Thursday, 2019-06-06

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.service to new release 1.40.0
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/stein: update constraint for ironic-lib to new release 2.16.3
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-traits to new release 0.14.0
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for openstacksdk to new release 0.30.0
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/queens: update constraint for ironic-lib to new release 2.12.3
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/rocky: update constraint for python-ironicclient to new release 2.5.3
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for python-troveclient to new release 2.18.0
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/rocky: update constraint for ironic-lib to new release 2.14.2
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for python-octaviaclient to new release 1.9.0
dtantsurhi folks, I see mass uploaded patches to bump openstackdocstheme to >= 1.30.0. is it a coordinated effort?07:45
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prometheanfiredtantsur: not by me, you ask in -releases?14:04
dtantsurno. looks like someone's personal initiative to me..14:04
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openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
smcginnisdtantsur: Yeah, I think personal initiative.15:31
smcginnisThis is why I miss the reqs sync. ^15:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-traits to new release 0.14.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for openstacksdk to new release 0.30.0
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for glance_store to new release 0.29.0
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for python-ironicclient to new release 2.8.0
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os_vif to new release 1.16.0
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/stein: update constraint for python-octaviaclient to new release 1.8.1
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/queens: update constraint for python-octaviaclient to new release 1.4.1
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/rocky: update constraint for python-ironicclient to new release 2.5.3
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/rocky: update constraint for python-octaviaclient to new release 1.6.1
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/stein: update constraint for ironic-lib to new release 2.16.3
prometheanfiretonyb: dirk: smcginnis: I think that we have to have another file (like global-requirements but not) just to cap things that are dropping support for py27 and the like.21:18
prometheanfirereasoning is that if we add something to global reqs that is gpl or something just to cap it, then the bot won't catch it when #random-project adds it to it's requirements.txt21:19
prometheanfirewe talked about it two meetings ago and thought of that as composing an email I WAS going to send to the list21:20
prometheanfireat this point I don't think there's a workable solution for a single file21:20
tonyb[m]I think that's a mistake, but frankly I lack the headspace to really think about the consequences or implementation21:38
prometheanfiretonyb: we'd need a way of preventing projects from defining a depenency on the 'not really global-requirements.txt' entries21:40
prometheanfireif we can figure that out, a single file can work, probably21:40
tonyb[m]I understand what you are saying I just really really want to think we can solve this problem with communication rather than tools21:41
tonyb[m]Tools that will be unneeded in 6 months21:42
tonyb[m]Like I said I don't really have the headspace but I think adding more tools/data isn't the right approach21:45
tonyb[m]But as I can't really engage I'll leave it up to you21:45
smcginnisI wonder how our enforcement of those things would work too. Meaning how we could have the separate file that is able to cap things, and how that would need to work with pip and our requirements-check jobs.22:05
prometheanfirewe generate from two requirements files, not one22:06
prometheanfirepip install -r foo.txt -r bar.txt22:06
prometheanfirepip freeze22:06
smcginnisFrom the project perspective, would they all need to be updated to have pip install -r requirements.txt -c uc-1 -c uc-2?22:07
prometheanfireno, we are still generating a single constraints file22:07
prometheanfirethe second requirements file is for internal use only (to generate th uc.txt)22:08
smcginnisAh, OK. So the requirements-check job that runs in other repos to make sure they match global-requirements wouldn't need to change.22:08
smcginnisOK, that does at least seem technically doable.22:09
tonybThat'll work in the gate but not outside that environment22:35
prometheanfiretonyb: what do you mean? the generated upper-constraints will work anywhere (what won't work)?22:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for python-octaviaclient to new release 1.9.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
tonybprometheanfire: pip install $foo (without -c) will fail if we split the requirements the way you're suggestig22:39
tonybprometheanfire: and for better or worse that's still the 'default'22:39
prometheanfiretonyb: so are you proposing we allow projects to define stuff not currently in global-reqs into their reqs.txt?  because that's the only fix I think (for that specific situation)22:43
tonybprometheanfire: No I'm not poposing that22:43
tonybprometheanfire: I'm not proposing anything22:43
* prometheanfire likes poposing more22:44
tonybprometheanfire: I'm just pointing out that 2 files, as you described it, wont work22:44
tonybprometheanfire: that's why in the past we've used the 'indirect deps section' in g-r for this situation22:44
prometheanfirewell, it works for gate, I can propose the alternative (as I don't know another way to fix that) to the list for review (would need legal signoff too) though22:44
prometheanfireit's just that we are going to use this much more in the future22:45
tonybprometheanfire: I'm aware of the issues with that and lack the time to come up with a better solution but I can still see what wont work22:45
tonybI think that the best approach is to clearly describe the problem22:46
tonybThe one workable solution we have amd the issues with that and call for ideas22:46
tonybif we don't get any then we need to talk to 'legal'22:46
tonyband then feed that conversation back into the community22:46
prometheanfirefun email22:47
tonybYeah fun and long22:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for python-troveclient to new release 2.18.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.service to new release 1.40.0

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