Thursday, 2015-02-19

openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Ensure we install tempest-lib from git in tempest's tox venv
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mtreinishjogo, clarkb, dtroyer: ^^^ I think that will work00:04
mtreinishI'm just slightly unsure of the PIP VIRTUAL ENV variable bit, I did a quick trace through the code and it looked like setup_dev_lib eventually calls pip_install (2 or 3 layers down)00:05
mtreinishand pip_install understands that var00:05
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Ensure we install tempest-lib from git in tempest's tox venv
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Ensure we install tempest-lib from git in tempest's tox venv
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest-lib: Summarize expected failures
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dtroyermtreinish: PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV is a hack to install intp a venv that bypasses the layers of functions wrapping up our pip calls.  Set it and the  $PIP_VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/pip gets called (without sudo) to do the install.00:31
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jogoclarkb mtreinish: now that multinode aipcpu is working again, skipping neutron failures and getting the live migration testing working next00:34
clarkbjogo: +100:35
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mtreinishdtroyer: ok, that's what it looked like when I glanced at the code00:40
mtreinishdtroyer: then is: correct?00:40
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dtroyermtreinish: commented…I'm not certain the env var on the line with a function gets through00:43
mtreinishdtroyer: hmm ok, I can export it and unset then00:45
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Ensure we install tempest-lib from git in tempest's tox venv
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jogoclarkb: btw now that tempest-full is working00:57
jogowe need to start figuring out how often where we want this job to run00:57
jogoclarkb: in a dream world I would like to run this on every nova patch00:57
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clarkbjogo: I was thinking about that recently. I think it should go into the daily builds list at the very least00:59
clarkbjogo: I would like to run it on every nova patch too, maybe we just replace the orhter full job and see how it goes?00:59
jogoclarkb: well to be thorough, why not gate on this00:59
clarkbjogo: I think we should. The only issue with it is it doubles our node use01:00
jogoclarkb: esp if we drop the postgres job01:00
clarkband if clouds go down like they did yesterday it leads to hurt but there is value in the job01:00
clarkbwe have definitely caught tons of things with it already just running it experimentally01:00
jogoclarkb: yeah this has been very useful01:01
jogoso move postgres to daily/experimental and this to the main job?01:01
clarkbwell I think the idea was don't ditch postgres until we had that dashboard made01:02
clarkbwe will also need to tweak the min ready numbers in nodepool so that we handle the increased load on that label type01:03
clarkboh and double check that stuff still works on hpcloud01:03
jogodouble check things still work on hpcloud?01:03
jogoclarkb: hmm yeah, we did say that. any idea of what the dashboard status is?01:04
jogoclarkb: until that is ready I would honestly be happy to get a daily email about aiopcpu or something01:04
clarkbI don't think anyone is working on the dashboard there was at least one volunteer at the summit but haven't heard anything since01:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Cinder: Wait for volume to be 'available' before attaching
jogoclarkb: I can also monitor it via graphite or logstash etc01:04
clarkbjogo: or we just switch out the single node job and see how we do01:04
jogomordred: I think you volunteered01:04
jogoclarkb: that works for me too :)01:04
clarkbjogo: I mean we are close to feature freeze but once that is past we shouldn't have many node issues :)01:04
jogoclarkb: hmm interesting point yeah, post FF01:05
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jogoclarkb: well short term can you early terminate the centos jobs or something?01:06
clarkbjogo: I am deleting the job01:06
jogoerr gloster01:06
clarkbI pinged you in -infra with the change01:06
jogoclarkb: will deleting the job cancel running ones?01:06
jogoclarkb: yeah that patch has a +1, guess I really wanted to ask ^01:07
clarkbyes it should01:07
clarkbif it doesn't I will manually clean them out01:07
jogoclarkb: ohh perfect01:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Handle errors listing flavors and images in scenario utils
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Remove CONF values from identity clients
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Remove no longer used definitions for Ryu
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Split resource_setup for image tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Remove is_rackspace function from functions-common
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Test multiple security groups association for a vm
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set custom cpu_model for live_migrate
jogoclarkb: looks like there is a process for picking the right CPU arch but it needs access to our nodes01:18
clarkbjogo: I think if you use what hpcloud uses ou will be fine :)01:18
clarkbjogo: all of that information is logged as part of the jobs01:19
jogoclarkb: but rackspace is different right?01:20
* jogo looks at the logs01:20
clarkbyes but rackspace is like 8 years newer01:20
clarkbI would be completely surprised if a rax cpu could not manage what hpcloud advertises01:20
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jogohmm xeon01:21
jogowell I am starting with 'pentium'01:21
mtreinishclarkb: wasn't part of rax amd at one point?01:21
jogohoping that will work -- and suck01:21
mtreinishjogo: oh, god that'll be slow...01:21
clarkbmtreinish: ya but not on the performance flavors which are all we use now01:21
jogomtreinish: ohh amd, that will be fun01:21
clarkbjogo: no use what hpcloud uses...01:21
mtreinishjogo: yeah use core2duo01:21
mtreinishthat should be the lowest common denominator01:21
jogomtreinish: I'll try that next if this works01:22
clarkbjogo: ...01:22
jogoalso opteron on intel didn't work so that makes sense01:22
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openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:23s for check-grenade-dsvm-neutron-sideways 155516,1,226d6a501:31
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest-lib: Add percent change to duration on subunit-trace output
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openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed openstack/tempest: DO NOT MERGE test congress cI
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openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed openstack-dev/devstack: DO NOT MERGE test congress ci fail...
