after scaling  https://review.openstack.org/8436418:33
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bob_nettletonmattf, tosky, elmiko, ErikB just mentioned you were discussing https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/129261418:43
bob_nettletonif you'd like, we can modify the HDP images to remove this root-pwd element usage by default, but maybe provide a configuration flag to allow us to generate images with the root-pwd enabled?18:44
bob_nettletonit's very useful for image debugging, but sounds like it might make sense to remove the usage in the general case.18:44
toskybob_nettleton: but you already have a user with sudo permissions, the one defined through/with cloud-init18:45
bob_nettletontosky, ok, so this means you just want it removed completely? why is this element available in sahara-image-elements if using it is so problematic?18:46
toskybob_nettleton: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/129261418:46
mattfbob_nettleton, the element is designed for debugging, not deployment18:48
toskyas elmiko and mattf can testify, we spent quite a bit of time on that; my idea is that it could be possible to mount the /selinux directory if you run it from centos/rhel/fedora, but maybe it's simply not worth of18:48
mattfand it's old, may not be needed anymore18:48
bob_nettletonmattf, ok, then I'm ok with changing this to only be used in debugging mode, which wouldn't be the common case.18:50
bob_nettletonmattf, tosky, one thing that I'm not clear about though: if using root-pwd is a security backdoor, isn't the default cloud-init user basically the same?  As I mentioned, I'm ok with removing the usage of root-pwd, but just wasn't sure about this last point.18:51
mattfthe cloud-user should be protected by the keypair you give to the cluster18:52
bob_nettletonmattf, ok, thanks for clearing that up.18:53
mattfmy pleasure18:53
bob_nettletonmattf, tosky, ok, so I can create a patch for this (to remove the usage of root-pwd) from the HDP image generation, unless one of you has already created a patch, in that case I can review it if you'd like.  either is fine with me.  just let me know...18:54
toskyno patches so far, we were waiting to understand the reason for the password before trying to kill it :)18:55
mattfbob_nettleton, happy to review the patch and give you the commit18:56
mattf(make that hwx share of pie bigger)18:56
bob_nettletontosky, ok.  thanks for the heads-up on this.18:57
bob_nettletonmattf, tosky, I'll create the patch then.  As you mentioned, it will help me increase my newbie statistics on OpenStack.  :)18:58
bob_nettletonmattf, tosky, I'll treat the patch as a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1292614, unless anyone has an objection to that.18:59
toskyno objection from me19:02
mattfbob_nettleton, it doesn't fix the root-passwd bug, just lets us avoid root-passwd. pls leave the bug.19:06
toskySergeyLukjanov: thanks for jumping in; I was planning to coordinate, I guess it will happen sooner than what I expected19:07
SergeyLukjanovtosky, it was started in december I think19:08
SergeyLukjanovtosky, by adding API tests to tempest as the first step, then simple CLI tests19:08
SergeyLukjanovtosky, me and ylobankov working on this tempest stuff19:09
toskythat was my next question (who should I bother :)19:09
SergeyLukjanovtosky, in two words plan is to have scenarios in sahara repo /contrib/tempest/scenario/data_processing that'll run the same integration tests as now19:10
SergeyLukjanovand run them in sahara-ci instead of current ones19:10
toskySergeyLukjanov: so not in the tempest repository?19:10
SergeyLukjanovtosky, it's not really good to place tests that could not be executed in current openstack infra into tempest19:11
toskyI see19:11
SergeyLukjanovbut intention is to move them to tempest when will be able to run them there19:11
toskyso the difference is that the new ones will follow the "tempest" structure, being in fact tempest test, but just living in a different place - is that correct?19:11
SergeyLukjanovand we'll run them in sahara-ci just by "cp sahara/contrib/tempest/* tempest/"19:12
SergeyLukjanovtosky, yup19:12
toskyok, I need to commute now, thanks again for the help19:13
SergeyLukjanovtosky, sure, np19:13
SergeyLukjanovtosky, there was a plan that ylobankov will work on it in Juno19:13
bob_nettletonmattf, tosky, so I should file a separate bug for removing the usage of root-pwd from the HDP image generation?19:13
mattfbob_nettleton, gut says a good commit message should be enough19:14
toskySergeyLukjanov: as I will have to work on <some scenario tests>, if you don't mind, I can cooperate/accelerate it19:14
SergeyLukjanovtosky, on the other side I'd like to have fake plugin and test the whole provisioning layer in the tempest in gate and make heat gating on our heat-based provisioning19:14
SergeyLukjanovtosky, it'll be great, we should collaborate on it19:14
SergeyLukjanovtosky, when do you want to start working on it?19:15
bob_nettletonmattf, ok, I was under the impression that a patch had to be either a blueprint impl or bug fix, but if I don't need it for this one, that's fine.  thanks!19:15
toskySergeyLukjanov: as soon as I can have a working setup in my environment, which is something we were discussing ^^ :)19:15
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SergeyLukjanovtosky, okay, so, we can chat with you and ylobankov when you'll be ready19:16
toskySergeyLukjanov: but I can talk for sure about the planning, on the "how it should look like" and "what are the steps"19:16
SergeyLukjanovanyway, testing/docs could be the better effort before the release :)19:16
