Thursday, 2018-07-05

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tobberydbergMeeting here in an hour ... just as a reminder to you all!13:03
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tobberydbergSo, who's around for this weeks meeting?14:03
ChrisDBChris Burden - Memset (first visit to the meeting)14:04
zhipengwelcome !14:04
tobberydbergWelcome ChrisDB!14:04
tobberydbergHappy to have you here!14:04
NickCWI'm here from Memset too (Nick Craig-Wood)14:04
tobberydbergyou should knock Ross on the shoulder as well =)14:05
tobberydbergWelcome NickCW!14:05
NickCWThanks!  I think Ross is out today alas.14:05
tobberydbergOk. I will kick off the meeting and lets see who pops in during the hour14:05
tobberydberg#startmeeting publiccloud_wg14:06
openstackMeeting started Thu Jul  5 14:06:14 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is tobberydberg. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:06
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'publiccloud_wg'14:06
tobberydbergSo, agenda can be found at14:07
tobberydbergplease put your name there as well under participants14:07
tobberydbergand ... NickCW and ChrisDB ... add "your topic" there as well14:08
NickCWOK will do14:08
tobberydberg1. Passport program - use case and spec14:09
tobberydbergI tried to put together a more "final" version of spec for the PPv2 ... it is in the bottom of that page I linked in the agenda14:10
zhipengi think it is very good, thanks tobias14:11
zhipengthe only additional item I got , like I wrote to you and Allison, is to add promotions in the banner area14:11
zhipengin that way Passport main page could be a place help member cloud to do promotions, each for a certain period14:12
tobberydbergThat was how far I got this week, so still to be done here is to officially add that spec to our repo, send out for +1/-1 and comments to the mailing list ... as well reaching out to all the PP members and welcome them to either net meeting or an extra meeting before that to have a final say in that spec14:12
tobberydbergSorry that I haven't responded to that.14:13
tobberydbergLike that idea in general, no clue how foundation thinks around that though14:13
tobberydbergI believe that is in the spec already, right?14:14
tobberydbergunder "Passport Promotion"14:14
tobberydberg1. OpenStack Foundation to provide promotion via the banner area on the passport homepage14:15
tobberydbergor is that in some way different from what you proposed?14:15
zhipengah i missed that14:15
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zhipengthen the next thing is for me to +1 or +2 on it :P14:16
tobberydbergI will make sure to add this to the repo soon and send out an email to mailing list as well14:17
zhipengsuper awesome14:18
tobberydbergSome of the things we need to check with foundation as well14:18
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tobberydbergBut ok. Lets move on ... we can get back to this later as well14:19
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tobberydberg2. Other topics14:20
tobberydbergLets swap order of the 2 items there14:20
tobberydbergNickCW and ChrisDB ... I know you have something on your mind! =)14:21
NickCWI have a bit prepared I shall cut and paste then we can discuss!14:21
ChrisDBWe have....14:21
tobberydbergUnfortunately not too many at the meeting today, but we that are here are happy to listen14:22
tobberydbergsure, that is totally fine14:22
NickCWIn order for Openstack providers to complete with the internet giants (AWS, Azure, Google) we need to have global reach.  We all have compatible technologies but to get that global reach we need to work together.14:22
NickCWWe'd like to propose an effort to promote a global load balancer solution for Openstack so potential customers can use resources from multiple providers spread around the world and have a standardised way of setting up a global load balancer.14:22
NickCWThe output of this project would be some documentation, some whitepapers on how to set this up to work with multiple providers and some marketing collateral.14:22
NickCWWe have had preliminary talks with Cloudflare to see if they would be interesting in partnering with us to be the global load balancer provider of choice.14:22
NickCWOnce we have a global load balancer partner we can work on making whitepapers describing the technology, do some proof of concepts and put some marketing effort behind it.14:22
NickCWWe aren't proposing any new technology, just a unified way of working together for the common good of Openstack.14:22
jamesmca_That's a really interesting proposal.14:24
tobberydbergLike it a lot as well .. of course =)14:25
tobberydbergyou should say +2 zhipeng ;-)14:25
zhipengwe already have a blockchain initiative/project under the WG wing now, this could be another great addition14:25
zhipenghaha workflow + 114:25
NickCWThanks for your support :-)14:26
ChrisDBWe have previously trialled this concept with Datacentred before they went under....14:26
ChrisDBit worked well - presented at a UK OpenStack event last year14:26
tobberydbergI think it is a really good fit to have under the PCWG or PP umbrella14:26
tobberydbergDid they record that session?14:28
tobberydbergcan't find it14:30
ChrisDBI'll ask and get back to you...14:30
tobberydbergDid you use cloudflare in that presentation? Don't remember...14:30
NickCWYes we did14:30
ChrisDBYes we did....14:31
tobberydbergok ok14:31
tobberydbergSo, help me out here .... what would be the next steps here to potentially get this going14:32