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openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Fix keystone helper functions
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openstackgerritDean Troyer proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Virtual environment groundwork
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1423427
openstackbug 1423427 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "os-baremetal-node ext relies on presence of specific ironic node properties " [Undecided,New]
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adam_gmriedem, what is this telling me?
mriedemadam_g: import error somewhere03:18
mriedemwhich probably means some dependent library had a release which is breaking e-r03:19
adam_gmriedem, :|03:20
adam_gmriedem, doing the same locally. ill dig03:20
mriedemok, so far in logstash it's just your change, so must have been something that was just released in the last 24 hours03:20
mriedemactually less than that, we had one e-r patch pass today03:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Add qemu-utils to n-cpu debs
adam_gi thought testr was updated to actually report whats causing  import errors ?03:22
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adam_gmriedem, i think irc released something today that broke logging03:28
mriedemadam_g: yeah i thought so too03:30
mriedemadam_g: yeah it was the irc release
mriedemopening a bug03:33
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Cap irc < 11.1 due to ImportError
mriedemadam_g: jogo: ^03:38
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mriedemadam_g: ah, e-r has the testtools req capped03:47
mriedemso probably isn't testing against the version that dumps the ImportError03:48
mriedeme-r isn't synced up with global-requirements03:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Cap irc < 11.1 due to ImportError
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adam_gmriedem, ahh03:52
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mriedemadam_g: i'm uncapping the test requirements to match g-r and will see if that shows me the import error03:53
mriedemi approved the irc cap change though03:53
mriedemadam_g: rebase/recheck your change03:53
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1423427
openstackbug 1423427 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "os-baremetal-node ext relies on presence of specific ironic node properties " [Undecided,New]
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mriedemadam_g: use this: message:"KeyError: 'cpus'" AND message:"" AND tags:"screen-n-api.txt"04:00
mriedemadam_g: looks like an easy enough fix, check for 'cpus' or 'cpu_num' in the dict04:01
mriedemwould be nice if ironic was passing back something specific always04:02
mriedemunfortunately my nova is locked up in a big tox recreate right now or i'd push a fix04:03
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mriedemadam_g: jogo: here we go:
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mriedemthis is the breaking commit
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Uncap some test requirements
mriedemjogo: mtreinish: sdague: ^ that's helpful...04:14
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Uncap some test requirements
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add oslo.policy to lib/oslo and stackrc
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1423427
openstackbug 1423427 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "os-baremetal-node ext relies on presence of specific ironic node properties " [Undecided,New]
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1423427
openstackbug 1423427 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "os-baremetal-node ext relies on presence of specific ironic node properties " [High,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/tempest: Fix baremetal node property keys
mriedemcyeoh: ^05:02
mriedemadam_g: ^05:02
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack/tempest: Fix baremetal node property keys
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Allow for git base override
openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: post_test_hook is not executed when the gate test returns an error
openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack/tempest: UUID check tool
hogepodgemtreinish the uuid check tool, in progress but nearly done06:36
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Ensure lvm2-lvmetad service running on Fedora
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openstackgerritRohan Kanade proposed openstack/tempest: Split resource_setup for volume tests
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openstackgerritvarun kumar yadav proposed openstack/tempest: Test-vm-create-with-udp-protocol
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openstackgerritRohan Kanade proposed openstack/tempest: Adds IPV6 bulk ops tests for network/subnet/ports
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openstackrecheckopenstack/requirements change: failed gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full in the gate queue with an unrecognized error08:58
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openstackgerritRohan Kanade proposed openstack/tempest: Split resource_setup for volume tests
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rdekelping andreaf09:16
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openstackrecheckConsole logs not available after 13:25s for periodic-tempest-dsvm-stress-master 141424,36,83a630b09:58
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naggappan   -> please some one let me knwo the use case of this fix10:36
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Apply T108 rule to most service clients
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Split resource_setup for telemetry tests
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andreafrdekel: pong - I missed your message yesterday11:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Uncap some test requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest: Split resource_setup for limit tests
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Add invalid "get_*_list" pattern to T108
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openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed check-heat-dsvm-functional-mysql in the gate queue with an unrecognized error11:28
