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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Remove discover from test-requirements https://review.openstack.org/345808 | 00:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: set up stable/newton https://review.openstack.org/362435 | 00:29 |
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mtreinish | stevebaker: sry I got distracted. I'm not seeing that on fresh clone of master in a clean venv when I do a testr list-tests | 00:36 |
mtreinish | it definitely looks like there is a duplicate registration happening, but I'm not sure what would cause that. We actually do a test list-tests as part of the unit tests to make sure that always works | 00:37 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Start virtlogd service https://review.openstack.org/343506 | 00:37 |
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openstackgerrit | LisaLi proposed openstack/tempest: [WIP] Add scenario of retyping in-use encrypted volume https://review.openstack.org/356226 | 01:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Masayuki Igawa proposed openstack/tempest: Add port parameter to ssh Client https://review.openstack.org/362523 | 01:49 |
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stevebaker | mtreinish: a fresh git checkout did it, must have been some junk in there which my pyclean didn't find | 02:21 |
openstackgerrit | huan proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Install conntrack in XenServer Dom0 https://review.openstack.org/352256 | 02:22 |
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openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:30s for gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ubuntu-xenial 356226,8,1a36288 | 03:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: Start virtlogd service https://review.openstack.org/343506 | 04:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: Revert "stackrc set the LC_ALL to C" https://review.openstack.org/350983 | 06:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Masayuki Igawa proposed openstack/tempest: Add port parameter to ssh Client https://review.openstack.org/362523 | 06:12 |
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zhufl | masayukig:hi Igawa, would you please review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/360199/ (Exclude gateway_ip of subnet in get_unused_ip_addresses) ? :) | 06:38 |
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masayukig | zhufl : looking | 06:52 |
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masayukig | zhufl : +A | 06:59 |
zhufl | masayukig:thanks!:) | 07:00 |
masayukig | :) | 07:00 |
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dmellado | gmann: ping ;) | 07:01 |
zhufl | masayukig: and if you are not too busy, would you please also take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/353875/ (Add existing volumes when using pre-provisioned credentials)? :) | 07:03 |
zhufl | masayukig: These are problems we meet in our production cloud testing | 07:03 |
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masayukig | zhufl : heh, looking, it's one of my responsibilities :) | 07:09 |
raies | oomichi: hi | 07:09 |
dmellado | raies: I guess he'd be sleeping now ;) | 07:09 |
raies | dmellado: okay. Thanks | 07:10 |
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raies | masayukig: Hi igawa san. Can you please have a look on this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/353438/ | 07:11 |
raies | masayukig: I could get some comments from omichi san, I just replied on that as well | 07:12 |
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masayukig | raissa : I added it to my todo list | 07:16 |
raies | masayukig: thanks :) | 07:17 |
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openstackgerrit | guo yunxian proposed openstack/tempest: Remove expected_success check images_client https://review.openstack.org/362659 | 07:23 |
openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Updated from generate-devstack-plugins-list https://review.openstack.org/356991 | 07:24 |
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openstackgerrit | guo yunxian proposed openstack/tempest: Remove expected_success check in images_client https://review.openstack.org/362659 | 07:26 |
masayukig | dmellado : I just heard from gmann that he is now leaving till 5th Sep. | 07:26 |
dmellado | masayukig: oh, I see, thanks then! wish him to enjoy his holidays! ;) | 07:27 |
dmellado | I sent him an email but cc'ed oomichi so he'd reply later ;) | 07:27 |
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zhufl | long holiday:) | 07:28 |
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zhufl | masayukig:thanks:) | 07:48 |
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openstackgerrit | Liron Kuchlani proposed openstack/tempest: Add a generic method for backup creation https://review.openstack.org/356350 | 07:53 |
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masayukig | dmellado : ok, cool :) | 07:56 |
masayukig | zhufl : np :) | 07:57 |
masayukig | raies : I left some comments on your patch. I think it's better to put your intention as a code comment. | 07:58 |
raies | masayukig: thanks, I will check it | 07:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Liron Kuchlani proposed openstack/tempest: Add a generic method for backup creation https://review.openstack.org/356350 | 08:05 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Exclude gateway_ip of subnet in get_unused_ip_addresses https://review.openstack.org/360199 | 08:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Mh Raies proposed openstack/tempest: Adding testcases for metadata def resource types https://review.openstack.org/353438 | 08:07 |
