Wednesday, 2015-11-11

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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/releases: oslo.messaging 2.8.1 for mitaka
openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: oslo.messaging 2.8.1 for mitaka
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/reno: Fix unicode handling in get_random_string
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/releases: aodh 1.1.0 - stable/liberty
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ttxgordc: done09:34
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gordcmordred: had a question about pbr. is there a reason for to exist or is this just residual from nova?13:24
ttxgordc: aodh 1.1.0 done13:24
gordcttx: awesome!13:24
gordcttx: thanks again for the help.13:24
ttxplease double check the tag and branch are all set13:24
ttxand let me know if anything is missing13:25
gordcttx: sure. i'll upload a patch to stable/liberty to give it a try13:26
ttxgordc: i'll let you announce it13:28
ttxoh and yes you should push an update to .gitreview to set defaultbranch to stable/liberty there13:28
gordcttx: ack. will do the above.13:29
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dhellmannttx: I'm looking at the stackalytics change you and Ilya described on the ML14:55
dimsdhellmann ilyashakhat is on #openstack-dev if you want to ping15:00
dhellmanndims : cool, thanks15:00
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mordredgordc: it's there so that glance can report the version it's running15:10
mordredgordc: if you look in glance/common/config.py15:12
mordredgordc: you'll see one of the places it's consumed15:12
gordcmordred: was just going to ask that15:12
gordcmordred: i'll take a look. thanks for the info15:12
gordcmordred: so if my project doesn't directly reference, do i need it? there isn't some magical external tool that looks at <project>/ to do something is there?15:16
mordrednot for servers. for libraries people tend to like it when a library has a __version__ attribute15:16
mordredbut for servers, no, it's only there for things that need/want to be able to report a version15:16
mordredso, like, glance-api --version might be a thing someone wants to work15:17
mordredbut nothing external or specifically magic15:17
mordredany particular issue you're working to avoid?15:17
gordcmordred: cool cool. good info.15:17
prometheanfireupper constraints for liberty on the cryptography package is set to 1.0.1 with the review not raising it, any reason why?15:18
prometheanfire bug 561696 in Vulnerabilities "<dev-python/cryptography-1.0.2: with python -O, openssl asserts are optimised out leading to undefined behaviour" [Normal,In_progress] - Assigned to security15:18
gordcmordred: i'm adding reno to Aodh and we don't a file. i'm wondering if i can just import pbr.version in one of the reno files15:19
gordcrather than creating a new dedicated version file15:19
mordredah - gotcha. yah15:19
dhellmanngordc : yes, using pbr to get the version should be ok as long as you have it in requirements.txt or test-requirements.txt. You could also use pkg_resources if you have a dependency on setuptools somewhere15:23
gordcdhellmann: cool cool. i'll just stick with pbr but i'll maybe include as part of releasenotes/source/conf.py15:25
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dhellmanngordc : ++15:29
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ttxI'm mostly off today15:43
dhellmannttx: ack15:50
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/releases: Move independent project releases
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gordc_dhellmann: when you free, could you add jd__ and myself to aodh-stable-maint and aodh-release groups?16:34
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devkulkarnihi dhellmann .. I want to discuss few things about solum's release related patches. let me know when will be a good time for you sometime today.17:20
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armaxdhellmann: ping18:00
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AJaegerdhellmann: just seeing armax comment in - might be nice to make a summary email with what exactly is needed for release notes.18:01
armaxAJaeger: I think I finally caught up18:01
AJaegerdhellmann: publishing and limit to liberty/master for release notes is merged - I'm waiting now for the next change to publish content and will dance if that works ;)18:01
armaxAJaeger: thanks, I eventually realized what needed to be done18:03
AJaegerarmax: if not, please ask - we're still learning and tweaking ;)18:03
armaxAJaeger: understood, thanks18:03
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: display release:independent projects on a separate page
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: add mitaka page to toctree
dhellmanngordc_ : I don't have permission to edit those groups, so you'll have to ask one of the gerrit admins in -infra18:32
dhellmanndevkulkarni : sure, what's up?18:32
gordc_dhellmann: ok. will do. thanks18:32
dhellmannAJaeger : yep, I'll put together a patch to the project creator's guide, I think18:33
dhellmannarmax : thanks for your patience while we work out these last few details18:34
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devkulkarnidhellmann: I wanted to know how to relate release notes to a particular release.. we want to tag liberty release for solum to address this .. I have also submitted a patch to add release notes for liberty using reno here: . I was wondering how to link the release notes to the liberty tag, which I will be doing today/tomorrow18:37
dhellmanndevkulkarni : reno figures out what release the note goes to based on the first commit in the history where it finds the file with the unique id. So you need to put the notes in your stable/liberty branch, and then reno will find them when it scans that branch and associate them with the correct version number.18:38
armaxdhellmann: no worries at all18:39
AJaegerdevkulkarni: so, it will show them for your first stable update18:39
vipulI'm trying to run the script, but not clear on how/where to set up launchpad auth credentials18:43
