Friday, 2025-03-14

opendevreviewYasufumi Ogawa proposed openstack/releases master: Release tacker RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
*** elodilles_pto is now known as elodilles08:19
rpittauelodilles, frickler, about sushy-tools release can't we just release that considering that it's an independent project?08:40
fricklerrpittau: iiuc you can still do a release, but it won't make it into upper-constraints for 2025.1, at least not before reqs are branched08:46
rpittaufrickler: what's the reason behind that? is there any conflict or breakage?08:47
fricklerrpittau: it is requirements freeze time, we do not update any external requirements during that period, and iiuc independent projects are treated like external in that context08:48
fricklerthe main reason I think is to allow distros to prepare their packaging08:49
rpittauok, I see, I missed the window! :/08:51
elodillesrpittau: what frickler says. since sushy-tools is not a library, i guess it has low risk to break things, so if you really want it to be part of 2025.1 Epoxy then an RFE can be requested and granted in my opinion09:05
rpittauelodilles: would love that! :)09:06
elodilles(especially as an independent project does not have stable branches, thus stable release is not possible :S)09:07
rpittauelodilles: how do I move forward with the RFE?09:07
elodillesrpittau: could you please drop a mail to ML with eg '[requirements][release] RFE request for sushy tools for 2025.1 Epoxy' subject with some explanation of why it is needed and how risky it is to release at requirements freeze time09:09
rpittauelodilles: will do, thanks!09:09
elodillesthanks too o/09:09
elodilleshmm, btw, we might not need an RFE, since sushy tools is not in upper-constraints (as it's not a library or such)09:15
elodillesrpittau: ^^^09:16
elodillesrelease-team: can you please confirm my thinking (or say if i'm wrong o:)) about the above ^^^? (tl;dr: we could release sushy-tools without a RFE as it is not a library and not listed in requirements repository)09:25
ttxIndependent projects are not really part of the release (no stable/2025.1 branch) so yes we don;t need a RFE09:29
frickler+1 (actually +2d the change already earlier)09:30
fricklerbtw. I'm out now until the meeting, may even be a bit late again, but I'll do my best09:31
ttxWe are treating them as regular other Python projects. For libraries we freeze the bump so it's mostly useless to release them during the requirements freeze09:31
ttxbut for sushy-tools it makes sense09:31
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/releases master: Release manila-ui RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
elodillesthanks ttx frickler o/ 09:35
elodillesfrickler: ACK09:35
elodillesyepp, oslo libraries that are still in _independent would need an RFE09:35
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release sushy-tools 2.0.0
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh09:49
rpittauthanks everyone! :)10:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: EOL for ironic-lib in stable/2025.1 branch
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release neutron-dynamic-routing RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release networking-bagpipe RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release adjutant-ui RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release skyline-console RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release skyline-apiserver RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release barbican RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release heat RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release networking-sfc RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release manila-ui RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release manila RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release tap-as-a-service RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release networking-bgpvpn RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release neutron-vpnaas-dashboard RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release ovn-octavia-provider RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
sean-k-mooneyelodilles: gmann: general question about packaging adn release. what shoudl we be doing for thing like the watcher-tempest-plugin13:04
sean-k-mooneywe dont plan to branch13:04
sean-k-mooneybuit its cycle with intermediary13:04
sean-k-mooneyso it has an m1 tag already 13:05
sean-k-mooneyshoudl we tag a release not for rc1/ga13:05
sean-k-mooneywil that be proposed vai a script? or should sw ejust not tag until supprot is being droped for a stable release?13:06
sean-k-mooneyjobs on master and stable branches just use the master of the plugin anyway so tag are not really needed although pakcageres might use them13:07
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: Release tacker RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release heat-dashboard RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release ansible-role-thales-hsm RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release ansible-role-lunasa-hsm RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release ansible-role-atos-hsm RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
ttx#startmeeting releaseteam14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Mar 14 14:00:41 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:00
fricklero/ just in time14:00
ttxPing list: release-team armstrong 14:00
ttxfrickler: o/14:01
ttxOur agenda is at:14:01
ttx#topic Review task completion14:01
* ttx has a hard stop at :45 to go to a medical appointment14:02
ttx- Process any remaining library branching exception. (all)14:02
elodillesahh, we still have the oslo branching :S14:03
ttxshould we rebase the last change?14:03
