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tobberydberg | o/ | 14:00 |
zhipeng | o/ | 14:01 |
mriedem | o/ | 14:01 |
tobberydberg | Hi folks! | 14:02 |
tobberydberg | Nice to see you here | 14:02 |
zhipeng | How's Xmas prep going ? :) | 14:03 |
tobberydberg | Just leave it at "begind schedule" ;-) | 14:04 |
tobberydberg | How about yourself? | 14:04 |
zhipeng | A very small tree has arrived :P | 14:04 |
tobberydberg | hehe | 14:05 |
tobberydberg | #startmeeting publiccloud_wg | 14:05 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Dec 20 14:05:29 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tobberydberg. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:05 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:05 |
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: publiccloud_wg)" | 14:05 | |
openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'publiccloud_wg' | 14:05 |
tobberydberg | Last meeting for the year | 14:05 |
tobberydberg | The very open agenda at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/publiccloud-wg | 14:06 |
tobberydberg | Feel free to ad your selves and add topics there | 14:06 |
mriedem | i've got 2 things i think | 14:07 |
tobberydberg | Please add them! | 14:07 |
mriedem | i only see dec 20 2017 | 14:08 |
tobberydberg | #topic 1. Planning 2019 | 14:08 |
*** openstack changes topic to "1. Planning 2019 (Meeting topic: publiccloud_wg)" | 14:08 | |
mriedem | there we go :) | 14:08 |
tobberydberg | hehe .. .sorry ... my bad in a hurry yesterday =) | 14:08 |
tobberydberg | So, I've adding som comments in the etherpad as we go here as well | 14:10 |
tobberydberg | zhipeng - feel free to comment on that as well | 14:10 |
zhipeng | No problem :) | 14:10 |
tobberydberg | thanks for adding that link mriedem ... great that adriant is onboard there | 14:12 |
mriedem | np | 14:12 |
tobberydberg | So the plan in general is to do a little bit of a recheck/restart of PP, continue the "missing features list" - with focus on the "2 selected items" (one that hopefully will make it as community goal) | 14:14 |
zhipeng | Do we have the tracking tool ready now ? | 14:15 |
tobberydberg | Maybe take on the ownership about the vendor profiles for the os-client | 14:16 |
tobberydberg | tracking tool of people in the PP? | 14:16 |
mriedem | what is the PP? | 14:16 |
tobberydberg | "Passport program" | 14:16 |
mriedem | ah | 14:16 |
tobberydberg | or what were you thinking about there zhipeng ? | 14:17 |
zhipeng | Tracking for the missing feature progress | 14:18 |
zhipeng | Melvin mentioned a website ? | 14:18 |
tobberydberg | aha | 14:20 |
tobberydberg | sorry | 14:20 |
tobberydberg | No, feedback was to try to not bring on another tool | 14:20 |
zhipeng | So we should stick with uc storyboard ? | 14:21 |
tobberydberg | "Operators most important issues list" | 14:21 |
tobberydberg | added that to the list under missing features | 14:21 |
tobberydberg | lets figure it out ... but yes that was one of the ideas | 14:21 |
zhipeng | Okey, next question is shall we push release team to add a new label similar to "release highlight" to reflect the progress of certain goal ? | 14:23 |
zhipeng | "requirement fulfillment", or some other wording | 14:24 |
mriedem | add a new label where? | 14:24 |
mriedem | like here? https://releases.openstack.org/rocky/highlights.html | 14:25 |
mriedem | that is auto-generated from the deliverables in the releases repo, of which the public cloud sig doesn't have deliverables - i'm sure something could be added to build those docs though | 14:25 |
mriedem | there is also https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/ but i'm not sure that's a good fit | 14:26 |
zhipeng | Yeah along the lines of that | 14:26 |
tobberydberg | Do you mean like more officially state "how well Team X delivered upon the goal Y"? | 14:26 |
mriedem | ^ requires accepting a community wide goal first | 14:26 |
zhipeng | Yep :) | 14:26 |
tobberydberg | yup | 14:26 |
mriedem | personally i'd like to see completion % on community wide goals as well | 14:26 |
mriedem | not sure if dhellmann has something for that in the past | 14:27 |
mriedem | e.g. some projects (glance) didn't complete the uwsgi goal | 14:27 |
zhipeng | That is not mutually exclusive :) | 14:27 |
tobberydberg | Think we are on the right track regarding release goals and highlights - 1 operator focused and one "code" focused | 14:27 |
mriedem | so maybe an action item is go to the tc to figure out how to communicate community wide goal completion? | 14:28 |
tobberydberg | Could be good with a more granular view of that as well, but harder with some goals | 14:28 |
zhipeng | I know that was built from deliverable directory, I think we need to add a new field similar to highlight | 14:28 |
mriedem | zhipeng: specifically for community wide goals? | 14:29 |
zhipeng | Yes | 14:29 |
zhipeng | Plus maybe other goals | 14:29 |
zhipeng | It is up to the teams | 14:29 |
mriedem | ok i'll bring this up in the tc office hours which starts in 30 minutes | 14:29 |
zhipeng | And we could consult tc on that | 14:29 |
tobberydberg | zhipeng - could that be an action for you to discuss with TC? | 14:29 |
mriedem | i can float the ideas in 30 min | 14:30 |
zhipeng | Yes it could be lol | 14:30 |
