Thursday, 2020-01-09

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*** openstackgerrit has joined #openstack-powervm10:18
openstackgerritRajat Sharma proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Changes required for Cold Migration
*** elod has joined #openstack-powervm12:19
elodhi, i saw that the periodic jobs fail on powervm recently ( ) and I've created e.g. the following patches to fix some:
elodi would appreciate if someone could review them12:25
elodand thanks efried for your reviews so far :)12:26
efriedThanks for proposing those elod. Out of curiosity, what's your interest in the powervm projects?13:48
elodefried: well, actually i just checked the failing periodic jobs. i'm rather interested in supporting stable things13:54
efriedCool, that's much appreciated I'm sure.13:55
efriedFYI powervm used to be my 100% job. I'm no longer with IBM, but they kept me on the core team, and I try to check in every now and then and help out.13:56
elodi see, good to know that. and thanks again :)14:00
elodbtw, are there other active cores? or is it better to turn to 'general' stable cores for help to push these patches through?14:04
efriedI don't think powervm does the stable split thing.14:04
efriedThere are a couple of cores on the list who are still paid to do powervm14:05
efriedI don't know that I would use the word "active" though :P14:05
elodhmmm, ok. then i will maybe ask for help from stable-maint channel later on if needed14:09
efriedelod: yeah, I don't see any stable teams for powervm, so not sure stable-maint will be of help there.14:15
efriedI think of the existing core group everyone except Matthew is still on the team at IBM,members14:15
efriedbut I'm not positive about that.14:15
elodi'll add them as reviewers and we will see :) about 'general' stable-maint i think of the active members of the #openstack-stable channel, they have +2 rights on most of the projects, i guess in *powervm, too. or am I wrong?14:21
efriedelod: I think that depends on the project-config for the specific projects, would have to check.14:25
elodstable-maint-core is there in 'Label Workflow' and 'Label Code-Review', so that looks good :)14:30
elod(i've checked networking-powervm)14:34
efriedokay cool14:42
efriedIn general though, unless it's something exclusively zuul/gerrit config-y, I would expect we would want someone from the powervm team to test that it works for them.14:44
efriedtheir product packaging/distribution is a home-grown snowflake14:44
elodok, i will wait then. I considered you as a powervm reviewer, that's why i thoght that it's ok to ping stable-maint-core and say you have already reviewed the patches from powervm point of view. :) but now I understand that you are not working with powervm in that depth15:27
efriedoh, yeah, good point, that is confusing. I do not have access to Power hardware anymore, and I was never part of the team that synthesized the openstack powervm stuff into the PowerVC product, which is where the real verification needs to happen.15:33
openstackgerritRajat Sharma proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Changes required for Cold Migration
*** openstackgerrit has quit IRC19:59

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