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Add invalid "get_*_(list|show)" pattern to T108
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rdekelandreaf: hi, mtreinish asked me to speak with you about a patch I pushed which apparently relate to a blueprint you are working on11:56
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andreafrdekel: yes,
andreafrdekel: I should probably add that link into the bp11:59
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rdekelandreaf: I read that and I wonder if my patch could help or being merged to this12:00
andreafrdekel: we are trying to do a few things: consolidate the existing pletora of config options12:00
openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add error checks to provider net and subnet creation
andreafrdekel: if I get it right you want to support a non-icmp check for hypervisors how cannot support that12:01
rdekelandreaf: yap, my goal is to allow other connection's protocol tests such as udp and tcp12:02
andreafrdekel: my idea in the bp was to provide a sequence of checks to provide better troubleshooting capabilities when trying to validate a VM and networking via ssh12:04
andreafrdekel: so something like ping, telnet to port 22 and then ssh12:04
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rdekelandreaf: I think that nc will be better then telnet and easier to implement12:05
andreafrdekel: sure well I didn't mean actual "telnet" - more a connect to a port12:05
andreafrdekel: which can be done via python directly12:06
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rdekelandreaf: oh I see your point. I used the CLI which make this OS related. Using python will be more genetic - and the right way to do this12:07
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andreafrdekel: and what I'm wanted with this bp is also  a common method to validate VMs shared by API and scenario tests12:10
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andreafrdekel: so to suppport your use case we would need to have other kind of checks, like the UDP one, and a configured / preferred sequence of checks to be done, which could be overwritten by each test12:10
andreafrdekel: something like, by default "UDP /1000, ssh /22 " or by default "ping, TCP/22, ssh/22"12:11
andreafrdekel: and validation resources (i.e. security group) creation would need to be in sync with that12:12
andreafrdekel: so if your hypervisor does not support icmp rules, you can still enjoy validation12:13
rdekelandreaf: if you want to check the connection to the generic openstack image (cirros) you'll need UDP/33434-33534 which is used by traceroute/tracepath12:14
andreafrdekel: ok - eh yes I was wondering if there was a default UDP port open12:15
rdekelandreaf: I did changed a bit the current tempest security group creation to support my patch (you can get ideas from there)12:15
openstackgerritRohan Kanade proposed openstack/tempest: Split resource_setup for volume tests
rdekelandreaf: Is the bp goal to be entirely python based? (even ping?)12:16
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andreafrdekel: let me check if we can get your patch included in ours somehow12:16
rdekelandreaf: If your goal it to be python based => don't merge my patch. My goal was to support a fast patch but OS related.12:17
andreafrdekel: well that's not the primary goal of the bp really - I guess it would be nice to have12:17
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andreafrdekel: ok thanks12:18
rdekelandreaf: nicer and samrter12:18
openstackgerritnithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: WIP - Create shared ssh verification by extending RemoteClient
rdekelandreaf: I didn't try to write ping nor tracepath, but if you want this bp to run on every python environment (windows ahm) you need to write it on your own. Unless you have smarter workaround for this12:19
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rdekelandreaf: BTW, if my patch was python based at the first place I needn't change traceroute to tracepath (the gates run ubuntu)12:23
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openstackgerritvarun kumar yadav proposed openstack/tempest: Test-vm-create-with-udp-protocol
andreafrdekel: so being able to run tempest on non-linux environment was not my primary concern here, I think we could go with ping and nc in a first version - or ping and python TCP/UDP socket, which easy to implement12:24
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rdekelrdekel: I don't like hybrid solutions. If you want Linux based - just used the current CLI as I did. And then you can merge my patch.12:25
andreafrdekel: I think the main difference you bring in compared to what we are doing (nithyag_, jlanoux and myself) is the option of having an alternative to ping12:26
rdekelandreaf: sounds like my patch can "upgrade" your bp12:27
toskyquestion about tempest.conf and the values stored there: is it acceptable to have a complex value there (like a one-liner json as a quoted string)?12:27
andreafrdekel: it adds a new requirement into it, and as we're touching same areas of the code we need to check whether it makes sense for your code to go in first or after or somewhere in middle but restructured12:28
andreafrdekel: give me some time to see how this can fit together, I'll comment on the review12:29
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rdekelandreaf: 10x! :)12:32
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openstackrecheckopenstack/heat change: failed check-heat-dsvm-functional-mysql in the gate queue with an unrecognized error12:44
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openstackgerritnithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: WIP - Create shared ssh verification by extending RemoteClient
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openstackgerritnithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: WIP - Define validation_resources function for ssh validation
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openstackgerritEmily Hugenbruch proposed openstack/tempest: Split resource_setup for compute volumes tests
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dtroyersdague: I respun and last night with a couple of tweaks; both finally cleared the check queue14:52
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mtreinishhogepodge: ok I'll take a look, thanks14:59
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Uncap irc, block on 11.1
mriedemmtreinish: sdague: ^15:00