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raies | masayukig: I have updated it with comments. Once jenkins passes please have a look. And thanks for your input. | 08:09 |
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*** dinger-donger changes topic to "To find big channels with unlocked topics, use /msg alis list * -min 100 -mode -t Then you can join them and abuse their /topic for the lulz!" | 08:23 | |
openstackgerrit | Luigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Always keep the local.conf file https://review.openstack.org/362696 | 08:24 |
-dinger-donger- To find big channels with unlocked topics, use /msg alis list * -min 100 -mode -t Then you can join them and abuse their /topic for the lulz! | 08:24 | |
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openstackgerrit | Chris Dent proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add support for placement API to devstack https://review.openstack.org/342362 | 08:34 |
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hichihara | masayukig: ping | 08:41 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/tempest change: https://review.openstack.org/353875 failed gate-tempest-dsvm-layer4 in the gate queue with an unrecognized error | 08:49 |
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hichihara | masayukig: I wonder if you could review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/353206/ | 09:17 |
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dmellado | hichihara: added myself, will check later ;) | 09:48 |
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hichihara | dmellado: Thanks | 09:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Daniel Mellado proposed openstack/tempest: Define v3 regions_client as library https://review.openstack.org/362767 | 10:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Jordan Pittier proposed openstack/tempest: Move `call_until_true` to tempest/lib https://review.openstack.org/362783 | 11:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Add existing volumes when using pre-provisioned credentials https://review.openstack.org/353875 | 11:18 |
openstackgerrit | Daniel Mellado proposed openstack/tempest: Define v3 regions_client as library https://review.openstack.org/362767 | 11:19 |
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fellypefca | Hi everyone. Does anyone knows what i need to do to run devstack with Python3? Just put the USE_PYTHON3=True PYTHON3_VERSION=3.4 on localrc, or anything else? | 11:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Jordan Pittier proposed openstack/tempest: Move `call_until_true` to tempest/lib https://review.openstack.org/362783 | 11:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Anna Babich proposed openstack/tempest: Count volumes vs partitions and remove hard-coded expected result https://review.openstack.org/333305 | 12:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Eran Kuris proposed openstack/tempest: Adding an option to create internal network-type Flat https://review.openstack.org/362834 | 12:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Chris Dent proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add support for placement API to devstack https://review.openstack.org/342362 | 12:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Call addCleanup(delete_server) immediately after resize server https://review.openstack.org/351519 | 12:57 |
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tosky | andreaf: hi, did you release a new tempest with the stable client interface? We have a pending patch in sahara-tests which uses it but we would like to bump the version | 13:04 |
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dmellado | tosky: oomichi was going to release a new tag yesterday | 13:15 |
dmellado | but I'm not sure if he's done with that | 13:15 |
tosky | ah! | 13:15 |
tosky | uhm, I guess I could check the reviews for openstack/release | 13:15 |
tosky | releases* | 13:16 |
dmellado | tosky: let me check reno | 13:16 |
tosky | apparently nothing related to that | 13:16 |
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dmellado | tosky: I just checked and didn't see nothing like that | 13:30 |
dmellado | just check reno list . | 13:31 |
dmellado | in your tempest dir | 13:31 |
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tosky | or the list of tags | 13:31 |
openstackgerrit | Liron Kuchlani proposed openstack/tempest: Add a generic method for backup creation https://review.openstack.org/356350 | 13:33 |
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andreaf | tosky, dmellado: yes I think oomichi is going to do it, but I don't think it happened yet | 13:54 |
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lbeliveau | Hi, we have added tempest tests for migration with network connectivity (needed to test nova functionnality), would be great if cores could look at it: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/339230/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/348498 | 13:56 |
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lbragstad | morning, just though I'd drop a couple patches that need to be reviewed to finishing up a feature in keystone before newton-3. Any feedback would be appreciated :) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362450/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/361536/ | 14:04 |
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dmellado | lbragstad: morning, added to my weekly review queue ;) | 14:10 |
lbragstad | dmellado thanks! | 14:10 |
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raies | oomichi: Hi | 14:15 |
