Friday, 2021-10-29

opendevreviewjiang guodao proposed openstack/devstack master: [DNM] Fix the surrogatepass not allowed error
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mvpnitesh_Hi all, I'm using tempest 25 and Barbican-tempest-plugin 1.1.0. I see only 2 test cases are failing with SSH timeout error. One is barbican_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_volume_encryption.VolumeEncryptionTest and test_encrypted_cinder_volumes_cryptsetup08:07
opendevreviewjiang guodao proposed openstack/devstack master: [DNM] Fix the surrogatepass not allowed error
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opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/devstack master: DNM: Test debian with OVN
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/devstack master: DNM: Test Bullseye with custom qemu build
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niteshHi all, I'm using tempest 25 and Barbican-tempest-plugin 1.1.0. I see only 2 test cases are failing with SSH timeout error. One is barbican_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_volume_encryption.VolumeEncryptionTest and test_encrypted_cinder_volumes_cryptsetup. Any idea why i'm getting this inscontinstantly only for those 2 testcases12:57
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/devstack master: DNM: Test Bullseye with custom qemu build
gmannnitesh please check log, i replied on that yesterday. 14:11
yoctozeptofrickler: you have found a fix to qemu mem hungriness?15:17
clarkbyoctozepto: I think kashyap and frickler identified the likely source and the config option to tune to tune it back down again15:22
yoctozeptoclarkb: ooh, nice! I asked because frickler was proposing some custom qemu builds15:26
yoctozeptoso I'm guessing this is compilation-level thing here15:26
clarkbya not sure if it is at compile level or if it can be passed at runtime. Might be that nova has no method of specifying it so easier to test with a recompile?15:28
yoctozeptoyeah, or libvirt, makes sense15:32
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johnsomgmann Where are we at with the secure-rbac issue raised by refstack we were talking about last week?16:18
gmannjohnsom: current error of incompatible version should be fixed by this
gmannjohnsom: for pre-provision creds for enforce_scope=false, let me push patch today16:31
johnsomThat is the only issue I know of, the pre-provision creds issue with refstack16:32
gmannfirst one was attribute error due to incompatible version as refstack use very old tempest16:35
gmann815030 should fix the error on new tests running on old tempest. 16:36
gmannbut if they move to latest tempest and designate-tempest-plugin then yes pre-provision creds to skip/update-account file if enforce_scope=false is needed16:37
johnsomHmm, I had not seen that issue, just that system_admin wasn't present16:37
gmannjohnsom: yeah, method for get_system_admin was not present as refstack used the old tempest and try to run latest designate tests16:38
gmanndo you still see that error ?16:38
johnsomMartin reported it to me, but with that pin it removes all of the system_admin credentials16:41
gmannyeah 16:44
gmannif refstack needs to run the system scoped tests then they have to move to latest tempest first16:44
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gmannwith current tempest they use (2 years old), there is no system scoped support in that tempest version16:45
gmann* pinned tempest they use 16:47
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Mixed Dedicated and Shared cpu instances
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove NSM from emul thread tests
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove NSM from NUMALiveMigrationTest
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove NSM from collocation LM test
frickleryoctozepto: clarkb: see and until we can remedy via libvirt, I built custom qemu with tb-size hardcoded to 64M17:34
clarkbaha ya I suspected it would be a problem with telling qemu to chagne that value17:35
clarkbthanks for the links17:35
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove NSM from emul thread tests
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove NSM from NUMALiveMigrationTest
opendevreviewJames Parker proposed openstack/whitebox-tempest-plugin master: Remove NSM from collocation LM test
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