tobberydbergWrite up a spec like the one for the PP where use case and need is defined, what technical requirements there is, what resources that are needed etc etc?14:33
ChrisDBI would suggest that we collect the contact details of those interested and hold an initial conference call.14:33
ChrisDBI'll also pull Cloudflare into the conversation14:33
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ChrisDBWe can then put together a high level briefing for agreement by the group and an action plan to move this forward14:34
zhipengChrisDB it would be better to have a detailed description first I think14:35
NickCWDo you have a link for the PP doc tobberydberg ?14:35
zhipenghelp people understand what they are getting into14:35
tobberydbergagree with zhipeng14:35
tobberydbergthe later half of that etherpad will go in as a spec14:35
NickCWOK so if we were to make an etherpad doc in a similar style that would be the thing?14:36
tobberydbergbut a etherpad, design not exactly like that but that describes the use case would be good14:36
tobberydbergwould be awesome14:36
zhipengor submit a patch for blueprint, which basically follows the same format14:37
NickCWWe can do that, starting with the use case, working down from there14:37
tobberydbergso, just to make it clear in my hear here .. what are you thoughts around the project? To do this fully upstream way though the public cloud ww, or just collect som clouds that come together and that group help out to make this happen?14:37
NickCWI was thinking that this could be an offering of the Passport Program but I don't know what the best way to achieve that.  I think the first step is to write that doc and gauge interest.14:39
tobberydbergtotally agree, and totally agree that this would be a really good thing for the PP as well14:39
NickCWI'm unclear exactly where this proposal might fit in with the various bodies involved - your guidance appreciated!14:40
tobberydbergas an extension to PP a separate thing as well ... I guess time will tell, but like the idea in general14:41
NickCWOK great. We can see where it goes.14:41
zhipengit could be incubated under PCWG14:41
zhipengand we will see later how it could go14:41
tobberydbergyes, that for sure14:41
NickCWThat sounds like a fine plan.14:42
tobberydbergan etherpad describing the proposal is very much appreciated, and it will make it easier to loop more members here into the discussion as well14:42
NickCWOK, we'll work on that so it is ready in a few days.14:43
jamesmca_tobberydberg: NickCW: please loop me in when ready as I'd like to pass along to the Foundation as well.14:44
jamesmca_Cool stuff :)14:44
tobberydbergcloudflare is not open source - should maybe be considered14:45
tobberydbergI mean, to not lock it down to that14:45
ChrisDBIf there is anyone out there who can offer something similar, please let us know.14:45
tobberydbergI know14:46
ChrisDBotherwise, we would have to look at how we can commercialise this14:46
NickCWCloudflare do at least have a good reputation for open sourcing things14:47
tobberydbergabsolutely ... just wanted to mention it .. not sure about how the "4 opens" relate to that14:48
tobberydbergjamesmca_: is that an issue?14:48
zhipengwell if we are not gonna make it an official openstack project14:48
zhipengthen it should be no problem14:49
tobberydbergI don't think so either ... just want to straiten out as much as possible here14:49
jamesmca_tobberydberg: that's probably something the TC/UC would need to weigh in on14:50
tobberydbergok, thanks jamesmca_14:50
jamesmca_To my knowledge though, openstack public clouds aren't required to use open source CDNs.14:50
jamesmca_Governance doesn't extend to business choices14:50
tobberydbergLets get it going with the first steps and see how it goes ... like the idea and don't see any issues with taht14:51
jamesmca_Again, that's just my take, but I think you're right that as long as you aren't calling it an official project, there is a lot of leeway.14:51
tobberydbergfor sure14:51
tobberydbergquestions or anything else at this point?14:51
NickCWNot from me14:51
ChrisDBNor me - thanks14:52
tobberydbergThanks to you for a very interesting suggestion14:52
tobberydbergso, 2. other topics again14:53
zhipenglife just got a bit more brighter :)14:53
tobberydbergPTG - who are planning to go?14:53
zhipengi plan to go there14:53
tobberydbergI know mnaser will be there as least14:53
tobberydbergI will be there14:53
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tobberydbergfinally got flights and hotel booked as well =)14:54
mnaseri will be at the PTG14:54
tobberydbergNickCW, ChrisDB - any of you 2?14:54
NickCWAlas, not this time14:54
tobberydbergAnything else folks?14:56
tobberydbergThanks a lot for today and see you at the latest in 2 weeks! Where I hope we have a final for PP and and new draft spec to talk more about14:58
NickCWThank you all!14:58
zhipengthanks everyone14:59
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Jul  5 14:59:27 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:59
openstackMinutes (text):
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jamesmca_NickCW: ChrisDB:
NickCWInteresting - thanks15:11
jamesmca_Looking at the reasons it was turned down by the TC.... I'd think with a broader inclusion of projects, this could be revisited.15:17
jamesmca_Sounds like they were very close to having it working.15:17
jamesmca_Might be worth reaching out to some of those folks to get their take.15:17
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