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openstackgerrit | Brent Tang proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Config Option for Endpoint Type for Swift https://review.openstack.org/448381 | 04:13 |
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esberglu_ | efried: Still working on the test_multiple_create. This issue has been reported to tempest multiple times, but it has come down to user config. | 14:01 |
esberglu_ | So I'm trying to look and see where we are going wrong | 14:01 |
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esberglu_ | I'm asking in qa. I think we should disable that test until we get a solution in place | 14:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Taylor Jakobson proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Add required argument to find_vg https://review.openstack.org/448746 | 18:35 |
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efried | tjakobs Take a look at my comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/448746/ | 19:20 |
efried | We're testing the mocked find_vg implicitly all over the place; so I'm not super worried about it. | 19:20 |
efried | If you feel like adding that, or even a whole test method for __init__, I wouldn't complain. | 19:20 |
efried | But if you don't wanna, we can push this and do that in a followon. | 19:21 |
tjakobs | i have to push another patch anyways (unless you want a pypowervm change) | 19:21 |
tjakobs | find_vg returns `vios_wrap, vg_wrap`, but localdisk expects `vios_uuid, vg_uuid` | 19:21 |
efried | tjakobs Wow, really? Man, I don't know where my head was when I made this change. | 19:32 |
efried | I know where it is now - hanging in shame. | 19:32 |
tjakobs | on the bright side, after i made these 2 fixes locally i was able to deploy using localdisk :) | 19:33 |
efried | tjakobs I'm sure I did the pypowervm bit on purpose, and had intended to get the UUID from the wrappers in the consuming code. | 19:33 |
tjakobs | yeah, that's what the pypowervm commit message made it seem like | 19:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Taylor Jakobson proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Add required argument to find_vg https://review.openstack.org/448746 | 19:53 |
openstackgerrit | Brent Tang proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Config Option for Endpoint Type for Swift https://review.openstack.org/448381 | 19:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Taylor Jakobson proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Add required argument to find_vg https://review.openstack.org/448746 | 20:57 |
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kylek3h | efried: adreznec: Did you guy see this? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/448674/ Andy is having issues with powervm?? | 21:12 |
efried | kylek3h I don't know what I'm looking at here. | 21:14 |
efried | perhaps adreznec does. | 21:14 |
kylek3h | It's an OSA fix that Andy is testing, but he seems to be replacing the powervm git repo with a forked version. | 21:15 |
adreznec | kylek3h: Sigh, yes. I've been trying to get the cause of that fixed today. It has to do with pypowervm versioning and global-reqs. Let me find out where Julio's at | 21:15 |
kylek3h | okay. didn't know if you were working with Andy or he was out on his own with that fork. | 21:16 |
adreznec | Yeah, he pinged me on it yesterday | 21:16 |
* adreznec grumbles about ibm versioning | 21:16 | |
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openstackgerrit | Adam Reznechek proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Manual sync with openstack/requirements repo https://review.openstack.org/440811 | 22:02 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Reznechek proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Manual sync with openstack/requirements repo https://review.openstack.org/440811 | 22:18 |
efried | adreznec esberglu Please re-+1 the first 5 change sets before tomorrows nova IRC meeting, so I'm not a liar here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/pike-nova-priorities-tracking | 22:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Taylor Jakobson proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Add required argument to find_vg https://review.openstack.org/448746 | 22:48 |
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