openstackgerrit | ShangXiao proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Update the old links in docs | 00:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/nova-powervm master: Update the old links in docs | 13:25 |
efried | edmondsw_: Do we have anyone (like in pvc) who's a wiz at openstack networking? | 13:25 |
efried | Specifically on power, but in general | 13:25 |
edmondsw_ | efried that would be thorst | 13:26 |
efried | Mm, thought so. | 13:27 |
edmondsw_ | his background was networking before PowerVC, and then he led the networking team before passing that to svenkat | 13:27 |
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efried | edmondsw: Roger that, thanks. | 13:28 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/nova-powervm master: Updated from global requirements | 13:34 |
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mdrabe | edmondsw, efried: Do you guys know which channel we'd talk about oslo_serialization in? | 15:43 |
efried | Try #openstack-oslo? | 15:44 |
edmondsw | ^ | 15:44 |
mdrabe | ah okay thnx | 15:44 |
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esberglu | edmondsw: Got the queens undercloud up for staging CI, back to the jenkins dropping connections issue | 17:35 |
esberglu | I'm moving straight into the mgmt service upgrades and hoping that upgrading will fix it | 17:36 |
edmondsw | cool | 17:36 |
esberglu | Zuul can upgrade to the latest with no issues, but I need to rework the CI flow to upgrade nodepool | 17:36 |
esberglu | efried: edmondsw: Any idea if this is still needed? | 18:03 |
esberglu | | 18:03 |
edmondsw | esberglu yep, see last comment | 18:04 |
edmondsw | let me ping Ken again... why do you ask? | 18:04 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Was just looking through the OOT todo list and saw it | 18:04 |
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edmondsw | esberglu I caught Ken and added a comment with what he told me | 18:13 |
esberglu | edmondsw: tx | 18:14 |
esberglu | edmondsw: I'm starting to look through the cold migrate/resize code a bit | 18:30 |
esberglu | I think we go resize 1st | 18:30 |
edmondsw | really? I thought resize used the cold migrate code rather than the other way around | 18:31 |
esberglu | They share code for the most part, not really resize using the cold migrate code | 18:33 |
esberglu | All of the migration methods just have a check to see if its resize or migrate | 18:34 |
esberglu | And do a few things slightly different | 18:34 |
esberglu | But if we do resize 1st it will be 2 more reasonably sized changes instead of 1 huge change and 1 small one | 18:34 |
openstackgerrit | Eric Berglund proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: DNM: ci check | 18:39 |
openstackgerrit | Eric Berglund proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: DNM: CI Check2 | 18:40 |
edmondsw | esberglu ok | 18:57 |
edmondsw | efried esberglu I just got an email saying they can design a mascot for PowerVMStackers if we tell them what "natural object" (animal, plant, geographic formation like waterfall, etc.) we want | 19:03 |
edmondsw | apparently winstackers uses a hawk | 19:03 |
edmondsw | | 19:03 |
edmondsw | ideas? | 19:03 |
edmondsw | think about it :) | 19:04 |
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efried | edmondsw: Cool! Anybody got a gorilla yet? | 19:23 |
efried | (thinking of things that are "power"ful) | 19:23 |
efried | lightning bolt, but that's boring. | 19:24 |
edmondsw | efried I do not see a gorilla... | 19:28 |
edmondsw | my first thought was elephant, but that's taken | 19:28 |
efried | edmondsw: Charms has a chimp head. But I want the whole gorilla. Like a silverback with a mean face on. | 19:28 |
edmondsw | :) | 19:28 |
edmondsw | apparently that charms logo is supposed to be an orangutan | 19:29 |
efried | sure, whatever. | 19:30 |
efried | | 19:30 |
edmondsw | I like the gorilla idea, and don't have any better suggestions at the moment | 19:30 |
efried | or | 19:31 |
edmondsw | nice | 19:31 |
efried | kind of thing | 19:31 |
edmondsw | | 19:35 |
efried | Yeah, that wfm | 20:05 |
efried | I like the idea of cause he's flexing | 20:05 |
efried | But that might be a little... garish. | 20:05 |
openstackgerrit | Eric Fried proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Set volume ID as dev tag when mapping VSCSI vols | 20:11 |
esberglu | efried: edmondsw: Can one of you explain what the slot manager is needed for? In one of the older IT changesets there's a comment about working to remove it | 20:35 |
esberglu | And we haven't used it IT anywhere so far | 20:36 |
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esberglu | But it looks like it's needed for resize/migration | 20:36 |
efried | sigh | 20:36 |
efried | it's for remote rebuild, to make sure that we attach devices with the same slot numbers, so that the guest OS discovers & names them in the same order on the destination. | 20:36 |
efried | In order to use it, you have to set up a swift store to keep the slot data in. | 20:37 |
edmondsw | esberglu what efried said... but don't worry about it for what we're doing IT in Rocky | 20:37 |
edmondsw | I talked to thorst about this, and he suggested we just ignore slots IT for now | 20:37 |
edmondsw | apparently the community hasn't solved that problem yet, so we'll be no worse than other IT drivers | 20:37 |
efried | I'm all for that. The only consumer I know of is gonna stay OOT for the forseeable future, so... | 20:38 |
edmondsw | esberglu sorry I didn't mention it earlier... didn't expect you to be there already :) | 20:38 |
efried | Although it's not going to be trivial to rip that stuff out, if we tried to leave it in, the nova cores would probably lambast us. | 20:38 |
edmondsw | yeah | 20:39 |
esberglu | Cool tx for the info | 20:39 |
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edmondsw | esberglu you have any ideas what's going wrong with ? | 21:15 |
edmondsw | zuul, not ci | 21:16 |
edmondsw | just keep rechecking? | 21:16 |
esberglu_ | | 21:17 |
esberglu_ | Looks like a requirements conflict maybe? | 21:17 |
edmondsw | yeah, but why? | 21:18 |
esberglu_ | edmondsw: Looking | 21:18 |
edmondsw | esberglu_ I also noticed this: | 21:19 |
esberglu_ | edmondsw: I think this | 21:23 |
esberglu_ | Broke this | 21:23 |
edmondsw | ahh | 21:24 |
esberglu_ | I think we can just remove that line | 21:25 |
esberglu_ | Running it locally | 21:25 |
edmondsw | esberglu_ good catch | 21:25 |
esberglu_ | edmondsw: I've got to relocate, but I can get a fix up tonight. Can't just remove that line | 21:33 |
esberglu_ | Probably need to update test-reqs or something | 21:33 |
edmondsw | esberglu_ tx | 21:33 |
edmondsw | it can probably wait to tomorrow if need be | 21:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Eric Fried proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Set volume ID as dev tag when mapping VSCSI vols | 21:42 |
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