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thorst | CI meeting? | 14:01 |
esberglu | Yep | 14:02 |
esberglu | #startmeeting powervm_driver_meeting | 14:03 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Dec 6 14:03:12 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is esberglu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:03 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:03 |
openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'powervm_driver_meeting' | 14:03 |
thorst | \o | 14:03 |
thorst | I know efried is out today, so we won't get him | 14:04 |
adreznec | o/ | 14:04 |
esberglu | #topic status | 14:05 |
esberglu | qing wu is out today too | 14:05 |
esberglu | So the CI is looking really good | 14:05 |
esberglu | Out of the last 25ish runs, there have been only 2 patches that have failed tempest and a few more that failed bc they need a rebase | 14:06 |
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adreznec | Were those 2 legitimate failures? Anything we need to fix from them? | 14:07 |
esberglu | Well one of them is a WIP | 14:07 |
esberglu | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/319379/41 | 14:07 |
thorst | esberglu: does that also include nova runs? | 14:08 |
esberglu | Yeah | 14:08 |
adreznec | That one was a nova run | 14:08 |
thorst | sweet. | 14:08 |
thorst | so, start publishing logs? | 14:08 |
esberglu | I think we are ready | 14:09 |
adreznec | I reckon so | 14:09 |
thorst | Milestone! | 14:09 |
esberglu | I just need to create a new zuul pipeline for non-voting | 14:09 |
esberglu | #action esberglu: Create a non-voting zuul pipeline | 14:09 |
adreznec | Yeah, and disable the current silent one so we're not running things twice? | 14:10 |
esberglu | #action esberglu: Turn log publishing on | 14:10 |
esberglu | adreznec: Yep | 14:10 |
thorst | what about e-mails when nova fails? | 14:10 |
thorst | I'd like to make sure we can react within 12-24 hours to 'things going to hell' | 14:11 |
thorst | and turn off Nova runs when that happens | 14:11 |
thorst | cause things will go to hell | 14:11 |
esberglu | I can just have it send it to the same mailing list that nova-powervm etc. do on failures | 14:11 |
adreznec | Yeah | 14:11 |
adreznec | Should be easy enough | 14:11 |
esberglu | No emails on success though, don't want to spam the inbox | 14:11 |
adreznec | Yep | 14:11 |
thorst | esberglu: can you check daily, when you come in and a few hours before you head out how things look? | 14:12 |
thorst | and maybe get that into qingwu's routine as well | 14:12 |
esberglu | Yep I pretty much do that already | 14:12 |
thorst | cool, then we just need to make it part of qingwu's routine | 14:12 |
esberglu | So that pretty much covers it from the devstack CI side of things | 14:13 |
adreznec | Honestly, at some point here we're going to want an alert system | 14:13 |
esberglu | +2 | 14:13 |
adreznec | Something that tracks the run status and reports if failures > some threshold | 14:13 |
thorst | we should ask in openstack-infra on that. | 14:13 |
thorst | cause we're not the only ones that would want that. | 14:13 |
adreznec | +1 | 14:13 |
thorst | and maybe not the first to think about doing it | 14:14 |
esberglu | Some people use CI Watch here. Not sure what it takes to get added to that | 14:14 |
esberglu | http://ci-watch.tintri.com/ | 14:14 |
adreznec | Agreed. Not that hard to build, but even nicer if we don't have to build our own | 14:14 |
esberglu | I don't know if that has an alert system built in or not | 14:15 |
adreznec | Yeah we'll have to investigate that | 14:15 |
adreznec | Anything that helps us respond to failures more quickly is good | 14:16 |
adreznec | esberglu: the notes/etc you've been putting together for qing wu - are those going on a wiki or something? | 14:16 |
esberglu | Yeah. I was gonna finish them last night, but then I saw he was gonna be out so I'm gonna make sure they are done by thursday when he is back | 14:16 |
adreznec | Just thinking it's always good to have as many references as possible | 14:16 |
adreznec | Ok | 14:16 |
esberglu | Once I put it up I will email you guys so you can take a look | 14:17 |
thorst | +1 | 14:17 |
esberglu | #topic OSA CI | 14:17 |
esberglu | So I would like to get working on the OSA CI again | 14:18 |
esberglu | But at this point I would have sacrifice the staging CI system for OSA CI development | 14:18 |
adreznec | thorst: did you ever double check the state of neo4/neo14? | 14:18 |
esberglu | I emailed Anil Kumar about helping to get that other system set up for a 2nd staging env. | 14:18 |
