Friday, 2022-02-04

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elodillesreminder: weekly meeting in 10 mins13:49
hberauddamani: FYI ^13:58
elodillesit's time!14:00
elodilleslet's start14:00
elodilles#startmeeting releaseteam14:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Fri Feb  4 14:01:14 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam'14:01
elodillesPing list: hberaud ttx armstrong 14:01
elodillesi mean14:02
elodilleswe are way down around line 23114:02
elodillesso nice to see so many participants :)14:03
elodilleslet's start with the 1st topic14:04
elodilles#topic Review task completion14:04
elodillesthere was only 1 task for the week (beyond the countdown mail one):14:05
elodilles* Make sure the next development series name has been added to the data/series_status.yaml file (elod)14:05
elodillesso far the next release name is not announced yet,14:06
elodillesand if i'm not mistaken that is needed for this task14:06
elodillesso this needs a follow up14:07
elodilles#action (elod) Make sure the next development series name has been added to data/series_status.yaml, when it is announced14:08
hberaudalso we could move it to the next meeting agenda14:09
hberaudjust in case14:09
elodillesgood idea, i've added it to 'next week tasks'14:10
ttxHopefully should have a name validated in < 2 weeks14:10
diablo_rojo_phoneWe should have the name in the next week or so14:10
elodillesfingers crossed :]14:10
diablo_rojo_phonelol jinx :)14:10
elodillesgood. i think we can move on14:10
elodilles#topic Assign R-7 week tasks14:11
elodillesttx volunteered for the 1st task as i see: Review Skyline ACL settings14:11
ttxyep, with the repo transitioned and all we are ready to fix acl there14:12
elodillesany volunteer for this one? 'Notify the Infrastructure team to generate an artifact signing key (but not replace the current one yet), and begin the attestation process.'14:12
diablo_rojo_phoneI can do it14:13
diablo_rojo_phoneAdded my name there14:13
elodillesdiablo_rojo_phone: thanks \o/14:13
elodilleshberaud took the 3rd task: Check with the Technical Committee to make sure Python runtimes have been determined for the next development cycle and that Zuul job templates have been created to include those runtimes14:14
damanii can work work hberaud14:14
hberaudyou're welcome14:14
elodillesand the follow-up we discussed above + countdown mail are on me14:14
damaniwith 14:14
hberauddamani: sure14:15
elodillesdamani hberaud : even better, thanks! :]14:15
hberauddamani: when are you available next week?14:15
damanituesday ?14:15
damanior monday morning 14:15
hberaudI prefer monday morning14:16
damanilet's go for monday morning :)14:16
hberaudlet me ping you in the middle of the morning14:16
hberaudthanks damani!14:16
damanihberaud, you're welcome :)14:17
elodillesnice :) so we are done with this topic14:17
elodillesnext one:14:17
elodilles#topic Review countdown email contents14:18
elodillesplease review ^^^14:18
elodillesis March 24th the final rc deadline?14:20
elodillesawesome, thanks! I'll send it some time after the meeting14:22
elodillesmove on to the final topic:14:22
elodilles#topic Open Discussion14:22
elodillesrosmaita added a point here: 'I have a question about what to do about a crazy glance test that is related to the release major version'14:23
elodillesrosmaita: if you are around ^^^14:23
rosmaitayeah, the info is on the agenda14:24
rosmaitawe have a situation where the way we set up database migrations requires a constant that indicates the current release name14:24
rosmaitaand if we forget to update, the migrations don't work14:25
rosmaitawhich happened once14:25
rosmaitaso we have a test that will break horribly if the release name constant and the release number are not in sync14:25
rosmaitabut the problem is that the way it works is you have to do: release a yoga milestone, break the test, fix the test, and we are ok until next cycle14:26
rosmaitathat worked ok when we were required to release milestones14:26
rosmaitabecause we would get this done at M-114:26
rosmaitabut, now we are looking at RC-time, which is not good14:26
ttxyou can still do milestone release any time14:26
rosmaitayeah, but i was wondering if we can just do Sem-Ver on a patch instead14:27
rosmaitaor, not have this stupid test at all14:27
ttxNot sure I understand what you mean by "do Sem-Ver on a patch instead"14:28
fungicould the test be made to accept a newer migration than the current software version, rather than an exact match?14:28
rosmaitais there a reason why the Sem-Ver patch the release team posts to master after the stable branch is cut (the one with the releasenotes new index files) only increments the feature number in master?14:28
rosmaitai've seen "Sem-Ver: feature", is there "Sem-Ver: major" or something like that?14:29
fungichecked the pbr docs?14:30
rosmaitai did, but not thoroughly enough14:30
rosmaitai guess one question is that when you increment the version number in master, it goes from 19.0 -> 19.1  ... is there a reason why we don't just go 19.0 -> 20.0 ?14:31
ttxFor intermediary-released things we need to do at least a feature bump, whioch is probably why that's done here14:32
rosmaitaand fungi, i think making the test accept current or later may be ok14:32
ttxbut yeah, for cycle-with-rc things we do a major jump anyway14:32
fungi"The following symbols are recognized: feature, api-break, deprecation, bugfix [...] The api-break symbol causes a major version increment."
