Friday, 2018-08-17

openstackgerritTakashi NATSUME proposed openstack/nova master: Remove mox in unit/network/ (22)
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Update api-guide and api-ref to be clear about forced-down
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Update contributor process doc for stein
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Update contributor docs for stein
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openstackgerritfupingxie proposed openstack/nova master: Support list for alias in pci section in nova.conf
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Update api-guide and api-ref to be clear about forced-down
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openstackgerritBrin Zhang proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add support specify volume type when boot instance
openstackgerritBrin Zhang proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Support deleting data volume when destroy instance
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add zvm admin intro and hypervisor information
openstackgerritTao Li proposed openstack/nova master: Rollback instance vm_state to original where instance claims failed
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add zvm CI information
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Add zvm admin intro and hypervisor information
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add zvm CI information
openstackgerritTakashi NATSUME proposed openstack/nova master: Update contributor guide for Stein
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Add zvm CI information
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openstackgerritTao Li proposed openstack/nova master: Rollback instance vm_state to original where instance claims failed
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/nova master: Remove the deprecated API extensions policies
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Update api-guide and api-ref to be clear about forced-down
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openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Merge extended_status extension response into server view builder
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openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Add get_by_cell_and_project() method to InstanceMappingList
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: API microversion bump for handling-down-cell
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Return a minimal construct for nova list when a cell is down
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Return a minimal construct for nova show when a cell is down
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Return a minimal construct for nova service-list when a cell is down
openstackgerritTao Li proposed openstack/nova master: Rollback instance vm_state to original where instance claims failed
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Placement: any traits in allocation_candidate query
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Placement: support mixing required traits with any traits
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sean-k-mooneyo/ anyone around at the moment?10:15
sean-k-mooneydumb question but how would people feel about haveing an addtional user_traits field in a resouce provider so we can unabigusly distinguish between tratis that are discovered by openstack services and traits that have been set by an operator?10:17
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cdentgiblet: check my thinking here please. If we go ahead and expect that generation conflicts are not going to happen with current use cases, that means that there's very little work that we did in Rocky, related to placement, that has immediate visible impact to users?10:40
cdentThat's not a horrible thing, I'm just trying to think in terms of what to tell people about "what we did".10:41
sean-k-mooneycdent: o/ are you free to answer a potentailly dumb question10:44
cdentI'm available to listen, but I can't promise to be able to answer10:45
sean-k-mooneythere is some work around adding tracking of passthough devices to placement proposed for next cycle.10:45
sean-k-mooneyi think you have seen it already10:45
* cdent nods10:46
sean-k-mooneyone of the things that has come up again is operators providing traits for devices and how that interacts with deiscovered traits that a virt-driver might detect10:46
cdentyeah, I remember some pretty complicated discussions about that in dublin (I think it was dublin)10:47
cdentAnd there seemed to be some magical thinking about the virt driver being able to "own" some traits10:47
cdentit would only change those it owned10:48
sean-k-mooneyso the dumb question is. how would you feel about adding a "user-traits" or "declared-tratis" field to the Resouce proveder object so that we can unabigiusly seperate discovered traits (the current tratis field) and user provided/ declared traits (the new field)10:48
sean-k-mooneythen in the db you would jsut union the two sets of traits when calulating the allocation candiates ectra10:49
cdentI'd feel pretty bad about that10:49
cdentI think that's something the clients should worry about10:49
sean-k-mooneycdent: ya that is certenly an option10:49
cdenti wouldn't want placement have to distinguish between "types" of traits10:49
sean-k-mooneycdent: efried was sugestting namespacing some tratis that are owned by the virt-driver. but i think that lessense the usefullness of standard traits10:50
