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adreznec | Man, the OVH gate is so unstable | 14:28 |
adreznec | I feel like it's basically a game of "recheck until your jobs run in the OSIC or Infra clouds" at this point... | 14:29 |
openstackgerrit | Eric Berglund proposed openstack/nova-powervm: DNM: ci check https://review.openstack.org/328315 | 14:30 |
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thorst_ | adreznec: that bad? | 15:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Eric Berglund proposed openstack/nova-powervm: DNM: CI Check2 https://review.openstack.org/328317 | 15:11 |
adreznec | thorst_: Yeah... it varies throughout the day | 15:11 |
adreznec | But there are periods where checks fail just installing apt packages because their internal mirrors are unreachable | 15:12 |
thorst_ | yikes. | 15:13 |
thorst_ | wonder what'll be like with POWER at somepoint :-) | 15:13 |
thorst_ | efried: cna_vlan_sync up for review again | 15:25 |
efried | thorst_, ack. | 15:26 |
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efried | thorst_, couple comments not addressed. Want to discuss? | 15:35 |
efried | Perhaps you have a response queued up but haven't submitted yet? | 15:36 |
thorst_ | efried: probably don't...probably just missed | 15:39 |
efried | thorst_, looks like you're gonna need a rebase anyway. | 15:44 |
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thorst_ | efried: 3752 - fired back at you. | 16:57 |
thorst_ | we may need a third party arbiter | 16:58 |
thorst_ | like btang | 16:58 |
efried | It was btang's idea | 16:59 |
thorst_ | to raise up a legit error? | 16:59 |
thorst_ | rather than force through? | 16:59 |
efried | See his second comment in PS3 | 17:00 |
efried | PS4, rather | 17:00 |
thorst_ | efried: OK - I pinged him to let him know | 17:01 |
thorst_ | said he can pick which way we go | 17:01 |
efried | Okay. | 17:02 |
efried | You still need to rebase. | 17:02 |
thorst_ | yep yep | 17:03 |
thorst_ | just want to know direction before I do | 17:03 |
efried | So what's the behavior as written? It'll fail by default if there's a mkvterm open? | 17:04 |
thorst_ | yeah, that's the default | 17:06 |
thorst_ | I think we're arguing what we have nova-powervm do, but in the pypowervm change set | 17:06 |
adreznec | That's not very transparent thorst_ | 17:07 |
adreznec | Where's your community spirit | 17:08 |
thorst_ | hah | 17:08 |
adreznec | Guess you'll have to go to a session on learning to contribute at the next summit | 17:09 |
adreznec | :P | 17:09 |
thorst_ | did that get accepted? | 17:09 |
adreznec | Hasn't been announced yet | 17:09 |
thorst_ | I was going to say... | 17:09 |
adreznec | Aug 25th iirc | 17:09 |
thorst_ | adreznec: how's OSA stuff going? Should I help out? | 17:11 |
adreznec | thorst_: I'm not doing OSA stuff right now. Trying to figure out issues with storage deletion right now | 17:11 |
efried | thorst_, so what are you advocating? Changing it back to what it was before, no force flag, blow away the existing vterm by default? | 17:12 |
thorst_ | leave force flag in, have nova-powervm set it to false | 17:12 |
thorst_ | change if we get feedack | 17:12 |
adreznec | Mappings aren't getting cleaned up, and Hsien says the POSTs to do so aren't coming down to REST | 17:12 |
efried | thorst_, so did you mean to have the pypowervm default the force flag to True? | 17:13 |
thorst_ | efried: nope | 17:13 |
thorst_ | I've a few changes to make there | 17:13 |
thorst_ | I'll default to false. | 17:14 |
thorst_ | and I have to add it elsewhere too | 17:14 |
thorst_ | there's a wrapper method | 17:14 |
thorst_ | so I'll make that change in a few hours. | 17:14 |
efried | So then I'm confused. I thought you were wanting to make the force the default behavior. | 17:15 |
efried | I'm fine with this as you've written it. | 17:15 |
thorst_ | OK. let me get a change in...we're likely in agreement then | 17:16 |
efried | Would like to see the nova-powervm side convert to that ConsoleUnavailable error btang mentioned, if that'd help the user experience. | 17:16 |
efried | Guess I'm confused by your last comment, saying you don't want to do that. Why? | 17:16 |
thorst_ | well, I didn't want to. btang and you convinced me to let it be OK. Agree, nova-powervm needs to convert the error to something better. | 17:17 |
efried | okay. | 17:17 |
efried | Seems to me like this ought to be a fairly rare occurrence, no? | 17:17 |
