Thursday, 2024-07-18

opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: Add python-consul2 to global requirements
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opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
fricklertonyb: prometheanfire: ^^ we really need someone to look at all the non-upgradeable libs, make dedicated patches to track those and nag projects to fix their issues. like this would almost have re-done the broken oslo.log bump06:24
tonybfrickler: I'd be happy to merge something to global-requirements to exclude the broken versions of things.06:45
tonybfrickler: If you update the etherpad with a slightly more verbose version of the commit message from 922558 I/We can work on adding the required caps to make generate constraints work better06:47
fricklertonyb: well except for oslo.log, IMO these aren't broken things, but progress that openstack needs to adapt to. so permanently excluding new versions isn't the right path forward07:08
fricklerthe problem is that with u-c in place, projects don't easily learn about the need to adapt, so likely someone needs to tell them07:09
fricklerand I also really would like to see myself needing to invest less work into this07:11
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tonybfrickler: Well we can for sure add the exclusion of oslo.log as a step one.07:42
tonybIn terms of getting things to a place where you can invest less time in this. do you have any suggestions.07:43
tonybI'm kinda half seeing a process where we are "less protective" early in the cycle and let disruptive changes through, and then switch to something closer to what we're doing now07:47
tonybI'd like to modify the process we use for constraints generation to a) make it handle multiple pythons better which is in progress ; b) make it easier and less of a public contract to block updates to save the painful week to week manual updates that you need to do ; and c) (optional) remove the xfails stuff which doesn't seem helpful anymore07:49
tonybfrickler, prometheanfire: I'd be keen to set up a couple of dedicated times to talk through the the constraints process pain-points and improvements we want to make07:54
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for openstacksdk to new release 3.3.0
fricklerdoing some meeting to talk this through sounds like a good idea, let's try to find some overlap in our timezones. for me between 5 - 18 UTC would be good, a bit later might still be possible if needed09:28
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