mriedemthe irc maintainer got that fixed lickety split15:00
mtreinishmriedem: yeah that was quick15:01
mtreinishhogepodge: oh, you might want to start putting the bp in the commit msg so we can track all the in progress commits together15:02
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mtreinishtosky: you can do it,(oslo config has option types for that) but we normally don't like having complex values as a config option15:04
mtreinishtosky: what were you looking at doing?15:05
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toskymtreinish: the current Sahara API tests have an hardcoded dependency on a specific Sahara plugin (Hadoop version), which could not be available on the tested stack15:05
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toskymtreinish: I already introduced a parameter so that it's possible to specify the enabled plugins, but some API calls rely on a plugin-specific configuration for the parameters15:06
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toskythe two options are: provide a set of values for each template, or expose the values in the configuration (keeping the current values as the default value)15:07
toskyboth solutions have some drawbacks, I was investigating15:07
mtreinishtosky: so that really doesn't sound like something that should be put in the config file. It's too heavyweight and implementation specific15:08
toskythe json question is part of the "expose all the option", but then this moves all the work on the operator/tester shoulder, especially for few parameters (well, they are not so many, but still)15:08
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toskymtreinish: do you think that the solution "a template for each supported plugin, and the first found - if more then one is enabled - is always used for testing" is the best one?15:09
mtreinishtosky: I'm not sure, I'd have to see an example to really weigh what we should be doing15:10
mtreinishsdague: if you get a sec would be useful to fix the install from git for tempest-lib15:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Uncap irc, block on 11.1
toskymtreinish: definitions on lines 28 and 44:
mtreinishit also raises the question of how that'll work when we move to per service venvs15:11
openstackgerritnithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: Add new multi ssh configuration options
sdaguemtreinish: oh, hay, can you install put that into the right place in dtroyer's venv patch series?15:13
sdagueso we aren't do this multiple ways15:13
toskymtreinish: values like plugin_name, hadoop_version, node_processes, node_configs, cluster_configs (at least) are plugin-specific; if the vanilla plugin is not available, boom15:13
mtreinishsdague: I'm using dtroyer's venv install method15:13
sdaguemtreinish: I believe it can sit on top of this -
mtreinishthe bits which were needed should already be landed15:13
sdaguemtreinish: right, but it completely misses things like the cleanup parts15:14
mtreinishtosky: hmm, yeah I see what your saying15:14
sdaguethere is a pattern with the keystone in venv patch which we should follow15:14
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mtreinishsdague: but the tempest case is different because it's using tox15:14
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sdaguethe fact that it's using tox is pretty irrelevant in this case I think15:16
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mtreinishsdague: is it? because devstack isn't managing the venv at all for tempest right now. It just dumps the code and generates the config15:18
mtreinishtosky: I'm not sure there's a good answer for this. The problem is if we expose options to configure that template fully your really just testing that you managed to get all the bits right in your configuration15:18
sdagueright, but it is managing the currency of the libs from git15:18
mtreinishtosky: I'm thinking this is something which sahara might just have to test on it's own15:19
mtreinishSergeyLukjanov: ^^^ any thoughts15:19
toskymtreinish: on its own, like?15:19
mtreinishtosky: like add testing to sahara to verify that the api is working for the different plugins15:20
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toskymtreinish: so move the API tests to the sahara repository? Please note that there is a rewrite of integration tests which could provide a set of per-plugin profiles for clusters15:20
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toskymtreinish: on the other side, would it be problematic/contrary to the guidelines to have, at least for now, a set of per-plugin profiles in the API tests in tempests?15:22
mtreinishtosky: if you did it without user interaction but just based on the enabled plugin config option I think that would be ok in the short term15:23
sdaguemtreinish: for instance, tempest_lib only gets touched if tempest is installed. However now that other packages are using tempest_lib, it needs to be handled there as well.15:23
mtreinishsdague: hmm, I'm not sure about that because, at least for right now, it's only in test-requirements for other projects so devstack isn't going to install it for them15:25
sdaguedevstack can install test-requirements.txt, and does if you set a flag15:25
toskymtreinish: yes, that's the idea, no user interaction, just a big static python dict with the settings and, as you said, selected based on the set of available plugins15:25
sdaguewhich is used by jobs15:25
sdagueand people15:25
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mtreinishsdague: ok, then it's just a use case I wasn't thinking about. I'll rebase the patch then15:26
sdagueI think this is the way it needs to be....15:26
sdagueinstall_tempest primes the pump15:26
sdaguewith tox --notest -efull15:26
sdaguethen registers the tox venv in the global venv array15:26
openstackgerritnithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: Add new multi ssh configuration options
sdaguebecause eventually libs_from_git needs to basically loop all the venvs and install into all of them15:27
toskymtreinish: more general question: in the big picture and long term, will API tests be moved to project repositories too? I remember CLI tests...15:27
mtreinishsdague: ok, sure15:27
sdagueand... I still think there is a sequencing issue which isn't right yet, but at least conceptually that's what we have to do to be consistent15:28
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mtreinishtosky: so cli tests definitely, they never really belonged in tempest in the first place15:28
