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VedaAnnayappa | #startmeeting openstack-powervm | 09:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Wed Jul 24 09:00:05 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is VedaAnnayappa. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 09:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 09:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_powervm' | 09:00 |
VedaAnnayappa | Hi All | 09:00 |
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dikonoor | hi VedaAnnayappa | 09:01 |
dikonoor | Anurag joining? | 09:01 |
VedaAnnayappa | Yes.. he should be joining in. | 09:02 |
dikonoor | ok VedaAnnayappa | 09:02 |
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VedaAnnayappa | #anuragmahinto243 what is the status of CI env now? | 09:03 |
VedaAnnayappa | anurag? | 09:04 |
anuragmahanto243 | #VedaAnnayappa Currently going through pyparsing issue, the upperconstraint requirement has 2.4.1 version | 09:06 |
anuragmahanto243 | But lower constraint has 2.2.0. | 09:06 |
VedaAnnayappa | this is for neo ? | 09:07 |
anuragmahanto243 | no , openstack requirement contraints | 09:08 |
anuragmahanto243 | *constraints | 09:08 |
VedaAnnayappa | ok.. I could see that the CI's are getting triggered for build nova out-of-tree, what are the challenges of in-tree? | 09:09 |
VedaAnnayappa | #dikonoor, there are 2 change sets that were been worked for syncing from In-tree to out of tree of nova-powervm, | 09:10 |
VedaAnnayappa | 1. Making lower-constraints and requirement.txt lib changes ---> merged with the community | 09:10 |
VedaAnnayappa | 2. Sync Images support --> review completed, merge pending | 09:10 |
dikonoor | VedaAnnayappa: ok. Do we know if the OOT driver is out of sync in any other places? | 09:12 |
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dikonoor | Also on the CI, the CI is getting triggered but I believe anuragmahanto243 is still working on getting the version problem fixed? | 09:13 |
VedaAnnayappa | #diknoor, didnt find in any recent changes, will update if there are any in future | 09:14 |
anuragmahanto243 | #dikonoor yes I am working on it | 09:15 |
dikonoor | ok | 09:15 |
dikonoor | anuragmahanto243: the version problem is for which pkg? | 09:15 |
VedaAnnayappa | #anuragmahanto243, Observed VIOS issues in the log | 09:16 |
dikonoor | Are all the test cases getting invoked at the moment ? | 09:17 |
dikonoor | the requirements pkg version and vios problem should be two different problems | 09:17 |
anuragmahanto243 | Once I find the fix for pyparsing version, will update | 09:18 |
anuragmahanto243 | out of 1085 tests, 54 tests are failing. | 09:19 |
VedaAnnayappa | fine, anurag, do target to resolve packages issue quickly so that CI gets triggered for both in-tree and out-of-tree | 09:21 |
anuragmahanto243 | sure , I will do that. | 09:21 |
anuragmahanto243 | thats all the update from my end. | 09:21 |
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VedaAnnayappa | any other topic for discussion? | 09:22 |
dikonoor | nope | 09:23 |
VedaAnnayappa | ok, lets close the meeting. Thanks for Joining. | 09:24 |
VedaAnnayappa | #endmeeting | 09:24 |
*** openstack changes topic to "This channel is for PowerVM-related development and discussion. For general OpenStack support, please use #openstack." | 09:24 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Wed Jul 24 09:24:14 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 09:24 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_powervm/2019/openstack_powervm.2019-07-24-09.00.html | 09:24 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_powervm/2019/openstack_powervm.2019-07-24-09.00.txt | 09:24 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_powervm/2019/openstack_powervm.2019-07-24-09.00.log.html | 09:24 |
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