mriedem | since it's late for howard | 14:30 |
zhipeng | Thx Matt | 14:30 |
tobberydberg | +1 | 14:30 |
zhipeng | Barely have my eyes open lol | 14:30 |
mriedem | too many hamburgers | 14:30 |
mriedem | so sleepy | 14:30 |
zhipeng | XD | 14:31 |
tobberydberg | hehehe | 14:31 |
tobberydberg | it's the small christmas tree that is getting to you | 14:32 |
tobberydberg | Any thoughts about getting more people to attend meetings? | 14:33 |
mriedem | so, | 14:34 |
mriedem | honestly i wouldn't have even thought to attend if you hadn't sent out a reminder of this upcoming meeting, | 14:34 |
mriedem | so i think that's good | 14:34 |
tobberydberg | Which would be better for questions like yours mriedem as well ... bad when I'm the only one replying | 14:34 |
mriedem | if you have some agenda items beforehand that's even better | 14:34 |
mriedem | now i've got it in my calendar so i can at least attend this one if i'm at the computer in time | 14:35 |
mriedem | (8am here) | 14:35 |
tobberydberg | Yea, trying to do both ... sometimes better thatn other =) But thanks - will have that in mind! | 14:36 |
zhipeng | +1 on prep agenda beforehand | 14:36 |
tobberydberg | Yea, and to late for APAC | 14:36 |
tobberydberg | thats why we have the very early meeting (for me) next week :-) | 14:37 |
mriedem | yup | 14:37 |
tobberydberg | Will do a shout out to the mailing list as well | 14:37 |
tobberydberg | BTW - Reminder: OpenStack summit call for papers deadline is Jan 23 | 14:37 |
tobberydberg | That chocked med :-) | 14:37 |
tobberydberg | *me | 14:38 |
tobberydberg | wasn't prepared for that yet =) | 14:38 |
mriedem | no one is | 14:39 |
* tobberydberg reading your email thread mriedem | 14:39 | |
tobberydberg | appreciated to have that on "per vm basis" | 14:44 |
tobberydberg | Brings more flexibility and also will be easier to do automated operational work | 14:45 |
mriedem | ok if you're in favor including the pre-live migration safety check please reply to the thread | 14:45 |
mriedem | i kind of need operators speaking up to get through the deadlock here | 14:45 |
tobberydberg | yes, in favor of that ... cna add that | 14:46 |
mriedem | thanks | 14:47 |
tobberydberg | (and thats why we need more ops to be here as well) | 14:48 |
mriedem | as for pre-paid instances, it sounds like that could be generally beneficial | 14:48 |
mriedem | *granular locks would be generally beneficial - which would be a way to implement pre-paid instances | 14:48 |
tobberydberg | Yes. it will for sure bring more flexibility in the offerings to customers | 14:49 |
tobberydberg | "mature customers" | 14:49 |
mriedem | ok so i'll follow up with a ML thread about that to get wider feedback | 14:49 |
mriedem | thanks | 14:49 |
tobberydberg | the number of those today are pretty low, but will of course grown year by year | 14:50 |
tobberydberg | Definitely makes openstack a better "product offering" | 14:50 |
tobberydberg | So, 9 minutes left... Something else? | 14:52 |
mriedem | nope, i have to run to another meeting | 14:52 |
tobberydberg | thanks for joining mriedem and happy holidays | 14:52 |
mriedem | yup you too | 14:53 |
mriedem | o/ | 14:53 |
mriedem | enjoy the lutefisk and lefse | 14:53 |
mriedem | :) | 14:53 |
mriedem | my mom's side is swedish | 14:53 |
tobberydberg | hahaha | 14:53 |
zhipeng | Haha | 14:53 |
tobberydberg | xool ... didn't know! Will have a lot of "sill" (herring) at least | 14:54 |
tobberydberg | zhipeng - Christmas break upcoming 2 weeks or should we have a meeting? | 14:54 |
zhipeng | I think we should have a break | 14:55 |
zhipeng | Reconvene after new year's week | 14:55 |
tobberydberg | next meeting 3rd or 10th? | 14:55 |
zhipeng | 10th ? | 14:56 |
tobberydberg | :+1 | 14:56 |
zhipeng | We could ask Allison and other foundation folks to join as well | 14:56 |
tobberydberg | Sure ... maybe the 17th is better for that? (time-wise) | 14:56 |
zhipeng | Well anytime they see fit :) | 14:57 |
tobberydberg | heheh | 14:57 |
tobberydberg | Thanks for today zhipeng! Happy holidays to you and talk to you next year ;-) | 14:58 |
tobberydberg | #endmeeting | 14:58 |
*** openstack changes topic to "New meeting time!! Thursday odd weeks at 1400 UTC in this channel!!" | 14:58 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Thu Dec 20 14:58:43 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:58 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/publiccloud_wg/2018/publiccloud_wg.2018-12-20-14.05.html | 14:58 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/publiccloud_wg/2018/publiccloud_wg.2018-12-20-14.05.txt | 14:58 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/publiccloud_wg/2018/publiccloud_wg.2018-12-20-14.05.log.html | 14:58 |
zhipeng | C y'all next year :) | 14:59 |
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pilgrimstack | o/ | 15:01 |
pilgrimstack | hi all | 15:01 |
pilgrimstack | should we have the meeting right now ? | 15:01 |
zhipeng | lol we just finished | 15:01 |
pilgrimstack | ok perfect… I have an timezone issue… | 15:02 |
zhipeng | UTC 1400 : P | 15:02 |
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pilgrimstack | thx | 15:03 |
pilgrimstack | sorry for that | 15:03 |
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