toskyeh, having a working setup is already a testing (and we did some fix - ok, centos-oriented, but still fixes :)19:17
SergeyLukjanovtosky, yup, sure ;)19:20
tellesnobregaSergeyLukjanov: hi, im starting to do some research in sahara, and i'm aiming to enable real-time processing in sahara, do you have any opinions on this? if it's a good idea, not possible, desirable?]19:26
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add a page to the developer guide on Alembic migrations  https://review.openstack.org/8453019:39
tmckayelmiko, weeha, another one19:39
elmikonice :)19:39
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openstackgerritSofiia Kostiuchenko proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Added parameters to configure a list of node group processes  https://review.openstack.org/8451019:42
SergeyLukjanovtellesnobrega, hey19:44
SergeyLukjanovtellesnobrega, I was working a lot with Twitter Storm (when it was Twitter yet)19:45
SergeyLukjanovtellesnobrega, so, I'm thinking that we'll support it someday in sahara19:45
tellesnobregaSergeyLukjanov: that is good news19:46
SergeyLukjanovtellesnobrega, but currently, our EDP API supports only Oozie, so, we're limited to the features it provides19:46
tellesnobregaSergeyLukjanov: i'm starting my masters degree now, and its related to real-time processing. My idea is to implement real-time in sahara. I'm not familiar with Oozie and how it limit the functionalities, but do you it is feasible?19:48
tellesnobregaSergeyLukjanov: i'm completely new to sahara, up to now i have only read about it19:48
SergeyLukjanovtellesnobrega, I think that you should try to go through the docs to install and play with sahara as the first step19:54
SergeyLukjanovtellesnobrega, we have some thoughts to make oozie pluggable, so, we'll be able to use other (self-written too) jobs management tools19:54
SergeyLukjanovtellesnobrega, to support any data processing framework for ex.19:54
tellesnobregaSergeyLukjanov: sounds good. I will start looking into it. And work so we can get it forward. I'm sure that we can get this done19:56
SergeyLukjanovtellesnobrega, I think it's really depends only on EDP pluggability that will be discussed on Atlanta summit I think19:57
openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add a paragraph discouraging modification of upstream files  https://review.openstack.org/8453619:57
tellesnobregaSergeyLukjanov: sure, i will be there, i will find out when this discussion is going to take place and try to attend it19:58
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elmikoSergeyLukjanov: i saw your comment about local.conf vs localrc, should we mention both since devstack.org is recommending using local.conf in their docs?20:08
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openstackgerritTrevor McKay proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Add a page to the developer guide on Alembic migrations  https://review.openstack.org/8453020:11
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, you can enable sahara only in the localrc I think20:12
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, by enable_service sahara or ENABLED_SERVICES+=,sahara20:12
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elmikoor you can put it in local.conf20:13
elmikodevstack is migrating from localrc to local.conf20:13
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, hm, sounds like I miss something :)20:13
elmikoat least is was working that way yesterday from devstack20:13
elmikobut for the docs, maybe we should mention using either localrc or local.conf?20:14
SergeyLukjanovelmiko, ++20:19
elmikook, will do20:19
tellesnobregaSergeyLukjanov: can you explain what is the role of Oozie in sahara?20:26
tellesnobregaSergeyLukjanov: its the scheduler right? for map-reduce20:27
tmckaytellesnobrega, Oozie is a service that lets you describe map reduce jobs as xml in a workflow.xml file20:28
tmckaytellesnobrega, it has lots and lots of functionality.  Sahara wraps jobs in Oozie workflows and submits them to the Oozie server20:29
tmckayso, yes, it's the scheduler.20:29
SergeyLukjanovtellesnobrega, sorry, it's already 12:29 am for me, so, I'm mostly lurking20:29
tellesnobregaSergeyLukjanov: no problem20:29
tmckayGenerating workflows for Oozie allowed us to provide basic job types very easily, without worrying about managing hadoop commands directly20:30
tmckaytellesnobrega, but Sahara does not expose all the power that Oozie has.  One thing we need to add imho is the ability to upload Oozie workflows created outside of Sahara20:30
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SergeyLukjanovtmckay, yup, it's a good idea20:31
tmckayhe left :)20:31
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tellesnobregatmckay: sorry20:32
tellesnobregaim having some computer problems, it closed the irc20:32
tmckaynp :)20:33
tmckaytellesnobrega, anyway, I've worked on EDP a bunch, and the Oozie stuff, so I can maybe answer some of your questions.  I'll be in Atlanta, too20:33
tellesnobregatmckay: so, every job given to sahara today is given to oozie?20:33
tmckaythere is a piece called the job_manager that generates workflows and submits them to Oozie20:34
tellesnobregatmckay: for what im planning, the idea is to use marconi as the queue, give to a scheduler and put the messages to the instances for processing in real-time20:36
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tellesnobregaim not sure if it fits in sahara, or should be something diferent , reusing maybe the instance provisioning part20:38