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mtreinishtosky: but for other tests which aren't like that we're not calling for the removal of anything. Especially since we're not in 100% agreement on what the project scope should be long term15:30
toskymtreinish: ack, thanks for all the answers!15:31
mtreinishtosky: instead right now to remove something someone has to propose it on a meeting agenda, and then a few checks to make sure it's safe/good to remove it15:31
mtreinishtosky: fyi we discussed that part here:
* cdent hopes for hierarchical nested venvs on the horizon15:32
toskymtreinish: I was there, but the conclusion was not totally clear15:32
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toskyI was hoping for some updates :)15:32
mtreinishsdague: ok, yeah I was just thinking about that part because when we initially generate the venv it'll use the released version, and then we install on top of it15:32
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mtreinishbut depending on when the services launch relative to that it might be problematic15:33
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openstackgerritnithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: WIP - Define validation_resources function for ssh validation
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sdaguemtreinish: right, so I think getting the phases right is going to be the important thing15:53
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Ensure we install tempest-lib from git in tempest's tox venv
mtreinishsdague: ^^^ does that look better?15:56
sdaguemtreinish: for now, I think so15:57
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openstackgerritnithya-ganesan proposed openstack/tempest: WIP - Define validation_resources function for ssh validation
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mtreinishsdague: btw, I figured out why the preseeding isn't really doing anything a bunch of stuff is missing from the times db after the streams are loaded16:03
mtreinish if there is a +/- % then it found something in the times db16:03
sdaguemtreinish: cool16:03
mtreinishI'm not sure why it's missing though :)16:04
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mtreinishignore the numbers though the arithmetic is just wrong in the patch16:05
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE COPY ALL OF .TESTREPOSITORY to log server
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sergshdkranz, can you please re-review changes in the patch ?16:13
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE COPY ALL OF .TESTREPOSITORY to log server
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hogepodgemtreinish yeah, I plan on cleaning up the commit message and merging my two patches together. The plan is to pull the code together, let people review it, then run the tagging when we're getting close to merge so I don't have to go through rebase hell16:25
mtreinishhogepodge: ok, cool16:25
hogepodgemtreinish after too long I'm eager to show progress. :-D16:26
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palwhat are the difference in openstack and devstack/16:47
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vponomaryovpal: devstack is tool that sets up OpenStack16:48
dtroyerpal: … for dev and test use only16:48
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palInstallation procedure of both are different..16:49
paldtroyer: I didnt get u16:49
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dtroyerdon't use devstack for anything other than development and testing.  people try to actually use it and get upset when it doesn't recover from host reboots at all.16:50
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paldtroyer: Other than this.. I mean to say which code devstack picks up?16:57
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palopenstack has its versions. what about devstack?16:57
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mriedemneutron functional appears to have some timing problems
dtroyerpal: DevStack has branches to match the OpenStack releases, so mater DevStack installs from master branches of OpenStack git repositories.  Same with stable/juno, etc.17:00
ttxjogo: ping me when around so that we can have a quick chat17:00
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest-lib: Add percent change to duration on subunit-trace output
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mriedemsdague: jogo: mtreinish: looks like this just rechecked it's way into the gate
mriedemwith race failures17:03
mtreinishmriedem: heh, only 5 rechecks to get it through17:04
mriedemi'm actually surprised that's the only change this has hit on in logstash, but it just merged in the last 24 hours17:04
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sdaguemriedem: that's not an executed code path in tempest is it?17:06
mriedemsdague: no, neutron functional17:06
sdagueoh, gotcha17:06
sdagueyou should go yell at the neutron channel then17:06
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mtreinishmriedem: make sure it's in all caps :)17:07
sdaguethis is why we can't have nice things17:07
mriedemwell, i used 'derp' at least17:07
mriedemas my intro17:07
paldtroyer: So when I do git clone which branch it is installing from17:09
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dtroyerpal: that will get you DevStack master, which by default pulls the master branch of all OpenStack repos that it loads.17:11
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openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack/tempest: Add UUIDs to tests with tools and checks
paldtroyer: It means master branch of each and every service of penstack means neutron , nova etc?17:15
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dtroyerpal: yes, whatever services you have DevStack configured to use17:15
paland the latest versions of each and every service are compatible with each other?17:17
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paldtroyer: and the latest versions of each and every service are compatible with each other? How they know when any services' master branch is updated that it will be compatible with other master branch?17:18
dtroyerpal: that is why we do the CI testing on _every_ commit to an OpenStack repo.  It catches most of the cases where things get out of sync, but we do not test every combination, there are simply too many.17:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/devstack: Build wheel cache for venvs