cdentI think the the idea of a virt driver (or whatever) being able to say "I own these traits" (which mahy or may not be configurable) is a better and more flexible option10:50
cdenti agree. I wouldn't want to see namespacing. I think the "owner" thing is better10:51
cdentif we get namespacing then we have a huge profligation of traits that are almost but not quite the same thing10:51
sean-k-mooneycdent: that implyes that a virt-driver and operator cant both own the same trait which begs the question who owns standard tratis.10:52
sean-k-mooneyya i agree that duplicating traits per driver is an anti pattern.10:52
sean-k-mooneyanyway we dont need to solve this now but just trying to think if there were any  less invaisve way to do this10:53
sean-k-mooneycdent: your perference would be to handel this client side not server(placemnt) side thouhg in general10:54
cdentyeah, that co-ownership issue was a point I raised in dublin and at that time it seemed to be the consensus that "don't do that" was the way to go. which seems rather limited to me. Which is why I think the operator should be able to configure the virt-driver to limit/define which traits it owns10:54
cdentyes, in general, that's my thought about most things to do with placement. changing the server, at this stage, should be the choice of last resort. We already have a very complicated but failrly complete set of generic concepts and resources.10:55
cdenta while back jaypipes had a proposal for a way for a virtdriver to configure itself with regard to providers and inventory. a yaml file. that yaml file could say "I care about these traits" or something like that10:55
sean-k-mooneyya a nova config option would be a vaild way to do this but i would prefer that option to be enforced above the virt dirver either in the compute manager or cloud wide10:56
cdentwell presumably if you are in a hetereogenous environment, different racks (and potentialy different hypervisors) will have different requirements10:56
cdenthaving the compute declare itself seems most flexible to me10:57
cdent(even if that means inheriting from some kind of global choice)10:57
sean-k-mooneycdent: yes that is true hence why i initiall said compute manager10:58
cdentthis is probably a topic we'll want to revisit at the ptg, you wanna put something on the etherpad (if it isn't already there)10:59
sean-k-mooneyif we were talking about neutron i could see this being cloud wide at the ml2 driver level but, nova may be more hetorgnious in its compute node config10:59
cdentwe (openstack at large) seem to have an ongoing conflict in design-sense between individual pieces being able to declare themselves and some global thing doing imperative control11:00
sean-k-mooneycdent: well its coming up in as part of a proposal to move pci devices into placement with a yaml based invetory. so i would expect this to be disccused in the ptg in that context in anycase but perhaps this should be a topic by itself11:00
cdentmakes for imepedence mismatches11:00
cdentis there a link to that etherpad on the ptg etherpad? and making reference to this conversation might be useful for context11:01
sean-k-mooneyproably not currently.11:02
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sean-k-mooneyjaypipes: this is the yaml file proposal?12:04
jaypipessean-k-mooney: yes12:04
sean-k-mooneyjaypipes: have you seen
sean-k-mooneyjaypipes: just quickly looking at your abanodned spec and my prototype propsal here they seam kindof similar12:07
sean-k-mooneyalthough different in several ways alos12:08
sean-k-mooneyyour propsal actully has the inventoies declared in the file12:08
sean-k-mooneymine was assuming i was jsut declaring what devices the virt driver can invetory an then grouping them12:09
jaypipessean-k-mooney: that's been in my list of things to get to... haven't gotten to it yet unfortunately. :(12:09
sean-k-mooneyno worries. you dont have to do everything12:10
sean-k-mooneythere are several different proposals for things in this area that we will liekly want to discuss in more detail at the PTG12:11
jaypipessean-k-mooney: I hate the vendor_id/device_id device pools functionality currently in the pci management module.12:11
sean-k-mooneyjaypipes: well i was thinking of replacing that entire moduel so good to know12:11
jaypipessean-k-mooney: I'm leaving on PTO until wednesday starting in about 30 minutes so won't really be able to comment12:12
sean-k-mooneyjaypipes: vendor_id/device_id is something we need to care about but would proably use resouce classes to handel that12:12
sean-k-mooneyvendor_id/device_id is not something placement should have to care about however12:12
sean-k-mooneyjaypipes: also enjoy. PTO is important even though i never take it12:14
sean-k-mooneymy plans to take august off kindo of got changed when i changed jobs12:14
jaypipesalright, ciao folks...12:16
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openstackgerritJose Castro Leon proposed openstack/nova master: Fix get_device_path from network mounted volume
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cdentedleafe: dtroyer reminded me of the location of and it looks like it could be useful, given it is fed with the right list of files13:12
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edleafecdent: thanks, will look into it13:12
fried_ricecdent, sean-k-mooney: Is the suggestion that the config file would somehow contain the comprehensive list of traits that the driver owns?13:25
