Wednesday, 2024-06-26

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opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/releases master: Release os-ken 2.9.0
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release Neutron (Neutron Dalmatian beta 1)
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: Release virtualpdu 2.1.0
fricklerrelease-team: rpittau: annonce-release failure: "pkg-config binary is required to compile libvirt-python" not sure why that only failed there and not elsewhere?
fricklerhmm, maybe that job needs to include bindep?
rpittaummm looks like it 15:19
fricklerhmm, that job uses the releases bindep. that's not too helpful in this case
fricklerbut I'd be surprised if virtualpdu is the only deliverable with such a dependency. or maybe it is?15:21
rpittaufrom ironic also virtualbmc and sushy-tools15:33
fricklerah, I think I found the issue. u-c still has libvirt-python===10.3.0, so we have no wheel built for libvirt-python===10.4.0 which is the latest version. not sure if it would be better if that job would actually use upper-constraints though? or rather fix to use the correct bindep?15:52
fricklerclarkb: fungi: ^^ maybe you have some idea?15:53
clarkbpip's default is to prefer the newest version of a pacakge even if wheels don't exist for it. You can set a binary only flag to prefer wheel versions. In this case I think that the bindep file is deficient because anyone running this at home won't/shouldn't be using our wheel mirror and they will fail15:54
clarkbits probably best to ensure you can build the wheel locally via bindep deps and then let the wheel caching catch up later15:55
fungiyeah, since libvirt-python is only distributed in sdist/source form, making bindep include correct dependencies for building wheels of it is "the right way"15:56
fungiwe pre-build and cache wheels of things in constraints in order to speed up jobs, because there's no point in repeatedly testing that you can build a wheel of the same version of libvirt-python, but it's only meant as a convenience15:56
fungia developer trying to run tox on their workstation very likely won't be pulling our pre-built wheels from our mirror farm/afs15:57
fricklerwell the bindep file for virtualpdu is correct, the job however is using bindep from the release repo instead, which seems wrong15:59
frickleror maybe it even needs to use both bindep files in this scenario?15:59
fungiprobably, yes. or else the release repo needs a bindep file that contains the union of bindep entries for all projects it's handling16:01
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