jordanP | lbeliveau, I am not a fan of addining new migration tests given that our multinode jobs are not reliable | 14:17 |
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jordanP | migration on a single compute server doesn't make a lot of sense | 14:17 |
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jordanP | if you have some cycle to spend on Nova migrations, imo you should try to make our multinode jobs more robust and help the infra team with that | 14:18 |
lbeliveau | jordanP: mellanox has a multi-node CI to test these cases, they have tested manually those patches | 14:18 |
lbeliveau | I'm open to help there, can you give me a few pointers as to what is not working correctly ? | 14:19 |
jordanP | well that's a good first step, but we need coverage in the Gate and manual testing is a first step only | 14:19 |
jordanP | lbeliveau, unfortunately, I don't have the specifics about what is lacking/missing | 14:19 |
lbeliveau | ok, I'll have a look | 14:20 |
jordanP | maybe leave a couple of 'check experimental' comment to trigger the multinode jobs and see if they pass | 14:20 |
raies | jordanP: if you have time, please have a look on this - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/353438/ | 14:20 |
lbeliveau | but still, it would be great if we can get those tests merged, nova cores relies on those test results | 14:20 |
raies | I have incorporated your comments | 14:20 |
jordanP | raies, could you try to use test level fixture instead of class level | 14:21 |
jordanP | that is, use addCleanup | 14:21 |
jordanP | in your create_namespace method | 14:21 |
jordanP | I'll leave a comment about it | 14:22 |
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raies | jordanP: But it will not make any impact I think | 14:23 |
jordanP | what do you mean ? | 14:24 |
raies | Anyways resource type association is being cleaned with namespace | 14:24 |
jordanP | it's good practise to limit the scope of the created resources | 14:25 |
raies | When namespace is cleaned, resource type will automatically clean | 14:25 |
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jordanP | so what ? | 14:25 |
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raies | jordanP: So i should add addcleanup as well ? | 14:26 |
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jordanP | you should use addCleanup to delete namespace | 14:26 |
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jordanP | remive that line: | 14:27 |
jordanP | cls.created_namespaces = [] | 14:27 |
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jordanP | and those 2: | 14:27 |
jordanP | for ns in cls.created_namespaces: | 14:27 |
jordanP | cls.namespaces_client.delete_namespace(ns) | 14:27 |
jordanP | and right after your call to | 14:27 |
jordanP | .namespaces_client.create_namespace(...) | 14:27 |
jordanP | add an addCleanup() | 14:27 |
raies | okay. you are talking about creation I should create using client call direct. not from base | 14:27 |
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jordanP | it's fine to introduce a new create_namespace() method in base.py | 14:28 |
jordanP | but it should be an instance method, not a classmethod | 14:28 |
jordanP | I know that it's not how we do things usually in Tempest, but we should use more addCleanup and less "class method that populates a list that is cleaned up by resource_cleanup()" | 14:29 |
raies | jordanP: okay | 14:30 |
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itzikb | jordanP: regarding https://review.openstack.org/#/c/322492/24/tempest/lib/exceptions.py - I don't want to remove the exceptions from tempest but I want to make sure all the needed exceptions are in tempest.lib | 14:31 |
jordanP | I have a meeting right now | 14:31 |
jordanP | sorry | 14:31 |
raies | jordanP: So, as per your direction I should use addcleanup and not to populate a list. right ? | 14:31 |
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raies | please give your comments in respective file. I will amend it and get back to you. | 14:33 |
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raies | jordanP: Only one doubt, So far we are using cleanup trend as from populated list for resources. | 14:35 |
raies | So, if we are following that trend, shouldn't it be fine ? | 14:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Dan Smith proposed openstack-dev/grenade: HACK default rabbit userid https://review.openstack.org/362936 | 14:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Eric Harney proposed openstack-dev/devstack: LVM: Handle missing loop device at cleanup https://review.openstack.org/362940 | 15:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Dan Smith proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Explicitly set RABBIT_USERID https://review.openstack.org/362941 | 15:04 |
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mriedem | mtreinish: has anyone noticed that identity api tests are creating network resources? | 15:30 |
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mriedem | as part of the dynamic creds provider setup | 15:30 |
mtreinish | mriedem: that's not surprising. The base class probably isn't calling the function to turn that off and dynamic creds is makign them | 15:30 |
mriedem | so, a bug right? | 15:31 |
mtreinish | probably, but a low prio one. It's not like it breaks anything, it's just not really needed | 15:31 |
mriedem | yeah, we're just seeing some rolling failures with networking | 15:32 |
mriedem | resources not cleaning up etc | 15:32 |
mriedem | alright https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1618519 | 15:34 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1618519 in tempest "Identity API tests shouldn't be creating network resources" [Low,Triaged] | 15:34 |