cdentfried_rice: I hadn't really got that far in my thinking. It could either be that, or the other way round: the traits it chooses to not own13:26
cdentbut yes, something, somewhere, needs to be an explicit statement of ownership13:26
fried_ricecdent: But there's an infinite number of traits.13:27
fried_riceAnd I have to be able to recognize a trait I "own" even if it's *not set*.13:27
cdentthus the list of "I own" is the better choice13:28
cdentin fact it is probalby necessary to have both13:28
cdentI., the driver, own these13:28
cdentI, the op, have chosen to make the driver not own these (even though it normally would)13:28
openstackgerritMatthew Edmonds proposed openstack/nova master: comment correction for libvirt multiattach
fried_ricecdent: My point is that the driver may generate traits, and the possible pool of these can be infinite. So I can't have an inclusive/exhaustive list. I have to use some kind of pattern aka namespace.13:31
cdentwell that sounds pretty broken then13:32
cdentwhy have infinite traits?13:32
cdentalso, presumably anything that is generating traits is creating CUSTOM_ ones and thus it _must_ be the owner of them13:33
cdentif other things are going to _manipulate_ (rather than just be aware of) that trait, it shouldn't be custom13:33
cdentbut if some complex system wanted to share a bunch of custom traits that they all manipulate, I contend that that sharing of knowledge is not placement's job13:34
fried_ricecdent: I'm talking about thinks like CUSTOM_VENDOR_ID_XXXX13:34
cdentthat's the conplex system's job13:34
fried_riceor even CUSTOM_PCI_ADDRESS_DD_BB_DD_FF13:34
cdentwhy would more than one thing need to set or delete that (instead of just read it)?13:35
fried_riceor CUSTOM_NETWORK_FOO13:35
fried_ricecdent: It wouldn't, and shouldn't, which is exactly the point.13:35
cdentthen if nothing does, then you're okay, right? you know who owns that13:36
cdentyou declare that, somehow13:36
fried_riceno, that's the use case that's hard.13:36
fried_riceTaking the vendor ID example: the driver is set up to generate a VENDOR_ID_XXXX trait. If it loads up the provider and sees a VENDOR_ID_YYYY trait on it, it needs to know to remove that trait, because it's wrong.13:38
cdentI think I'm either missing some critical detail, or I have an expectation of the client doing more work than you have13:38
fried_riceIf my CPU has AVX but not AVX2, somebody needs to notice when the AVX2 trait is set, and remove it. Because we don't want the operator setting the trait and thereby pretending the CPU can do something it can't.13:39
cdentin that case the driver needs to know "I am do XXXX not YYYY"13:39
fried_riceMeaning YYYY needs to be on a list13:39
fried_riceof things I "own", a subset of which I can detect should be set, and the remainder of which I can authoritatively unset.13:40
fried_riceWhich is fine for CPU traits; that's a constrained list.13:40
cdentand in that second case, the virt driver knows "my hardware is onkyl AVX2 and these provider somehow are wrong. I am a virt driver, I'm authoritative about HW_CPU_X86"13:40
fried_riceYes, fine for CPU traits; that's a constrained list.13:40
fried_riceBut it is not fine for e.g. vendor IDs because there's a theoretically infinite number of them (okay, 2^32).13:41
fried_riceOr capabilities. Some new card with a new capability is published. It sure would be nice to be able to support that card and that capability without having to merge a patch to extend that list of owned traits.13:41
cdentfried_rice: and how do you want that to happen?>13:42
fried_ricethe only solution I had come up with thus far was namespacing.13:42
cdentwould CUSTOK_VENDOR_ID_NS_YYYY get similar results in a more narrow way?13:44
openstackgerritMatthew Edmonds proposed openstack/nova master: Doc: PowerVM does support shelve
fried_ricecdent: Not sure what distinction you're making, explain please?13:44
cdentfried_rice: i'm putting the namespace towards the more specific end of the trait hierarchy, sort of assuming that virt drivers wil want to wild card traits that they "own"13:46
cdent(prefix-based wildcard)13:46
edleafeI always thought that things like VENDOR_ID_XXXX is not a trait. It's not a capability13:48
fried_riceI'm not stuck on a particular pattern necessarily, I've just been discussing the concept in general, which folks seem to object to initially.13:48
fried_riceedleafe: Yes, I agree. But taking that discussion to its logical conclusion (which has happened several times) leads to statements like, "And it's the responsibility of the device vendor to define the comprehensive list of capabilities in a place where we can get at it."13:49
fried_riceWhich is a pipe(s) dream.13:49
edleafefried_rice: my point is that if they create traits that aren't traits, it's not placement's job to clean up that mess13:50
fried_riceSo traiting product/vendor IDs is a simple way to achieve the same result; it requires the operator to understand what capabilities correspond to what vendors.13:50
fried_riceedleafe: If we want to put that stake in the ground, I can get behind it.13:51
cdentfrom one standpoint, placement doesn't care if someone choose to namespace. but I suspect nova does.13:51
edleafeI was under the impression that that stake has been there since the beginning13:51
edleafecdent: if nova wants to namespace, then that is up to nova to manage that13:52
edleafesame with any other service that uses placement13:52
fried_riceuh, the beginning of what? It was Thursday in Dublin before we even brought up the concept of traits being mergeable.13:52