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tmckaytellesnobrega, I'm not familiar with marconi but I should take a look.  I think like Sergey noted, if we can make EDP pluggable we should be able to do anything20:45
tmckaytellesnobrega, sahara really only has a few abstractions.  A job wraps a collection of binaries (apps, supporting libs), and references an input and output data source.  That gets submitted to a cluster.  That's about it.20:47
tmckaytellesnobrega, so, there are some details, like naming the main class for a Java job.  But in general, as long as we can pass off apps and specify paths to input and output, we should be able to map to anything.20:47
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tellesnobregatmckay: sounds good to me. I will keep going on my research, we can discuss this with more details at the summit, and when i have some more questions i will be back here20:51
tmckaytellesnobrega, okay, I'm here pretty much every day :)20:52
tellesnobregatmckay: sure, thanks20:52
openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Updating the setup development environment docs for icehouse  https://review.openstack.org/8420620:54
openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Updating the vanilla image building docs  https://review.openstack.org/8454721:04
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openstackgerritMichael McCune proposed a change to openstack/sahara: Updating the vanilla image building docs  https://review.openstack.org/8454721:14
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elmikoi'm trying to start a cluster and i get this error in my sahara logs "sahara.context BadRequest: Error. Unable to associate floating ip (HTTP 400)" has anyone seen that before?21:34
dmitrymeelmiko: nope, but did you try to manually assign floating IPs to instances?21:35
dmitrymemaybe its broken21:35
elmikodmitryme: would i need to turn off use_floating_ips in my config then?21:36
elmikoit's not even starting the instances21:36
dmitrymeelmiko: hmmm, why do you think it is not even starting the instances? Floating IPs are assigned after the instances are started21:37
elmikooh, i don't see the instances in dashboard when before i could see them starting21:37
dmitrymemy guess would be that the following occurs:21:38
dmitryme1. You spin up cluster21:38
dmitryme2. Sahara starts instances21:38
dmitryme3. Sahara tries to assigne floating IPs to instances21:38
dmitryme4. Sahara fails and rolls back deleting all the resources allocated for the cluster, instances included21:39
elmikoahh, that makes sense21:39
elmikoi see that it created a floating ip port, it just fails to assign it21:39
dmitrymeso I would propose to start an instance and try to assign floating IP to it via Horizon21:40
elmikoi'll give it a shot21:40
elmikowhen i spin up the instance it gives an ip address, but when i try to assign a new floating ip i see an error about the external network not being reachable from the subnet, hmm21:42
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juicedmitryme: are you still around?23:43
dmitrymejuice: yep23:43
juicegreat - so we have this issue that we are trying to solve for trove23:44
juicethe basic issue is that as a service, our instances are visible in nova to the end user23:44
juicethere in nova, they can do as they please with the instance that we (trove) are trying to manage for them23:44
juicewe considered creating/owning all instances in nova with the same system-user23:45
dmitrymejuice: frankly, we don't feel like that is an issue for us. And what is the problem with the approach you outlined?23:46
juicewell the primary issue is that there are "secrets" on the guest instance that would do not want the user getting access to23:47
dmitrymeaha, yep I understand your reason23:48
juicealso doing things like "snapshot/restore" could cause problems with two agents running on the vms23:48
dmitrymeso, why creating instances in a dedicated tenant/domain does not help?23:48
juiceit would and we can do something like that but some folks in trove suggested adding a "managed" tag in nova instances to prevent end user fiddling23:50
juiceso I am here to see if that is something that would be useful for you guys23:50
juicethat is, once the instance is tagged, all interactions must come from the corresponding service.23:50
dmitrymejuice: I am afraid it is not. You see, unlike Trove Sahara gives full access to the instances anyway23:51
juicedmitryme: I see well - looks like we are all alone on this one :)23:51
dmitrymeregarding using tags, try proposing that in the list23:52
juicedmitryme: so just one quick question23:52
juiceif a user logs into one of the nodes in the cluster and just does something wrong that compromises the whole cluster...is that just a "at your own risk" type of issue?23:53
dmitrymemy opinion is yes. I always viewed cluster as a single entity and never thought of setting up an 'inner' security23:55
dmitrymesure besides some regular things which work for outside world as well. Firewall for instance23:56
juicedmitryme: ok that is cool - it's good to talk about this stuff to better understand how other components in openstack line up23:56
juicethanks for your time23:56
dmitrymejuice: right23:56
dmitrymethanks for your time as well23:57
juiceoh when do you think there will be a skeleton of the unified guest agent so we can look around at the code?23:57
dmitrymethat is a good question23:57
dmitrymeright now I am spending my time partially on advertising the agent and partially on other Sahara stuff23:58
dmitrymeI think 1-2 month later23:58
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