mriedem | mtreinish: can you confirm this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1618523 | 15:40 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1618523 in tempest "FloatingIPAdminTestJSON should skip if the router extension is not enabled" [Undecided,New] | 15:40 |
mriedem | if so i'll push up a change | 15:40 |
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mtreinish | mriedem: yeah that probably is valid bug | 15:44 |
mtreinish | mriedem: do you run neutron without the routers extension enabled? | 15:44 |
mriedem | ok i'll push a quick fix | 15:44 |
mriedem | yeah apparently | 15:44 |
mriedem | we don't have floating IPs | 15:44 |
mriedem | OVN FTW | 15:44 |
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mriedem | gerritbot and/or patchbot seems to be having issues | 15:59 |
mtreinish | mriedem: don't worry I saw the patch | 16:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Matt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DNM: test placement-api https://review.openstack.org/362441 | 16:22 |
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krotscheck | Anyone around to answer some devstack questions? | 16:31 |
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krotscheck | I'm trying to figure out why the various services in devstack have such drastically different registered service endpoints: http://paste.openstack.org/show/564857/ | 16:32 |
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mtreinish | krotscheck: those look pretty normal to me. Yeah, inconsistent between services, but the normal defaults for each service | 16:34 |
krotscheck | mtreinish: Until you try to use them. | 16:34 |
krotscheck | mtreinish: anything with a /v#.# in it reqiures authentication. Anything with a root returns the versions response. | 16:35 |
krotscheck | mtreinish: This makes endpoint discovery and version negotiation kindof annoying, if all you start with is a service catalog. | 16:35 |
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mtreinish | krotscheck: yep, that's been a known issue for a while. THere was an effort to standardize the service catalog a while ago, but making headway was hard because things are a big tangled ball of yarn | 16:38 |
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mtreinish | krotscheck: some of the endpoints even have your tenant id there too, that makes it even worse... | 16:38 |
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krotscheck | mtreinish: That's unfortunate. If this is the first touch point when a developer tries to use the OpenStack API's, it's not surprising that the public perception suffers. | 16:39 |
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krotscheck | mtreinish: Well, in most cases I can reduce the URL down to the root and just go from there. | 16:40 |
krotscheck | mtreinish: Keystone being the noted exception. | 16:40 |
krotscheck | ('cause it's hosted on the same domain as Horizon, so getting the root resource gives me HTML) | 16:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Thomas Bechtold proposed openstack/tempest: Fix doc build if git is absent https://review.openstack.org/363036 | 16:57 |
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mriedem | mtreinish: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/363047/ | 17:18 |
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mtreinish | mriedem: +A | 17:21 |
* mtreinish misses gerritbot | 17:21 | |
openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:27s for gate-nova-python34-db 355263,6,ff28df5 | 17:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update link to nodepool.yaml in README.rst https://review.openstack.org/359355 | 17:30 |
openstackrecheck | Console logs not available after 13:35s for gate-nova-python34-db 362766,2,b570219 | 17:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for novaclient functional test bug 1618561 https://review.openstack.org/363047 | 17:45 |
openstack | bug 1618561 in python-novaclient "test_trigger_crash_dump_in_locked_state_nonadmin failing since 8/30" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618561 - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem) | 17:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Raissa Sarmento proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Write clouds.yaml to only /etc https://review.openstack.org/363090 | 18:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Liron Kuchlani proposed openstack/tempest: Add a generic method for backup creation https://review.openstack.org/356350 | 18:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add newton to the allowed list https://review.openstack.org/363084 | 18:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Move wait_for_qos_operations into base volume test https://review.openstack.org/359420 | 18:56 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Move volume-type-access methods to volume v2 https://review.openstack.org/359436 | 18:56 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Remove base_types_client for the reability https://review.openstack.org/359442 | 18:56 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Separate encryption_types_client from types_client https://review.openstack.org/359382 | 18:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Pierre Riteau proposed openstack/tempest-plugin-cookiecutter: Improve copyright line template https://review.openstack.org/363131 | 18:58 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Remove base_types_client for the reability https://review.openstack.org/359442 | 18:59 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Separate encryption_types_client from types_client https://review.openstack.org/359382 | 18:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-dev/devstack: Add support for placement API to devstack https://review.openstack.org/342362 | 19:52 |
