Thursday, 2024-06-20

*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas00:12
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas01:44
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas08:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [ironic-tempest-plugin] Tag zed-last
opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [Puppet OpenStack] Add release note links for caracal
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas12:08
fricklertimburke: not sure if you're away for longer or just missed my ping during the meeting last week. please let me know when you have time discussing the deletion of old swift feature branches12:46
*** haleyb|out is now known as haleyb13:34
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel14:59
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|away15:00
*** jph5 is now known as jph17:46
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas18:02
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas18:14

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