palSo can we face issues when we pick the devstack code from the link provided?17:21
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paldtroyer : So can we face issues when we pick the devstack code from the link provided?17:21
dtroyerpal: possibly.  DevStack has a lot of sharp edges and ways to have problems, project code sync is probably pretty low on that list of things to worry about.  What exactly is your concern?17:23
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paldtroyer; Actually I had one plugin which earlier worked with master branch and when I tested with openstack juno it didnt work.17:26
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dtroyerpal: that is not a surprise, you are going backward in time and things probably changed since then.17:27
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest-lib: Add percent change to duration on subunit-trace output
palokay.. and what are the steps to install any service manually from github on openstack?17:28
paldtroyer : okay.. and what are the steps to install any service manually from github on openstack?17:28
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dtroyerpal: that depends on the service.  DevStack is one example of doing that, there are probably others.  But that is beyond the scope of what I can answer here17:29
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paldtroyer : do you know the steps for neutron?17:35
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dtroyerpal: no.17:38
paldtroyer: okay. thanks :)17:39
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jogottx: pong17:43
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* gfidente back soon17:48
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pc_mmtreinish: hi17:49
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add Manila project (Shared file systems service)
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add Manila project (Shared file systems service)
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vponomaryovHello, who should I talk to make me assignee to following blueprint -
vponomaryovthere is also commit change for its implementation -
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Add invalid "get_*_(list|show)" pattern to T108
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/tempest: Remove unused NotFound raise
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mtreinishdtroyer: did you see my questions on:
mtreinishpc_m: hello19:23
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pc_mmtreinish: Do you have some for Qs on tempest?19:25
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mtreinishpc_m: sure19:28
pc_mmtreinish: Since Jan 2014, there have been several attempts to add a scenario test to VPN. Recently, 2 devs have taken over abandoned commits & trying to move them forward (as we only have API coverage currently). Plan is to merge these 2 efforts into a single scenario test. We'd love to get this into Kilo, and given the repo split, are looking to guidance on what our options are for this scenario test (written for tempest). can you advise?19:28
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/tempest-lib: Add percent change to duration on subunit-trace output
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pc_mmtreinish: Ref:
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mtreinishpc_m: didn't we already talk about this?19:30
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pc_mmtreinish: We talked mostly about functional tests, and only a bit about scenario tests (IIRC)19:31
pc_mmtreinish: We also talked about supporting StrongSwan vs OpenSwan.19:32
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mtreinishpc_m: but, it's really the same thing. The adv. services tests really don't belong in tempest, they should live in the vpnaas repo. (or something else which is vpnaas specific)19:34
mtreinishpc_m: what specifically is the reason you feel this should be in tempest? Or what is missing from preventing you from doing it in the vpnaas repo?19:35
dtroyermtreinish: I did not, thanks19:35
pc_mmtreinish: I don't feel it should be in tempest, I'm trying to understand (and help the developer) how we can get this upstreamed.19:36
mtreinishpc_m: ok, then what pieces are missing from getting the tests running and landed in the vpnaas repo?19:36
pc_mmtreinish: My confusion (ignorance :) is that the test was designed for tempest. How do we adapt it to run in the functional test of the VPN repo?19:37
mtreinishdtroyer: sure, no worries. I just had my +A finger ready19:37
pc_mmtreinish: Looks like it imports a bunch of tempest code to do the test, so is tempest centric.19:38
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dtroyerand answered.  I was about to push the cleanup for the wheels review, I'll add that one bit from 151513 to it19:38
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pc_mmtreinish: I heard some mention of a tempest lib? Is it available to use?19:39
mtreinishpc_m: but, there isn't really that much which is tempest specific in the testing. It's just things like the clients and some utils. But if we know what is missing we can work on getting it in tempest-lib (or somwhere else) so you need to get things running19:39
mtreinishpc_m: yes it is, but there isn't too much in there yet19:39
mtreinishpc_m: and
openstackrecheckopenstack/requirements change: failed gate-devstack-dsvm-cells in the gate queue with an unrecognized error19:41
mtreinishdtroyer: ok, that's what I thought was the case. I'll +A it then if there are more follow on cleanups19:41
pc_mmtreinish: So, we write these as functional tests for the vpn repo, and make use of the tempest lib for the bits that the test was doing before using tempest, right?19:41
dtroyermtreinish: yup19:41
mtreinishpc_m: yes, but only where it makes sense for this use case.19:43
mtreinishpc_m: my guess is there are things which are written using tempest pieces because they were there, not because they have to19:43
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pc_mmtreinish: One concern is that the test inherits from NetworkScenarioTest19:43
pc_mmtreinish: Not sure what that implies.19:44
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mtreinishpc_m: that means it's a scenario test that uses neutron19:44
mtreinishit mostly just changes some of the helper methods to make networks ops use neutron calls19:45
mtreinishand takes into account other differences in helper methods and client inits19:45
