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catmando | hey all | 12:44 |
catmando | can anyone help with a VIOS NPIV issue? | 12:44 |
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esberglu | #startmeeting powervm_driver_meeting | 14:04 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Dec 5 14:04:17 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is esberglu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:04 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:04 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'powervm_driver_meeting' | 14:04 |
* efried_cya_wed is not really here | 14:04 | |
efried_cya_wed | Unless anyone has any specific issues for me... | 14:05 |
esberglu | edmondsw: You around? We can just keep it informal today | 14:05 |
esberglu | efried_cya_wed: I don't have anything for ya | 14:05 |
edmondsw | esberglu yes, was waiting for you to login | 14:05 |
edmondsw | I'm fine with keeping it informal | 14:06 |
edmondsw | wanted to catch up on CI status and how OVS testing is going | 14:06 |
esberglu | edmondsw: I was working with drew last week. neo44 has been a PITA to get installed, I'm checking with the lab to see if it's cabled right | 14:07 |
esberglu | I'm thinking I might use one of the staging CI systems to start testing SEA in parallel | 14:07 |
edmondsw | sounds good | 14:07 |
edmondsw | I dropped you a few comments on those, but haven't had time to look all through them | 14:08 |
esberglu | I saw your comments on both of those, was gonna wait until you had a chance to look at that some more before testing | 14:08 |
esberglu | *before addressing | 14:08 |
edmondsw | sure | 14:08 |
edmondsw | I might be able to look this afternoon? | 14:08 |
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esberglu | Cool. Other than that I started putting together the first vSCSI patch | 14:09 |
esberglu | Will likely have some questions there as I go along | 14:09 |
edmondsw | great | 14:10 |
esberglu | edmondsw: As far as CI goes, the only real thing hitting us consistently is the in-tree networking tempest failures | 14:11 |
esberglu | I haven't been eager to fix those since we don't actually have networking in-tree | 14:11 |
esberglu | So it's just a problem with certain tests trying to use networks when they can't | 14:12 |
edmondsw | how are we failing on networking in-tree if we don't have networking in-tree? | 14:12 |
edmondsw | oh, I see... some tests assume networking must be possible? | 14:12 |
edmondsw | and we're not skipping them for some reason? | 14:12 |
esberglu | What I think is happening is that certain other tests are creating networks. So if those networks exists at the time of the test they attempt to get used | 14:13 |
esberglu | If the networks don't exist all is good and we pass | 14:13 |
* efried_cya_wed is actually leaving now. Have a great day! | 14:13 | |
edmondsw | efried_cya_wed u2! | 14:13 |
edmondsw | esberglu yeah, sounds like a bug but one that should no longer impact us as soon as we get OVS merged, if you're right | 14:14 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Yep | 14:14 |
edmondsw | so I can understand why you wouldn't prioritize that | 14:14 |
edmondsw | as long as we're staying on top of rechecks | 14:15 |
esberglu | It's just part of the weirdness of not having networking for CI | 14:15 |
edmondsw | oh, I guess we will have this until SEA is merged, not just OVS, since CI uses SEA right? | 14:15 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Yeah | 14:15 |
edmondsw | I'd be surprised if SEA is merged before January... you ok living with this that long? | 14:16 |
esberglu | edmondsw: I can spend an afternoon looking at it this week or next. It probably comes down to disabling a group of tests | 14:17 |
edmondsw | I'll let you decide priority there at this point | 14:18 |
esberglu | edmondsw: That's all I had. Anything else from you? | 14:19 |
edmondsw | as for OVS testing... at what point should we talk about giving up on neo44 and finding another system to test that? | 14:20 |
esberglu | edmondsw: I'm opening a lab request right after this. See what they say and then come back to that question? | 14:20 |
edmondsw | yep | 14:20 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Unless you're aware of a free system | 14:21 |
edmondsw | with folks heading off on vacation, there should be systems available | 14:21 |
edmondsw | but I don't know of one in particular | 14:21 |
edmondsw | esberglu I also wanted to ask if your ecal is up-to-date? | 14:21 |
esberglu | Yeah I updated it yesterday | 14:22 |
edmondsw | cool, tx | 14:22 |
edmondsw | esberglu wow, you're really around that long? | 14:22 |
esberglu | I'm not taking anything off until christmas week | 14:22 |
esberglu | Yeah | 14:22 |
esberglu | I burned almost all of my vacation last january | 14:23 |
edmondsw | ok man, sorry | 14:23 |
edmondsw | if anything comes up and you need help, don't hesitate to call me | 14:23 |
esberglu | edmondsw: No problem. Sounds good! | 14:24 |
edmondsw | that's it from me | 14:24 |
esberglu | #endmeeting | 14:24 |
*** openstack changes topic to "This channel is for PowerVM-related development and discussion. For general OpenStack support, please use #openstack." | 14:24 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Dec 5 14:24:41 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:24 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2017/powervm_driver_meeting.2017-12-05-14.04.html | 14:24 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2017/powervm_driver_meeting.2017-12-05-14.04.txt | 14:24 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2017/powervm_driver_meeting.2017-12-05-14.04.log.html | 14:24 |
catmando | hey chaps | 14:30 |
catmando | i thought i wouldn't interrupt the meeting | 14:31 |
catmando | i have a question regarding VIOS and NPIV (specifically how Storage Connectivity Groups work with NPIV) | 14:31 |