thorst | adreznec: nope. Got caught up in other bits...seemed like we had enough to go for now | 14:19 |
adreznec | You were thinking Qing wu might have an extra system? | 14:19 |
adreznec | Ok | 14:19 |
thorst | qingwu definitely has ownership of neo4. I don't think its actively being used | 14:19 |
thorst | so we could either take that for dev or add it to the CI pool | 14:19 |
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adreznec | Right ok | 14:20 |
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adreznec | esberglu: would that work as a OSA CI system? | 14:21 |
thorst | I think so | 14:21 |
esberglu | Yeah I think so | 14:21 |
adreznec | Awesome | 14:21 |
adreznec | Should give you room to experiment there then | 14:22 |
esberglu | Awesome. Gonna be super nice to be able to do that and have another staging env. to fall back on | 14:22 |
adreznec | I think we left off with the OSA CI at the multiple OVS issue | 14:22 |
esberglu | #action: esberglu Set up OSA CI dev env. | 14:23 |
thorst | qingwu sent me a note on that which I haven't responded to | 14:23 |
thorst | #action thorst to review the OVS OSA setup | 14:24 |
esberglu | I'm also gonna need 3 x86 systems for the new OSA CI env | 14:24 |
thorst | hmm | 14:25 |
* adreznec record scratch | 14:25 | |
thorst | OK - we'll have to just build you some | 14:25 |
thorst | I made space on a VM host the other day... | 14:25 |
thorst | I might just ask you do the installs if I walk you through how to connect in | 14:26 |
esberglu | OK | 14:27 |
esberglu | #action thorst: esberglu: Get x86 systems set up for OSA CI dev | 14:27 |
esberglu | I know thorst has to run. And thats all I had. So I will close the meeting unless there are objections | 14:28 |
thorst | one more thing | 14:28 |
thorst | driver status... | 14:28 |
esberglu | #topic Driver Status | 14:29 |
thorst | so we have the live migration object in nova | 14:29 |
thorst | we are taking it out of nova-powervm | 14:29 |
thorst | next up is the skeleton that efried proposed, but I'd recommend we do that after we push through some CI log runs | 14:29 |
* adreznec party | 14:29 | |
thorst | I would simply ask that adreznec, esberglu and myself review efried's change if we hadn't already | 14:29 |
esberglu | Will do | 14:29 |
adreznec | Yeah I'd like probably 25 solid runs there with logging before we start down that path | 14:30 |
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adreznec | Just so we have history | 14:30 |
thorst | agree...and even 25 runs isn't 'history' | 14:30 |
thorst | but lets get our ducks in a row before we ask for real reviews. | 14:30 |
thorst | but lets also get our personal reviews in before break | 14:30 |
thorst | that's all I had | 14:30 |
adreznec | Right | 14:31 |
adreznec | But it's better than 0 | 14:31 |
adreznec | :P | 14:31 |
thorst | +1 | 14:31 |
adreznec | I think the only other piece of driver status is that tjakobs is starting to look at image cache work | 14:32 |
adreznec | It'd be nice to try and land that in Ocata still if we can make it work | 14:32 |
adreznec | That's all I have as well | 14:33 |
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esberglu | #endmeeting | 14:36 |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Dec 6 14:36:24 2016 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:36 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2016/powervm_driver_meeting.2016-12-06-14.03.html | 14:36 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2016/powervm_driver_meeting.2016-12-06-14.03.txt | 14:36 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2016/powervm_driver_meeting.2016-12-06-14.03.log.html | 14:36 |
adreznec | esberglu: let us know when you flip the switch on nova | 14:36 |
esberglu | adreznec: Okay. I will put up a review with the pipeline I create just for some extra eyes | 14:37 |
adreznec | Thanks | 14:38 |
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openstackgerrit | Taylor Jakobson proposed openstack/nova-powervm: BP: Add image cache to nova-powervm https://review.openstack.org/371946 | 15:28 |
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JLR | I guys, good morning | 15:57 |
JLR | didn't send any feedback because we were fixing some configurations issues with power | 15:58 |
JLR | Now, the networking-powervm is installed and running ... also I can see the agent from openstack controller | 16:00 |
JLR | but we have 2 questions | 16:00 |
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JLR | 1- How we can present a shared storage to the Openstack, when we go to the hypervisors we can see the novalink with 9G that is the home... but the novalink has 200G as shared storage and we can´t see it | 16:02 |