pc_mmtreinish: thanks. So, they should work to adapting the tests to just make calls to neutron (directly), to setup things like was done for tempest.19:47
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pc_mmtreinish: Is the plan for this tempest lib to eventually provide support for routers, networks, etc?19:51
mtreinishpc_m: yeah, but it might be useful for them to take a step back and think about the best way for them to actually test what they want19:51
mtreinishinstead of just relying on the mechanics of how it was done in tempest19:52
mtreinishpc_m: so service clients are on the plan for migration, oomichi has been working on it19:52
mtreinishbut there are some other things which need to be migrated first19:52
mtreinishand there are longer term stability and consistency concerns we want to figure out before we start migrating all the clients over19:53
pc_mmtreinish: gotcha.19:53
pc_mmtreinish: We need lower level tests as well (I'm starting to think about them), but there is a strong desire to have a test that verifies that these 3rd party apps actually negotiate a IPSec connection and can pass traffic.19:54
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pc_mmtreinish: Everyone's been thinking that a way to do this test is to create two subnets, two routers, and then setup an IPSec connection between the two, verifying traffic passes.19:56
mtreinishpc_m: sure that makes sense19:58
pc_mmtreinish: The drivers we have get a config file, spin up a process for the *Swan app,  and it handle all the processing. Not much visibility into the whole process.19:58
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pc_mmtreinish: One functional test was to check the config file. Another to check the process is running, and see what status it reports. These could be done w/o another side.19:59
pc_mfunctional test idea...19:59
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pc_mmtreinish: Thanks for the clarifications. I'll pass this along to the developers looking into the scenario test. If they have questions on the tempest lib, and its applicability, or in how tempest is doing things in the current code, what ways can they get help? QA IRC? other?20:01
mtreinishpc_m: yeah, that seems reasonable. I guess there isn't much introspection or polling you could do against the running *Swans. If there was that would be another option20:01
mtreinishpc_m: irc, or the ML would be the best ways to ask questions20:02
pc_mmtreinish: Yeah, C apps, really crude status commands.20:02
pc_mmtreinish: directed to [QA]?20:02
pc_mmtreinish: thanks for the guidance. Hopefully we can get something in place.20:03
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openstackrecheckopenstack/requirements change: failed gate-devstack-dsvm-cells in the gate queue with an unrecognized error20:05
pc_mmtreinish: Oh, one more question related to the scenario test...20:07
pc_mmtreinish: As I mentioned there is OpenSwan and StrongSwan, implementations for VPN. The scenario test should be agnostic to this. Any idea how we can do the scenario test for both implementations w/o duplicating the test code?20:08
mtreinishpc_m: well without knowing the mechanics and the differences between performing the same operations between the 2 impl it's hard to say20:09
mtreinishbut you could use something like testscenarios or ddt probably20:10
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mtreinishor just inheritance between 2 test classes if the calls are the same except for like 1 param20:10
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pc_mmtreinish: This is the one wher for strongswan we need to set IPSEC_PACKAGE in local.conf, and disable apparmor, so an environmental difference20:10
pc_mmtreinish: and different .conf files. So a devstack difference.20:11
mtreinishfor example the inheritance is how the ipv6 vs ipv4 stuff is done. The test code is the same the ipv6 is just a subclass on ipv4 with different helpers20:11
mtreinishpc_m: yeah that sounds like just different env configuration20:11
pc_mmtreinish: Yeah, was planning to create a new job for strongswan, but not sure how to share the test module on the two jobs20:12
* pc_m maybe I'm brain dead today :)20:12
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pc_mmtreinish: The test case should be identical (if not, then yes, subclassing would be easy).20:15
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Ensure we install tempest-lib from git in tempest's tox venv
mtreinishdtroyer, sdague: ^^^ there was a dumb mistake in the old rev20:29
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openstackrecheckopenstack/requirements change: failed gate-devstack-dsvm-cells in the gate queue with an unrecognized error20:35
openstackrecheckopenstack/requirements change: failed gate-devstack-dsvm-cells in the gate queue with an unrecognized error20:40
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openstackrecheckopenstack/nova change: failed because of: gate-devstack-dsvm-cells: unrecognized error, gate-tempest-dsvm-large-ops:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]21:12
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anteayadtroyer: you have mason browne at nebula?21:20
dtroyeranteaya: yup we do21:21
anteayadude just did a drive by on my linked in page21:21
anteayahe is an old friend21:21
anteayatell him hello21:21
anteayaand see if you can bring him to summit21:21
dtroyeranteaya: you can introduce me then ;)   We haven't met in person yet…21:22
anteayaI can do that21:22
anteayahe is awesome!21:22
dtroyerand that is why he is a Nebula maybe? ;)21:22
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cells bug 1423695
openstackbug 1423695 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "gate-devstack-dsvm-cells fails attaching volume" [Undecided,New]
mriedemjogo: ^21:25
jogomriedem: btw I added related-bug too21:25
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mriedemjogo: jinx!21:26
anteayadtroyer: entirely likely21:27
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openstackgerritDean Troyer proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Recent virtualenv review cleanups
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cells bug 1423695
openstackbug 1423695 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "gate-devstack-dsvm-cells fails attaching volume" [Undecided,New]