catmando | am i right in my assumption (not that i can find this in documents) that powervc cloud uses scg to dynamically create virtual fc mappings using npiv when one creates an instance? | 14:34 |
catmando | apologies if this is incorrect, i'm an app developer who's currently working on and learning about powervc | 14:35 |
catmando | the problem that I have is: we recently update the firmware on the SVC (which is backed by a Storwize) and now the npiv is showing as broken in powervc | 14:36 |
catmando | the error is: "NPIV: Unknown fabric". However, the switches seem fine (nothing was changed on them) and the two VIOS report their physical FC adapters as having an NPIV fabric | 14:37 |
catmando | even stranger: existing LPARs that have vfc mappings are coming up as expected | 14:38 |
catmando | but with the scg failing, I cannot create any new LPARs | 14:38 |
catmando | no ideas | 14:48 |
catmando | ? | 14:48 |
edmondsw | catmando sorry, looked away... reading | 14:50 |
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edmondsw | catmando sounds like you need to open a PMR | 14:53 |
catmando | edmondsw: you're right, of course. i am still relatively new within the company and i'm still chasing the internal teams to get our lab support correctly set up | 14:54 |
edmondsw | catmando let me see if I can wrangle one of the PowerVC storage guys to join here. This channel is typically for pure OpenStack and SCGs are PowerVC-specific | 14:55 |
catmando | i know :) | 14:55 |
catmando | :( not :) | 14:55 |
catmando | it's just that I have nowhere else to go | 14:55 |
* catmando sheds a single tear | 14:55 | |
edmondsw | catmando no worries, will try to get you some help | 14:55 |
edmondsw | but nowhere isn't true, is it? You can open a PMR, right? ;) | 14:56 |
catmando | @edmondsw i have no idea at the moment if the lab setup i am working on has a support agreement | 15:00 |
catmando | and it's been slow work getting people to answer me | 15:00 |
edmondsw | catmando are you IBM? | 15:00 |
edmondsw | if so, ping me on ST or Slack, same shortname | 15:01 |
catmando | nope, i work for an IBM partner | 15:01 |
edmondsw | ah, ok | 15:01 |
catmando | http://www-304.ibm.com/partnerworld/gsd/solutiondetails.do?solution=50455&expand=true&lc=en <<<--- this one | 15:02 |
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catmando | sigh | 15:49 |
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esberglu | edmondsw: Looking at the best way to bring in | 18:30 |
esberglu | https://github.com/openstack/nova-powervm/blob/master/nova_powervm/virt/powervm/volume/vscsi.py#L44 | 18:30 |
esberglu | We had something similar in networking and waited until the SEA change to split out the parent classes | 18:31 |
edmondsw | esberglu I'm tempted to rework the way that was done OOT... | 18:32 |
esberglu | edmondsw: What's your idea? | 18:33 |
edmondsw | FibreChannelVolumeAdapter adds one method with no impl, whereas VscsiVolumeAdapter is much more extensive | 18:38 |
edmondsw | esberglu I suspect it was done the way it was because FC was implemented first? But I'm thinking about changing the inheritance hierarchy | 18:39 |
edmondsw | making VscsiVolumeAdapter inherit from PowerVMVolumeAdapter | 18:40 |
edmondsw | And make FibreChannelVolumeAdapter be the one that hangs off on its own (inherits from object), if we even really need it (worth it for one method?) | 18:43 |
edmondsw | that also would make more sense to someone reviewing a vSCSI patch, which I think addresses your concern | 18:43 |
edmondsw | at least for now you could just add the wwpns method onto PVVscsiVolumeAdapter and not mess with FibreChannelVolumeAdapter | 18:47 |
edmondsw | the downside of this of course is that it's different from OOT, and it's nice when the two match up cleanly... so I'd love to hear what efried_cya_wed thinks when he's back tomorrow | 18:47 |
esberglu | edmondsw: I see where you are going with this. But I guess my initial question was whether or not we need all of that inheritance in the 1st vSCSI patch | 18:57 |
edmondsw | esberglu I don't think it hurts us or makes review much more difficult. And it will make things easier as we port more in. So I think I'd keep the different levels | 18:59 |
edmondsw | might even simplify review to an extent... 1) thinks that are common to all vol adapters, 2) things that are common to vscsi-based vol adapters, 3) the specific vscsi FC vol adapter we are adding here | 19:01 |
edmondsw | I would move all the volume.py content into vscsi.py, though, since it's all vscsi-specific... not sure why that was made a separate file and given such a generic name. | 19:03 |
edmondsw | esberglu ^ | 19:03 |
edmondsw | or if we are trying to avoid doubling the size of vscsi.py, rename vscsi.py -> vscsifc.py & volume.py -> vscsi.py ? | 19:07 |
esberglu | edmondsw: I'm on board with this. I think it makes more sense to consolidate into vscsi.py | 19:07 |
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edmondsw | catmando I've got csky here to help you | 19:32 |
csky | catmando: Hi. Matthew was telling me about your question | 19:35 |
csky | A firmware update on the SVC should not have any affect on the fabric mapping status for your host/VM side ports | 19:36 |
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csky | catmando: Sorry I got temporarily disconnected for some reason | 19:42 |
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edmondsw | catmando csky told me "NPIV: Unknown fabric" means the FC port appears to be cabled, but not to a registered fabric. | 19:51 |
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csky | catmando: edmondsw is right - my message didn't make it through. You go to fabrics and make sure you have the switches registered that you expect. Then go to the Configuration-->FC Port Configuration page and see which VIOS ports are reporting Unknown fabric. Manually log into the fabric switch and confirm that those ports are reporting. | 19:59 |
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catmando | csky: many thanks, will do | 20:13 |
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