Monday, 2022-01-31

opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/tempest master: Add image chache client
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/tempest master: WIP image caching tests
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opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/tempest master: WIP image caching tests
fricklerseems at least some stable jobs on bionic are affected by the get-pip issue, guess we'll need to adopt fungi's fix there
fungiworth noting, we probably already have similar for py35/xenial jobs, from when pip previously broke compatibility with 3.5 and then later explicitly marked it unsupported16:06
fricklerso iiuc we use a pre-cached via nodepool , not sure how to make that distro-specific16:14
clarkbfrickler: frickler: we could catch the python3.6 version only in nodepool and that should continue to work with newer python16:15
clarkber fungi  ^ was meant to be the second ping on that16:15
fungiahh, yeah if we're pre-caching the wrong version on our images then that's what we'll need to do16:33
fungiagain, we probably already do exactly this on the xenial images, just need to repeat it for bionic but adjust the version number16:34
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/devstack master: Add python3.6 pip support
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/devstack master: Add python3.6 pip support
fricklerfungi: well I haven't found any reference to xenial in that, I assume we no longer support it in devstack at least16:55
clarkbya I think that is the case, no more devstack xenial16:57
fungithe workaround may still be in its git history though17:13
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opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/devstack master: Add python3.6 pip support
fricklerfungi: ah, there still is something in place for py2.7, maybe ralonsoh can adapt that
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opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/devstack master: Do not give tempest admin credentials when using fixed accounts
melwittgmann: I proposed a fix for a small gate failure if you could pls add it to your list

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