thorst_ | it depends. | 17:17 |
thorst_ | hopefully | 17:18 |
thorst_ | right now, since people don't have console, its happening a lot | 17:18 |
efried | adreznec: do these need to be updated in light of recent events? https://github.com/openstack/nova-powervm/blob/master/devstack/local.conf.aio | 17:18 |
thorst_ | there is a lot of 'mkvterm'ing right now | 17:18 |
adreznec | efried: Definitely. Maybe esberglu could fix them up based on the work he's doing for the CI nodes | 17:18 |
efried | adreznec: are you still working on getting a golden AIO going? | 17:18 |
adreznec | Won't be identical, but should be close | 17:19 |
adreznec | efried: I had one working, but mine used linux bridge | 17:19 |
adreznec | I'd imagine you're more interested in a VIOS-based one | 17:19 |
efried | I'm about to try to stack svenkat's system, so I'm going to need one real soon. | 17:19 |
thorst_ | efried: mine worked pretty much as is | 17:19 |
thorst_ | a few days back at least | 17:20 |
efried | with the above link? | 17:20 |
thorst_ | yep | 17:20 |
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thorst_ | I just had to change to DATABASE_PASSWORD | 17:20 |
adreznec | esberglu was working on the updated CI one | 17:20 |
efried | But didn't we have to take out the enabling of neutron and stuff? | 17:20 |
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efried | smh, I just know I'm about to dive into this whirlpool of stack, unstack, tweak, restack. Typically takes me like three days to get a freakin stack going. | 17:21 |
efried | Not gonna lie, one of the most frustrating parts of my job. | 17:23 |
efried | adreznec: What did you do to get rabbitmq working? | 17:42 |
efried | I copied the sources.list straight over from neo34 | 17:42 |
efried | The version appears to be the same | 17:43 |
efried | erlang appears the same too | 17:44 |
adreznec | efried: iirc, I purged your rabbit/erlang installs/config, cleaned the apt cache, replaced your apt config with a good copy, did a full upgrade of everything, then reinstalled rabbit/erlang/dependencies | 17:51 |
efried | May have to ask you what some of that means in a minute. Gonna try "upgrade everything", cause that's the only bit I understand. If that doesn't work... | 17:52 |
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thorst_ | efried: You have time to tackle a minor bug? | 18:06 |
thorst_ | its a doc thing we got from a user | 18:06 |
efried | thorst_, okay, may as well while I'm trying to stack. | 18:06 |
thorst_ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova-powervm/+bug/1613723 | 18:07 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1613723 in nova-powervm "Required group: pvm_admin" [Undecided,New] | 18:07 |
thorst_ | its really quite simple | 18:07 |
thorst_ | 1) We didn't doc that these drivers require that the process running the PowerVM Compute driver be part of the pvm_admin user group | 18:07 |
thorst_ | 2) We now have users directly trying to use the docs | 18:08 |
adreznec | 3) Fix docs | 18:08 |
adreznec | 4) Profit??? | 18:08 |
thorst_ | adreznec: this gets updated with each master merge? http://nova-powervm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#nova-powervm-devref | 18:08 |
adreznec | Should be | 18:08 |
adreznec | thorst_: Man, VIF plugging seems really slow... | 18:09 |
adreznec | Anecdotally | 18:09 |
adreznec | Is Slack down for anyone else? | 18:10 |
tjakobs | Slack is down for me | 18:13 |
esberglu | adreznec: efried: Sorry just catching up on this thread. I can update the local.conf.aio based on the one I am using for CI | 18:21 |
thorst_ | yess! | 18:36 |
thorst_ | slack being down would be great. | 18:36 |
thorst_ | adreznec: what type of vif plug? | 18:36 |
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adreznec | thorst_: linux bridge | 18:49 |
adreznec | Takes like 200 seconds... | 18:49 |
efried | thorst_, adreznec: Where is the source for that devref? | 18:49 |
efried | It doesn't appear to be in nova-powervm/doc/source/devref | 18:49 |
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efried | nm, found it. | 18:50 |
thorst_ | adreznec: 200 seconds? | 18:53 |
thorst_ | that's ridiculous | 18:53 |
thorst_ | we need to profile that. | 18:53 |
thorst_ | it was like 2 seconds before... | 18:53 |
adreznec | Yeah, at least I think thats what's taking the time. Haven't dug deeper into it | 18:55 |
