Thursday, 2014-09-25

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sheeprineekarlso: Here now ;)07:16
ekarlsosheeprine: :P07:51
sheeprineWhat's up?07:53
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flwang1sheeprine: hey there20:57
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sheeprineflwang1: Hi, tell me when you are ready to start21:13
flwang1I have 30 mins from now on :)21:14
sheeprineOk, let's talk then21:15
sheeprineJust a sec I'm sending you a mail with some work I've done21:16
sheeprineOk sent21:19
sheeprineI've added the multiple collectors support this week21:20
sheeprinewith the API calls21:20
sheeprineWe will need to validate it21:20
sheeprineIf you can have a look at the pluggable transformer review, I'll upload the multiple collector tomorrow21:21
flwang1did you upload a  new patchset for the transfomer one?21:22
* flwang1 is reading sheeprine's mail21:22
sheeprineI may even do it now actually21:23
flwang1cool, I will review that at weekend if you can submit that21:23
flwang1nice, I will review it as well21:26
sheeprineThe current implementation in a new collector module so that you can even use a fixed module list, or use the meta collector to have more control on your controllers21:26
sheeprineflwang1: Do you want to grab an etherpad or something else to write down API specs?21:27
flwang1personally, I'd like to see a api doc like this
flwang1but I'm not sure if we should do that at current stage21:28
flwang1but yep, an etherpad is great, I'm creating one21:29
sheeprineLet's just keep it simple for the moment21:31
flwang1we can use the etherpad to track some discussion, but I still prefer to use or any other api design tool to do the work21:31
sheeprineLet's write down general structure on etherpad21:32
sheeprineand final stuff on apiary21:32
sheeprineI'll recap some points I've written in the document, tell me what's wrong21:33
flwang1thanks for draft the doc21:33
flwang1I think we're on the right track21:35
sheeprinegood :)21:36
sheeprineBtw I don't like the report and data name21:36
flwang1I prefer to use cost and usage :)21:36
sheeprinedidn't found better name, hopping you'll have better ones21:36
flwang1but I'm not a native speaker :(21:37
flwang1I don't really prefer to generate a ^report^ from a API perspective21:37
sheeprinemaybe we can have a usage endpoint where we facilitate access to the rated data AND reports21:37
sheeprineyou don't generate report21:38
sheeprineit's just a call that tells you "Here, your report file is at this URL"21:38
sheeprineWe're planning on removing writers part from the processors tomorrow21:38
flwang1sheeprine: wow, IIRC, you insist on keeping that :)21:39
sheeprineSo it'll be something that you can launch or not to generate reports21:39
ekarlsowhat's the catfight asbout ?21:39
sheeprineThe way we expose the rated data to the users21:40
sheeprinebut we've rounded the corners here ;_21:40
sheeprineYou can either access them from the API and use filter21:41
sheeprineor get the whole period all consolidated in a file21:41
ekarlso < btw sheeprine was my experiment in GoLAng21:41
ekarlsoDNS server for Designate21:41
flwang1sheeprine: I have to run into another meeting21:43
sheeprineekarlso: cool, I'll look at it this weekend21:43
sheeprineflwang1: How do we do about the API specs21:43
flwang1sheeprine: how about let's sync on Tue or Wed?21:43
ekarlsoRAML ? :D21:43
sheeprineWokay, I'll mail you this weekend to fix a date21:43
flwang1ekarlso: we are discussing the design, not the tool21:44
flwang1sheeprine: I will work out the usage, cost part this weekend21:44
sheeprineI kind of like RAML but the toolchain is just... node.js21:45
flwang1so that we can get a complete draft design asap21:45
sheeprineI'll try to do my best to have something in a good shape tomorrow21:45
flwang1sheeprine: I'm not fulltime on this, so I'm sorry if I'm making any delay21:45
sheeprineWe are doing a sprint with 3 mates21:45
sheeprineSo we need to keep stuff going ;)21:46
sheeprineI think we will just have 3 majors endpoints21:46
ekarlsoflwang1: you working on distil instead ? ;)21:46
sheeprineone to control the collectors, one for the raters and one to get the output21:46
sheeprineeven with filters and as json or a full report21:46
sheeprinedoes it looks ok to you?21:47
sheeprineflwang1: ^21:48
sheeprineI think he ran away ;)21:52
sheeprineok, I'm leaving guys... I need to get some rest because tomorrow will be a tough day21:59
flwang1I'm working on a nova evacuate bug22:07
flwang1who is blocking our customer :)22:07
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