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openstackrecheckopenstack/ceilometer change: failed because of: gate-devstack-dsvm-cells:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1311066 in OpenStack-Gate "Some nodes allocated in node pool are very very slow" [High,Confirmed]21:44
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1423695 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "gate-devstack-dsvm-cells fails attaching volume" [Undecided,New]22:11
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Skip volume devstack exercise
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flwangmtreinish: ping22:27
mtreinishflwang: pong (my responses might be slow because of the qa meeting though)22:27
flwangmtreinish: ok, not very urgent issue, just some questions :)22:28
flwangmtreinish: some question related to the cleanup.sh22:28
flwangmtreinish: as i mentioned before, we're trying to leverage tempest to check the health of our production env22:29
flwangbut you know, most of the time, it will leave some objects, tenants22:29
flwangafter checked the, seems it need a pre-run before the running any tempest cases, is it?22:30
flwangand what happened if there is another new tenant created during the tempest running?22:30
flwangi mean a new real tenant created for customer22:30
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dkranzflwang: The new tenant part is a known defect in the cleanup script at present22:42
flwangdkranz: thanks, man. is there a link for that?22:43
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flwangdkranz: and is there anyway for tempest to allow specify the test tenants?22:43
flwangi mean just use current tenants instead of creating new temporary tenants22:43
hogepodgefungi I had one comment on the defcore project review, a question mostly about voting ranges.22:44
fungihogepodge: thanks, looking22:45
dkranzflwang: yes, see the test-accounts feature22:45
dkranzflwang: that also allows you to run in parallel without creating new tenants for each test class22:45
hogepodgefungi I'm also in the wrong room. ain't nobody here but us chickens22:46
flwangdkranz: is it ready? or still in developing?22:46
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dkranzflwang: I think it is working.22:47
fungihogepodge: that makes it the right room in my opinion22:47
dkranzflwang: I can't help any more today22:48
flwangdkranz: thank you so much22:48
flwangdkranz: I will dig22:48
fungihogepodge: anyway, replied, but this does what you're requesting22:49
fungiit's how we set up all normal code repos in gerrit22:49
openstackrecheckopenstack-dev/devstack change: failed because of: gate-devstack-dsvm-cells:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1423695 in python-novaclient "gate-devstack-dsvm-cells fails attaching volume" [Undecided,New]22:51
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hogepodgefungi egle and rob are the board members who are co-chairs on defcore, so we can start moving forward on that if we want.22:52
flwangdkranz: cheers22:53
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fungihogepodge: yep, need the tc to approve first since it's an openstack project addition, but other than that we're just waiting on a second +2 on and then we can populate the initial defcore-core and defcore-release group members in gerrit22:54
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anteayafungi hogepodge I'm waiting on the tc patch to be decided first before I weigh in on the project-config patch22:56
fungianteaya: no problem. one of us can edit the project-config patch accordingly if something changes with the governance patch22:56
hogepodgeanteaya: thanks, I just pinged ttx in openstack-dev to see what the process is.22:56
anteayahogepodge: well the process is new22:57
anteayasince we just added the project config depends on as a result of the last infra meeting22:57
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anteayaso he too is figuring it out22:57
anteayaI talked to him about it so hopefully by now he has read the logs of the infra meeting22:57
anteayaand has an approach22:58
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fungiwe,, in the past (for repos being added to existing official projects) he brings it up in tuesday's tc meeting and if nobody objects, he approves it as administrivia... though maybe slightly more complex in this case since it's a foundation board working group rather than a technical project that's making the request22:59
anteayathat might need some time for folks to chew23:00
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fungithis is partly to avoid situations we've had in the past where new official repos were created without first getting feedback from the teams which would be responsible for them23:00
anteayado we have any crufty repos still as a result of that?23:00
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mtreinishanteaya: ?23:01
clarkbopenstack nose is from the land before time23:02
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anteayacore hasn't done anything since 2012:
anteayashould it be attic'd?23:03
clarkbits still used so no23:03
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openstackgerritDean Troyer proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Recent virtualenv review cleanups
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-dev/devstack: Add debtcollector to lib/oslo and stackrc
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add debtcollector to
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mmedvededtroyer: the breaks devstack on f20/f21 with "No package libxslt1-devel available." Do you know if anybody is working on a fix?23:21
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dtroyermmedvede: yup, has the fix for bug in it.  We're stymied by the cells problem ATM though23:23
openstackLaunchpad bug 1423720 in devstack "libxslt1-devel package required, but unavailable in default fedora repositories" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Dean Troyer (dtroyer)23:23
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mmedvededtroyer: ok, thank you. I should have checked the launchpad bugs next time :)23:25
mmedvedes/have checked/ check/23:25
dtroyernp, the ink on it isn't dry yet23:25
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openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack/tempest: Add UUIDs to tests with tools and checks
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tempest-lib: Switch to using oslo.log from library

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