thorst_ | efried: mind taking a pass at 3696 when you get a sec | 18:55 |
efried | thorst_, ack | 18:55 |
thorst_ | thx dude | 18:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Eric Fried proposed openstack/nova-powervm: devref usage: n-cpu must run from pvm_admin group https://review.openstack.org/356099 | 19:04 |
efried | thorst_ ^^ Not sure if this is what you had in mind. | 19:04 |
thorst_ | checkin | 19:04 |
efried | thorst_, 3696 needed a rebase; did that and added +1. Who else should look at this before merge? | 19:07 |
esberglu | thorst: I’m also still hitting very slow vif plugging on the CI. Most of the failing tests error out waiting for VIFs to be created | 19:08 |
adreznec | Hmm | 19:08 |
adreznec | Maybe a neutron change | 19:09 |
esberglu | Nope I’ve been hitting this for a while. I thought it was already on thorst’s radar | 19:09 |
esberglu | At least not a recent change | 19:09 |
thorst_ | efried: adreznec should look at 3696 | 19:13 |
thorst_ | esberglu: the slowness on the CI for networking-powervm would've been something different | 19:14 |
thorst_ | but, its weird cause I'm 100% not hitting it in my testing | 19:14 |
thorst_ | I did 200 VMs on 4 hosts in 8 minutes. | 19:14 |
esberglu | Almost every time plug_vifs takes 0 or 1 second. But when it doesn’t it | 19:16 |
esberglu | just gets out of control | 19:16 |
esberglu | I’ve seen 400+ seconds | 19:16 |
seroyer | thorst_ adreznec: I see plug_vifs completed in 28 seconds from your last spawn | 19:17 |
seroyer | Looking in the complete history, I see several spawn attempts and plug_vifs took between 11 and 28 seconds. Most in the mid to upper teens. | 19:18 |
seroyer | The times in spawn order were: 11, 14, 16, 14, 14, 15, 18, 19, 28 | 19:21 |
adreznec | seroyer: So what else are you seeing for timings? | 19:21 |
adreznec | Something else long running? Image copy? | 19:21 |
seroyer | Working backwards from the last spawn: cfg_drive 8, crt_disk_from_img 34, | 19:23 |
seroyer | Everything else was smallish, like 0-2 seconds. | 19:24 |
seroyer | (plus the plug_vifs of 28 seconds) | 19:24 |
seroyer | Now, I’m not looking at timestamps, just the “Task xxxx completed in X seconds” messages. | 19:26 |
thorst_ | seroyer: I'm not super worried about 11-28 seconds. I bet most of that is the REST | 19:37 |
thorst_ | seroyer: and yeah, those 'Task xxxx completed in' was put in specifically to debug those | 19:37 |
seroyer | I’m don’t have much experience with these logs, but it looks to me like a the beginning of the spawn, I see it taking about 16 seconds to audit available compute resources. That seems like a long time to me. | 19:43 |
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seroyer | Interestingly enough, the time that plug_vifs to 28 seconds (longest), was the shortest overall spawn time (111 seconds total). Other total spawn times were all around 200-220 seconds. | 19:50 |
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thorst_ | seroyer: that is a long time. | 19:57 |
thorst_ | are you using volumes? | 19:57 |
seroyer | Ephemeral only. | 19:57 |
thorst_ | too long then | 19:57 |
thorst_ | if cinder was involved...I could see it | 19:57 |
thorst_ | is the NL backed up? | 19:58 |
thorst_ | cpu wise, io wise, etc? | 19:58 |
seroyer | Disk is RAID 1 SSD | 19:58 |
seroyer | 6 dedicated CPUs, 16GB memory. devstack deploy with compute only. | 19:58 |
thorst_ | AIO? | 19:58 |
seroyer | No, separate controller. | 19:59 |
thorst_ | ok...good. | 19:59 |
thorst_ | ps aux | grep meta | 19:59 |
thorst_ | how many? | 19:59 |
seroyer | zero, but adreznec might have just unstacked… | 19:59 |
thorst_ | zero seems more or less right | 20:00 |
adreznec | No, didn't unstack yet | 20:02 |
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adreznec | And yeah, no metadata service should be fine | 20:02 |
adreznec | I am unstacking now though | 20:03 |
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thorst_ | tblakes: I think this needs to add a 'name=instance.name' | 20:31 |
thorst_ | https://github.com/openstack/nova-powervm/blob/master/nova_powervm/virt/powervm/driver.py#L1403-L1404 | 20:31 |
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thorst_ | tblakes: its actually... | 20:32 |
thorst_ | pvm_util.sanitize_partition_name_for_api(instance.name) | 20:32 |
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efried | thorst_, should we run both pvm_sriov and pvm_sea network agents, always? | 20:40 |