cdentbut I'm guessing that the parts of nova not currently in this conversation would not be best pleased13:52
edleafeThat's why extraction is important: to stop having placement doing nova stuff13:52
edleafefried_rice: since the concept of traits has been defined13:53
openstackgerritChen proposed openstack/nova master: Fix evacuate logging
edleafeThey have been capabilities. Not state. Not metadata13:53
fried_riceThis really has nothing to do with placement doing nova stuff. We're talking about nova (and others) using placement-isms.13:53
edleafefried_rice: more like nova and others misunderstanding placement-isms13:54
cdentfried_rice: right, and I'm trying (but failing because I've never been very good at it) to represent some of the concerns I've heard various nova folk mention13:54
fried_riceedleafe: Semantics. Is CUSTOM_PHYSNET_A a capability? No, it's metadata. But we're sure going to use that.13:54
fried_rice"capable of communicating on physnet A" <== semantics.13:55
cdentit's definitely the case that various nova and neutron things (and blazar) are talking about using traits as both metadata and state13:55
cdentand that's fine13:55
fried_rice"capable of doing things that a device with product ID XXXX can do" <== ditto.13:55
edleafefried_rice: disagree. I see it as a shorthand for CUSTOM_CAN_COMMUNICATE_ON_PHYSNET_A13:55
cdentbut _they_ are responsible for managing that mess, not placement. earlier sean-k-mooney made a proposal that placement do so, which I hope made clear I didn't think was a good idea13:55
fried_riceyou mean like adding an "owner" metadata field on a trait? Yeah, ixnay at-they.13:56
edleafeexactly. If you want to adopt a shorthand, then you have to be responsible for managing how that is used13:56
fried_riceYeah, none of that is at issue (at least in my mind). We're not talking about asking placement to change anything about what it's doing or how it's doing it. We're talking about how nova (and others) will need to (ab)use the existing API to make traiting work sanely for operators.13:57
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edleafefried_rice: ah, then that seems like it should be discussed in -nova, no?13:58
fried_ricethat was happening too.13:59
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openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova master: WIP Add regression for bug 1787606
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova master: WIP scheduler: Only skip the selected host when finding alternates
openstackbug 1787606 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Multi instance creation rescheduling fails due to a lack of alternates" [Undecided,New]
cdentedleafe: that ^ may be of interest to you15:15
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova stable/rocky: add zvm into support matrix
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova stable/rocky: Add zvm admin intro and hypervisor information
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova stable/rocky: Add zvm CI information
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cdentfried_rice: it will take a while to get a reasonable base line on some of those perf things, because as gibi_off rightly helped point out somewhere in the discussion, the difference between providers and general node health is very relevant16:05
cdentand you're right: going from 750 (or likely many more) rps with aggregates to all them would presumably make no difference16:08
cdentfried_rice: what's your read on the status of reshaper? Is it basically a question of reviews at this point or is there more to it?16:20
fried_ricecdent: Jay has -1s on several patches, so I'll need to respin to address those.16:22
fried_riceI think I'm taking the afternoon off to rewire my home internet and build a goat milking stand, so it'll likely be next week before I get to it.16:23
cdentdoes the goat go in the stand16:23
fried_riceI think I'm going to do a dry run with the lumber I have lying around, then decide whether to go PVC after that.16:27
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cdentI clearly need to adjust my priorities16:33
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Batch results per cell when doing cross-cell listing
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Make instance_list perform per-cell batching
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Batch results per cell when doing cross-cell listing
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Make instance_list perform per-cell batching
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/nova master: Add exact match aggregate image properties matcher/filter
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/nova master: Add exact match aggregate image properties matcher/filter
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/nova master: Add exact match aggregate image properties matcher/filter
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/nova master: Add exact match aggregate image properties matcher/filter
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/nova master: Add exact match aggregate image properties matcher/filter
openstackgerritDmitry Sutyagin proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Allow disabling KSM / mem-merge via extra spec
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: comment correction for libvirt multiattach

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