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Abhishek__ | Hii all | 20:12 |
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Abhishek__ | can anyone pls tell me how to use tempest account generator utility.. what it does actually.. | 20:12 |
Abhishek__ | I am following this link | 20:13 |
Abhishek__ | http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/account_generator.html | 20:13 |
Abhishek__ | but m not able to understand it properly | 20:13 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Remove get_attachment_from_volume() https://review.openstack.org/361509 | 20:14 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Remove the default size in volumes_client https://review.openstack.org/361508 | 20:14 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Remove unused methods from volumes_client https://review.openstack.org/361519 | 20:14 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Move 3 volume methods to v2 volumes_client https://review.openstack.org/361518 | 20:14 |
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mtreinish | Abhishek__: it makes users and projects in keystone and then generates an accounts.yaml file for tempest. So you can use the preprovisioned credentials provider in tempest without having to manually allocate all the users | 20:15 |
Abhishek__ | Thanks mtreinish. | 20:17 |
Abhishek__ | But when I am increasing tempest concurrency then getting "Insufficient users provided". How to overcome this error.. can we create more users with the help of this utility | 20:18 |
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mtreinish | Abhishek__: you can, it will generate an accounts.yaml output which you can just append to your existing one. Although TBH, the tool is very difficult to use (it has a weird mix of a tempest config file and cli args) | 20:23 |
mtreinish | Abhishek__: it might be easier to just use openstack-client from the cli and hand write the yaml | 20:23 |
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Abhishek__ | mtreinish: Thanks a lot !! | 20:29 |
andreaf | mtreinish: a proper refactor of that is still pending - the UI is a bit confusing - but at least it works now | 20:30 |
mtreinish | andreaf: although did we ever fix the periodic jobs. I forgot to loop back on that | 20:30 |
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andreaf | mtreinish: uhm no didn't manage to yet, sorry, it's in my queue | 20:31 |
mtreinish | andreaf: no worries, I was just wondering. I forgot about it too | 20:31 |
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timothyb89 | mtreinish: I've been getting lots of errors from the openstack-health api like "TypeError: <Response 77 bytes [200 OK]> is not JSON serializable" - is this something you've seen before? | 20:34 |
timothyb89 | mtreinish: ah, nevermind, found the cause. will put a patch up to fix :) | 20:36 |
mtreinish | timothyb89: hmm, I don't think I've hit that before. But I probably just missed something stupid | 20:39 |
timothyb89 | just a jsonify() call where there shouldn't be | 20:39 |
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mtreinish | timothyb89: ah, ok | 20:40 |
openstackgerrit | Tim Buckley proposed openstack/openstack-health: Fix bad use of jsonify() in _get_data https://review.openstack.org/363192 | 20:40 |
timothyb89 | mtreinish: ^^^ | 20:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add newton to the allowed list https://review.openstack.org/363084 | 20:54 |
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openstackgerrit | Matt Riedemann proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Remove lib/ceph https://review.openstack.org/363212 | 21:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Remove get_attachment_from_volume() https://review.openstack.org/361509 | 21:30 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Remove the default size in volumes_client https://review.openstack.org/361508 | 21:30 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Remove unused methods from volumes_client https://review.openstack.org/361519 | 21:30 |
openstackgerrit | Ken'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Move 3 volume methods to v2 volumes_client https://review.openstack.org/361518 | 21:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/tempest: Move volume-type-access methods to volume v2 https://review.openstack.org/359436 | 21:38 |
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gvrangan | * | 21:54 |
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openstackgerrit | melanie witt proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Move RABBIT_USERID to lib/rpc_backend https://review.openstack.org/363295 | 22:18 |
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openstackgerrit | Raissa Sarmento proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Write clouds.yaml to only /etc https://review.openstack.org/363090 | 22:29 |
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openstackrecheck | openstack/nova change: https://review.openstack.org/348066 failed because of: gate-grenade-dsvm-multinode: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1282876, gate-tempest-dsvm-full-devstack-plugin-ceph: unrecognized error | 23:15 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1282876 in OpenStack-Gate "git clone fails with "fatal: Not a git repository", "git remote update failed."" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Jeremy Stanley (fungi) | 23:15 |
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