efried | devstack-wise, that is | 20:40 |
efried | Today we run pvm_sea always | 20:40 |
thorst_ | sure | 20:40 |
thorst_ | that seems reasonable | 20:40 |
efried | Or should we try to introduce logic to config ml2_conf.ini based on local.conf settings? | 20:40 |
thorst_ | well, its not a ml2 conf setting | 20:41 |
thorst_ | ml2 conf tells a process how to run | 20:41 |
efried | Which agents are running... | 20:41 |
thorst_ | you're figuring out whether or not to run | 20:41 |
thorst_ | and I'd say....sure, lets always run the agent | 20:41 |
thorst_ | as long as it doesn't bomb out if there are no SR-IOV ports. | 20:41 |
thorst_ | if it does that ... then maybe auto detect or something | 20:41 |
efried | [ml2] | 20:41 |
efried | tenant_network_types = vlan | 20:41 |
efried | extension_drivers = port_security | 20:41 |
efried | type_drivers = vlan | 20:41 |
efried | mechanism_drivers = pvm_sea,pvm_sriov | 20:41 |
efried | That's in ml2_conf.ini | 20:42 |
thorst_ | well, that's for the server side neutron, isn't it? | 20:42 |
efried | "server side". | 20:42 |
thorst_ | to know which type of agents the server supports | 20:42 |
thorst_ | neutron server process...not agent process | 20:42 |
efried | I don't know. Was going to ask you and svenkat to help me understand which bits run where. | 20:43 |
thorst_ | yeah, its kinda confusing cause its like one config file for everything | 20:43 |
efried | What I do know is that right now, pvm-q-agt is running the sea agent only. We're going to need two separate processes now. Thinking renaming pvm-q-sea-agt and pvm-q-sriov-agt | 20:43 |
adreznec | efried: Can you actually run both at once? | 20:44 |
efried | Yes | 20:44 |
adreznec | ok | 20:44 |
thorst_ | adreznec: only the SR-IOV agent | 20:44 |
adreznec | Yeah | 20:44 |
thorst_ | can't run SEA and OVS for instance at same time | 20:44 |
adreznec | That's why I was asking | 20:44 |
thorst_ | would be awesome if we could :-D | 20:47 |
thorst_ | but neutron doesn't expose that port detail to us | 20:47 |
thorst_ | adreznec: you have a multi-node local.conf handy? | 20:55 |
efried | thorst_, do we want csg to incorporate SR-IOV community blueprints? | 20:55 |
adreznec | thorst_: With linux bridge, sure | 20:55 |
thorst_ | csg> | 20:55 |
thorst_ | ? | 20:55 |
thorst_ | adreznec: send to me on slack? | 20:55 |
efried | Chuck | 20:55 |
adreznec | Sure | 20:55 |
thorst_ | ahh | 20:55 |
thorst_ | sure :-) | 20:55 |
adreznec | yeah | 20:58 |
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adreznec | I think that's a great idea | 20:58 |
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efried | adreznec: Any reason this should be hanging? | 21:09 |
efried | +lib/neutron_plugins/ovs_base:neutron_ovs_base_cleanup:46 sudo ovs-vsctl del-br br-int | 21:09 |
adreznec | efried: Uh... are you running OVS? | 21:10 |
efried | hell if I know | 21:10 |
adreznec | This is regular novalink, right? | 21:11 |
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efried | adreznec, yeah | 21:14 |
efried | though not sure what "regular" means. | 21:14 |
efried | Oh, as opposed to SD*? | 21:14 |
efried | yeah. | 21:14 |
adreznec | efried: yeah, that's what I meant | 21:19 |
adreznec | You're standard VIOS environment, so you shouldn't have any OVS in there | 21:20 |
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thorst_ | efried: It finally happened! | 22:06 |
thorst_ | Sonar caught something useful! | 22:06 |
thorst_ | its a miracle! | 22:06 |
efried | wow, awesome. | 22:06 |
efried | Mark this day | 22:06 |
thorst_ | it shall go down in the history books | 22:07 |
thorst_ | adreznec: can you review 3696 sometime tomorrow? | 22:07 |
thorst_ | its got the +1 (had the +1) from efried, but he justifiably wants a second set of eyes | 22:07 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Thorstensen (thorst) proposed openstack/nova-powervm: Update devstack local.conf https://review.openstack.org/356146 | 22:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Drew Thorstensen (thorst) proposed openstack/nova-powervm: Wrap console failure message https://review.openstack.org/356149 | 22:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Drew Thorstensen (thorst) proposed openstack/networking-powervm: Fix bridge mapping change https://review.openstack.org/356159 | 23:11 |
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