devkulkarnidhellmann, Ajaeger: oh okay. In that case, I think I can break this patch into two. A base patch containing .gitignore, releasenotes/source/, index.rst, unreleased.rst, test-requirements.txt, and tox.ini. Once that is merged, and once we have the liberty branch, a separate patch which will add solum-release-liberty.yaml, source/liberty.rst, and update to index.rst to this branch. Does that seem co18:45
dhellmanndevkulkarni : do you already have a stable/liberty branch?18:48
devkulkarnidhellmann: no, not yet. I was going to create it manually..but let me know if typically this is done via a gate job.. this is my first time doing a release18:50
dhellmanndevkulkarni : ok, the stable branches are typically created from a released version after the tag is applied, so in your case you want to go ahead and add the notes on master, then tag, then branch18:51
dhellmanndevkulkarni : let me see if I can find you some directions18:51
devkulkarnidhellmann: oh okay, i see..18:51
devkulkarnidhellmann: sure, any directions would be super helpful18:51
dhellmanndevkulkarni :
devkulkarnicool. thanks dhellmann .. reading18:52
dhellmanndevkulkarni : let's put together a plan for your release and have me and ttx review it (he's off today) before you start to make sure you have the steps in the right order and don't miss anything. Why don't you start an etherpad based on those instructions from the wiki, and when you're ready let us know.18:53
devkulkarnidhellmann: yes, I like this plan. will start the etherpad and send it to you and ttx18:53
dhellmanndevkulkarni : great18:54
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prometheanfiresomeone mind looking at
prometheanfirefixes sec bug bug 561696 in Vulnerabilities "<dev-python/cryptography-1.0.2: with python -O, openssl asserts are optimised out leading to undefined behaviour" [Normal,In_progress] - Assigned to security19:05
vipuldhellmann: any tips on running and launchpad auth?19:09
dhellmannvipul : are you running into issues?19:10
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vipulseems like launchpadlib is trying to auth.. but seeing AttributeError: 'MacOSXOSAScript' object has no attribute 'basename'19:11
vipulah it's an access issue..19:12
dhellmannvipul : oh, I haven't tried using the script on OS X in a long time. It's possible the recent changes to default to using keyring are triggering that19:12
vipulYea i gave my machine access but same issue19:13
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dhellmannvipul : I only run those scripts on linux, so I'm not sure how to make keyring work with OS X :-/19:16
vipulfaiir enough.. i'll switch machines19:18
dhellmannAJaeger : is a stab at instructions for setting up reno19:21
dhellmannvipul : yeah, sorry about that. There's apparently a way to force those tools to use a plain text file for credentials, but I need to get the details from lifeless19:22
AJaegergreat, dhellmann ! It misses that you should backport the infrastructure for liberty19:25
dhellmannAJaeger : the intro to the "Setting up the Release Note Tool Within Your Project" section covers that, but I can add it to a step at the end, too19:25
AJaegeryes, indeed you say it. Add it as extra step at the end.19:26
lifelessdhellmann: oh, I looked it up at the summit when you were across the table19:27
lifelessdhellmann: pass credentials_file= to Launchpad.login_with19:27
dhellmannlifeless : yeah, I'm trying to remember where we typed that into an etherpad, because I feel like you did at the time19:27
lifeless(having paged in where it was, I can look it up quickly now :))19:28
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devkulkarnidhellmann, ttx:
dhellmanndevkulkarni : ack, I'll review it after my afternoon meetings20:19
devkulkarnidhellmann: sounds good20:19
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kzaitsev_mbMay I bug someone about reno a bit? =)21:15
dhellmannkzaitsev_mb : this is the right place, but I'm in a meeting so may be slow to respond21:16
kzaitsev_mbsure, I'm in no hurry anyway.21:17
kzaitsev_mbOne thing, that's not entirelly clear to me — do the release notes of stable branches go to stable branch or to master?21:17
dhellmannkzaitsev_mb : yes. I've had that question a couple of times, would you mind asking on the ML so I can post the answer there?21:18
kzaitsev_mbsure, will compose a message shortly.21:18
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kzaitsev_mbhm, I believe I now need to educate my fellow developers to use reno, when they submit something21:48
kzaitsev_mbOne other thing I'd like to ask — reno itself has release-notes in the docs, while other projects (glance, keystone, etc.) have them setup in a separate directory & tox-env. So some integration would happen later, to make release notes for those projects appear on docs.o.o, right?21:58
dhellmanndevkulkarni : notes added21:59
dhellmannkzaitsev_mb : yes, one of the things you need to do is add the relevant jobs to your project in the project-config repository21:59
devkulkarnidhellmann: ack, thanks. looking22:00
dhellmannkzaitsev_mb :
kzaitsev_mbright. makes sense.22:03
openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Allow to unset assignee/milestone for bug with no activity
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: display release:independent projects on a separate page
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: add mitaka page to toctree
kzaitsev_mblooking at the job template — looks like the releasenotes should be available at jenkins/jobs/openstack-publish-jobs.yaml22:15
kzaitsev_mbbut it looks empty from here. Does it update only with a release?22:16
dhellmannkzaitsev_mb : it updates when a patch with a release note lands, and we've landed some in glance before the job went live but not since, I think22:16
dhellmannkzaitsev_mb : so we could add a new release note to glance and if that patch merges it should trigger a build22:17
dhellmannkzaitsev_mb : the publish job was just sorted out today, so we're in a bit of an odd window22:17
kzaitsev_mboh =) looks like I'm one of the early adopters then =))22:17
dhellmannkzaitsev_mb : yep :-)22:18
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