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JLR | into the nova.conf uder [powervm] we have the following line: "disk_driver = ssp" | 16:04 |
thorst | JLR: You'll need to set up a shared storage pool on your VIOS | 16:06 |
thorst | let me find a link on what SSP's are / how to set up | 16:06 |
thorst | JLR: This may help - https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-aix-vios-clustering/ | 16:06 |
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JLR | Thanks thorst, I´ll go through this document to verify the configs | 16:10 |
JLR | thorst, I run the verification commands and apparently the pool is created, the outputs on the link http://pastebin.com/GZAqUuVT | 16:19 |
thorst | JLR - cool, from your novalink can you run 'pvmctl ssp list' | 16:20 |
thorst | and send me the output there? | 16:20 |
JLR | root@novalink:~# pvmctl ssp list Shared Storage Pools +-----------+----------+------------+----------+ | Name | Cap (GB) | Free Space | OC Space | +-----------+----------+------------+----------+ | Demo_Pool | 198.88 | 195.44 | 0.0 | +-----------+----------+------------+----------+ root@novalink:~# | 16:21 |
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JLR | and my second question is related to the following "ERROR nova.compute.manager [instance: c7e27520-13fd-47cb-8f53-f16011cb6db6] ConnectFailure: Unable to establish connection to" | 16:30 |
thorst | so a couple things with that. | 16:30 |
thorst | 1) Good! Looks like your novalink see's the SSP | 16:30 |
thorst | 2) That failure looks like your nova.conf is pointing to the wrong IP. It looks like it's trying to connect to the novalink ( for neutron communication | 16:31 |
thorst | it should be pointing to the neutron server. | 16:31 |
JLR | ok, the nova.conf file needs a [neutron] section .? | 16:33 |
JLR | on the novalink | 16:33 |
thorst | I think so. Validate with what your controller has there | 16:33 |
JLR | because I add that session and them the nova service dind´t come up | 16:34 |
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JLR | the controller has | 16:34 |
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thorst | hmmm...not sure without getting into env more | 16:39 |
JLR | doing a test again and look into the logs | 16:42 |
esberglu | thorst: FYI turning on a non-voting pipeline is proving to be less trivial than expected. Working with adreznec on it | 16:46 |
thorst | esberglu: good deal | 16:46 |
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JLR | guys, do you have a file (/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini) as an example ..? of novalink | 17:48 |
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JLR | I´m getting this error "Port 38cbf322-7336-442f-9b2c-b543c2ea97ae on network dc02698e-a662-4634-8ce3-e998ba571d9d not bound, no agent registered on host nova link" | 18:13 |
JLR | any ideas .. | 18:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Eric Berglund proposed openstack/nova-powervm: DNM: ci check https://review.openstack.org/328315 | 18:59 |
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JLR | any feedback about possible solution for shared storage ..? | 19:33 |
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thorst | JLR: sorry - was AFK (I'm on vacation today actually). Can you post up your ml2.conf and your neutron.conf on your compute node? | 20:26 |
JLR | sure | 20:27 |
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JLR | Thanks thorst | 20:31 |
JLR | neutron.conf http://pastebin.com/MJUPNQ0P | 20:31 |
JLR | ml2_conf.ini --> http://pastebin.com/wX7Sce1R | 20:35 |
JLR | Thorst, just a clarification ... those files are from novalink ... are the right files that you need ..? | 20:45 |
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JLR | or do you need the files from openstack (nova compute) ..? | 20:45 |
borys | Hi all. I am trying to find how to add my PowerVM machines to the existing openstack installation. Annyone with this expirience? | 20:47 |
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thorst | JLR: yes - from the novalink | 21:12 |
thorst | whoops, missed borys :-) | 21:12 |
thorst | JLR - in the neutron.conf, see all the's. Those should point back to your controller | 21:14 |
thorst | auth_host for instance points to the IP of your keystone | 21:14 |
thorst | let me see if I can find a standard template that we've used... | 21:14 |
thorst | JLR: something like this maybe: http://pastebin.com/QS4fjtBL | 21:20 |
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