elodillesi can do it in a sec14:03
ttx- On Monday, generate release requests for all deliverables that do not have a suitable candidate yet. (elod)14:03
ttx(would be good to merge the oslo thing today)14:04
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: [oslo] Create 2025.1 branch for client and non-client libs
elodillesttx: agreed, let's force merge oslo branching ASAP today14:05
ttxFor RC1s... we have 7 blocked with a -1, and the others did not get anyfeedback14:06
ttx(27 of them)14:06
ttxI feel like we should force-merge them... maybe Monday after a last reminder?14:06
elodillesyepp. a lot have merged, but still many open.14:07
fricklertime to fill the next "bad boys" list?14:07
elodillesttx: Monday sounds good to me14:07
ttx(we should hold a week for the -1ed)14:07
ttxfrickler: yes14:07
elodillesttx: +1 for the -1'd ones o:)14:07
ttxI will be on a plane most of Monday so don't wait for my +214:08
ttxre: the CWIs, Swift looks ready, Ironic is held back14:08
elodillesttx: ACK, thanks for the heads up, then we'll do the reviews :)14:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release neutron-fwaas-dashboard RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
ttxand the devstack plugins were merged14:09
ttxcan we get a second +2 on ?14:09
funginote sean-k-mooney had a question earlier today about tagging a tempest plugin too14:10
elodilles(i've +2+W'd the swift release+branching patch)14:10
ttx- For ironic-lib, push two patches to phase it out (the 2025.1-eol addition then the deletion of the file) (frickler)14:10
ttxThose patches are up, we'll discuss the second one in open discussion14:10
ttx- Team get registered to PTG and slot booked (ttx)14:11
ttxThat was done14:11
elodillesthx o/14:12
ttx#topic Assign R-2 week tasks14:12
ttxI prefer not to commit for anything unfortunately14:12
elodillesi've added my name to the tasks14:12
ttxThanks elodilles !14:13
elodillesif anyone wants to do any of the tasks then feel free to hijack14:13
ttx#topic Review weekly countdown email14:13
ttxlet me know if it's good to go and I'll post it shortly after meeting14:15
ttx#topic Open Discussion14:16
ttxWe should probably discuss
elodilles(added a minor edit for: '2025.2 Flamingo')14:16
ttx(the ironic-lib deletion)14:16
ttxThere is no good answer, only a lesser evil14:16
ttxAt this stage, I think deletion is better14:17
ttxas otherwise it may confuse Epoxy packagers14:17
ttxa tag in there that is not in releases.o.o is a lesser evil imho14:17
fricklerdidn't we already agree on that last week?14:18
ttxIf yes then Elod can +2a14:19
ttxHe voiced concerns that I did not want to overrule14:19
ttx(yes I think we agreed last week)14:19
fricklerthe only question would be whether to do the actual branch deletion first?14:20
elodillessorry, i thought we had a way-forward o:)14:20
elodillesso i agree :)14:20
elodillesfrickler: do we need to wait anything?14:20
ttxelodilles: no I think you can +2a14:20
elodillesor should i just +2+W?14:20
elodilles(tagging or something?)14:20
fungi#link for where ironic-lib was discussed last week14:21
ttxthe tag should be there14:21
ttx(I approved it this morning)14:21
ttxso +2w should be fine14:22
elodillesACK, doing it now14:22
fungiand yeah, branch deletion first sounded like a good idea because 1. it's not going to get any backports and 2. it will be harder to delete after the removal change merges14:22
fungiplus 3. it's likely to get forgotten otherwise14:22
ttxAlright.. Anything else to discuss? Any release red flag?14:22
ttxelodilles: let us know when you have the Oslo patch refreshed so that we can fast-approve it today14:23
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [swift] Release for 2025.1 Epoxy
elodillesttx: oslo patch is done:
fricklerso I'll start the deletion script after the meeting and report how it goes14:24
ttxOK I'll wait for test results14:24
ttxanything else?14:24
elodillesnothing from me14:24
ttxperfect, hopefully that will be a straightforward final release process. Epoxy makes solid compounds.14:25
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Mar 14 14:25:27 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:25
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
ttxThanks everyone!14:25
elodillesfrickler: ACK, thanks, ping me if we are ready14:25
fricklerlol, thx ttx 14:25
elodilles(or just +W the ironic patch o:))14:25
elodillesthanks ttx o/14:26
elodillessean-k-mooney: i'll generate the tempest-plugin release patches on Monday14:36
fricklerelodilles: 2025-03-14 14:35:51.800202 | Branch stable/2025.1 successfully deleted from openstack/ironic-lib!14:36
elodillesfrickler: ACK, +W'ing the patch then.14:36
fricklerneeded to tweak epoxy to unmaintained locally for the script to pick it up, but should all be fine now14:36
sean-k-mooneyelodilles: cool, im happy with folowin gthe normal pattern for tempest plugins so ill keep an eye out for it14:45
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/releases master: Release neutron-vpnaas RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/releases master: Release neutron-fwaas RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Deprecate ironic-lib
opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/releases master: Nova 2025.1 Epoxy cycle highlights
gmannsean-k-mooney: like tempest and its plugin, you can make at least one release per cycle for watcher-tempest-plugin also. 16:10
sean-k-mooneywe did it at m116:17
sean-k-mooneyi just was nto sure if we also did it at rc1/ga16:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [oslo] Create 2025.1 branch for client and non-client libs
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/releases master: Release neutron RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy

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