Wednesday, 2018-12-19

openstackgerritHongbin Lu proposed openstack/nova-specs master: [WIP] Support scheduling VM's NICs to different PFs
openstackgerritsean mooney proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add spec for sriov live migration
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openstackgerritBrin Zhang proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Support admin to specify project to create snapshot
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openstackgerritYongli He proposed openstack/nova-specs master: add 'show-server-group' spec
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openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/placement master: Use os-resource-classes in placement
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openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/placement master: Correct link rest api history
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mriedemcdent: any updates on how close osa (or others) are to using extracted placement? i saw the bug about the nova-status upgrade check failing for osa,16:59
mriedemi'll deal with that one16:59
mriedemi think we're going to need to get to a go/no-go decision come jan when people are back16:59
mriedemmelwitt: ^16:59
cdentosa is working, greenfield, but upgrades still pending17:00
cdentsame with puppet17:00
cdentand kolla-ansible17:00
cdentosa needs to resolve some testing issues (which we discussed with mnaser a while ago)17:01
cdentthe "just use tempest's compute tests" idea discussed then is expected to work17:01
cdentpuppet/tripleo folk seemed to think that "in january sometime" was legit for getting upgrades started17:03
mriedemi think if osa get can upgrades working in january we cut bait17:04
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cdentmake sense. I'll gird my loins17:05
mriedemalso, remind me, were you following up with coreycb about if/when canonical can package debs for extracted placement?17:05
cdentmriedem: yes, but I hadn't planned to pursue that with any vigor until after xmas17:06
cdentjust out of the assumption that not much was going to happen next week17:07
mriedemsure, i just didn't remember what the issue was17:09
mriedemthey can't until the code is removed from nova?17:09
mriedemi seem to be getting some serious anxiety this week about the coming new year and this is just one of many issues17:10
mriedem>50% of nova core doing <1 review per day over the last 4 months isn't helping...17:10
cdentthat's right, they said they can't make it happen (for reasons I wasn't clear about) that the packaging is coupled in some fashion17:10
mriedemok build shenanigans17:11
mriedemi only vaguely remember how to package rpms, never debs17:11
mriedemobsolete here, epoch there17:11
cdentyeah, review stats across the board seem to be really lacking.17:11
mriedemsounds like a job for the tc :P17:12
cdentlike i said in response to someone else early today who said a similar thing:17:12
cdentah ha hahahahahahaahaha ahahaha17:12
cdentbut sure, I'll bring it up in office hours, just to see17:14
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cdentI'm hoping, but that's not the same as hopeful, that the upgrade stuff goes smoothly and quickly, because I think that cutting bait will remove some anchors17:15
mriedemi was joking about tc + review stuff17:16
mriedemjust getting some goats17:16
cdentI assumed you were, in the same way that bringing something up in office hours...17:16
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openstackgerritJack Ding proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Select cpu model from a list of cpu models
cdentmriedem: (kolla extracted placement) just got a +W17:54
edleafecdent: wow, they +W'd it with the typo in the commit message? :)17:55
cdentI've fixed the typo in my commit message that you just noticed, and added the test17:57
cdent'night all18:15
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mriedemdoes that kolla change have any CI jobs which build an env with extracted placement and run tests against it (nova?)18:59
egonzalezmriedem we build two types (source from tarballs) and binary (from rpms/debs)19:03
egonzalezdeployment part is still wip, fresh deploy works but still working on the upgrade tasks19:03
jroll^ is what I was just typing, this is the change that actually does a deploy:
mriedemah ok19:05
mriedemso builds the image from source for extracted placement19:05
egonzalezyes, also binary (currently only centos)19:05
egonzalezthe binary depends on the RDO building in DLRN19:06
mriedemok i wasn't sure about binary since i know ubuntu doesn't have extracted placement debs yet19:06
egonzalezmriedem they have in stein UCA, dont know if inside there is actual placement code, packages exists19:06
egonzalezsearch for "Package: placement-api" at
mriedemSize: 317219:12
mriedemso i assume it has code in it19:12
egonzalezmriedem is there any intention of create a new placement service like placement-scheduler or anything? just to design the playbooks to expand in the future or use a single service19:15
mriedemegonzalez: not that i'm aware of19:17
mriedemdevstack uses "placement-api"19:17
mriedemthat's what the package name is from what i've seen elsewhere, e.g. nova-placement-api19:18
egonzalezmriedem roger, so will keep simpler the playbooks, thanks19:18
egonzalezyep, it was just in case a new service appears and have to rework everything with loops19:18
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openstackgerritJack Ding proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Select cpu model from a list of cpu models
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openstackgerritHongbin Lu proposed openstack/nova-specs master: [WIP] Support scheduling VM's NICs to different PFs
openstackgerritHongbin Lu proposed openstack/nova-specs master: [WIP] Support scheduling VM's NICs to different PFs

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