rosmaitattx: "at least" ... so would a major bump be ok14:32
rosmaitai can just see people freak out when i post a patch that says "api-break"  :)14:33
ttxrosmaita: I bet cycle-with-intermediary deliverables would complain if you bumped their major. But we could maybe generate different patches for cycle-with-rc things14:33
fungirosmaita: you could propose an alias for it in pbr, right now feature and deprecation have identical behavior, for example14:34
ttxI'm not sure where the code that produces that patch is located14:34
rosmaitathat's ok, i was joking14:34
fungiso there's precedent for having multiple terms for the same behavior14:34
rosmaitawe can do this as a one-off for glance, no need to revise it for everyone else14:35
rosmaitaour problem will go away during Z anyway, as the db migration code needs to be refactored14:35
ttxI'm ok with trying it in master Z opening14:35
ttxwe might need to remember to amend the patch though14:36
rosmaitaso, to summarize: i can solve our problem for this current cycle by posting a patch with "Sem-Ver: api-break"14:36
rosmaitathat will bump the version for glance14:36
rosmaitabreak the test, and then we update the constant14:37
ttxthen we need to wait until the "Update master for stable/yoga" patch is posted, and remember that it should be amended to api-break before being approved14:37
fungirosmaita: it's possible that the patch with "Sem-Ver: api-break" could be the patch which increments the migration serial14:37
fungi(might even be necessary that they be the same patch)14:38
elodillesgood, thanks, so this can be handled like rosmaita said above for this cycle and next cycle the problem will be gone as far as i understand14:40
rosmaitafungi: i think the problem is that the test will fail so the patch incrementing the version can't land14:40
rosmaitabut we will think carefully14:40
rosmaitaelodilles: yes, that's right14:40
rosmaitathanks, everyone!14:40
fungirosmaita: right, i'm thinking the test change and the version increment might need to be the same patch so that the test passes the change14:41
fungibut yeah, that doesn't need to be solved in the release meeting14:41
elodillesmaybe this is one thing (to update the reno-* patch generation) to the 'things to change' list?14:42
elodillesi mean to add 'Sem-Ver: api-break' for rc deliverables (and leave 'feature' for cwi deliverables)14:43
elodillesin case someone else needs it14:43
elodillesdo you see others with the same problem? is it worth to add this?14:44
fungithe main downside is you can't really unwind those commit message hints, so if a project wanted to switch release models after the release, they'd be stuck with a major version bump for their next intermediate from master14:44
elodillesfungi: hmm, that sounds logical14:44
funginot a show-stopper, but it could be inconvenient/confusing14:45
elodillesso then it is OK how it is now... or at least, less painful, in case of a release model change14:45
elodillesgood, thanks14:46
elodillesany other topic? anyone?14:46
elodilleshmmm, sorry, i found one:
elodillesso the release model changing patches can be mostly abandoned14:48
elodillesi mean, except  14:48
elodillesas neutron is OK with the change14:48
elodillesany comment for this?14:49
elodilles(sorry, this was a task from last week and the deadline is today)14:49
elodilleshberaud: ack, thanks :)14:50
ttxworks for me14:50
elodillesif there is nothing else then let's close the meeting14:51
diablo_rojo_phoneNone from me14:51
elodillesthanks everyone for joining!14:51
hberaudThanks elodilles 14:52
opendevmeetMeeting ended Fri Feb  4 14:52:17 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:52
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
ttxthanks elodilles !14:52
armstrongthx elodilles 14:54
elodillesdamani: if you want to be pinged for the release meeting when it starts then you can add your name to the 'Ping list' in the tracking etherpad14:57
damanielodilles, yes, i will do it 15:03
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/releases master: [ovn-octavia-provider] Propose to switch the release model
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off17:41

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