Wednesday, 2015-11-18

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DinaBelovaboris-42 - I've created a draft multi backend change
DinaBelovaI'm still testing it so it's WIP16:12
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klindgrenSi I updated metadata_cache_expiration across all of our metadata nodes from the default of 15 seconds to 180 seconds (they are configured to use a centralized memcache).  This dropped load down from ~2% per core across all 3 servers.16:38
klindgrenNot the magic bullet that I was hoping it would be16:38
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harlowjaklindgren :(18:39
harlowjaklindgren are u recording all that in ?18:40
harlowja(just so people know)18:40
klindgrenline 5818:40
* harlowja saw chat with dan on operators18:40
* harlowja agree with comparison to existing system and 1/200 of the load ....18:41
klindgrenit also uses python18:41
harlowjathats good to know also18:41
harlowjaso its really architectural things...18:41
harlowjanot language blah blah speed18:41
harlowja(nothing really unexpected imho)18:42
klindgrenI dunno how much of the system was pushed out to each compute node though18:42
harlowjawhen u establish funnel points in an architecture, such things aren't usually a good idear18:42
klindgrenits not really a good apples-to-apples comparison18:42
harlowjafair enough18:42
klindgrenbut I was just trying to provide a counter point to the "throw more hardware at it"18:43
harlowja"throw more hardware at it" imho is a copout solution18:43
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harlowjaDinaBelova sooo i was thinking with some folks that we might want to setup a plan (maybe during next meeting) of how we can get people that are interested in the performance work to actually get assigned real work that they will be responsible for18:44
harlowjavs letting those folks more organically show-up (someday...)18:45
harlowjaand instead try to seize the people we know, and get them to commit to doing stuff ;)18:45
harlowjalike i'll assign everything to klindgren18:45
klindgrenand I will find a new job18:47
DinaBelovaharlowja - that, that will be great idea18:48
klindgrenI am going to be interested in the Cern stuff18:48
DinaBelovalet's do that next meeting18:48
klindgrento see if they notice an up-tick- in conductor usage18:48
klindgrenI think they are nova-network though - so unsure if they are going to have the same issues18:48
harlowjaDinaBelova sweet18:49
* harlowja just thinking if we have people that showup, and they may be looking for something to do, we can actually get them to do soemthing (get them to do stuff while they are around)18:50
harlowjamore peopel that do things, the more people will be engaged ... (and the cycle repeats)18:50
DinaBelovathat will be very cool, I agree. we don't want to be powerpoint team :)18:51
harlowjaDinaBelova +20018:51
harlowjaklindgren will fix it all18:52
harlowjai just know it18:52
klindgrenso as someone who has never used one of the python/openstack profilers - What can I do to start gettign some actionable results?18:52
klindgrenI want to start making decisions from data, not guesses :-)18:52
DinaBelovarunning rally is quite simple, they have great instuctions, for instance18:53
DinaBelovaI hope to do the same for osprofiler18:53
DinaBelovaso that will be intuitive enough to just run tests and collect results18:54
DinaBelovathe main thing with be to analyse it then18:54
klindgrenwell I don't need to add load to the system - I already have an issue with load.  I just want to see whats causing the current load18:54
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DinaBelovawell, there is no good and intuative profiling / tracing now in openstack18:55
DinaBelovathe only way is CProfiler18:55
DinaBelovabut that's hard to use obviously18:55
DinaBelovaand not very easy to analyse18:55
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DinaBelovaklindgren -  so right now that won't be very easy to do that without some experience of python profiling background18:57
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klindgrenSo I ran cprofile on conductor with 1 worker so everything stayed in the main process.  I created a call graph using gprof2dot20:16
klindgrenI can put the .svg some where20:16
* klindgren has no clue how to follow it :-D20:17
harlowjaklindgren i use for that stuff20:22
harlowjaif u want20:23
harlowjaseems to work :-P20:23
harlowjaweird, i wonder what is doing 'utils:44:build_ffi_for_binding'20:26
harlowjadidn't know that was happening, lol20:26
harlowjaanyways, bbl20:27
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klindgrenDinaBelova, ping22:50
klindgrenwhen you guys do your tests - do you have ssl enabled on rabbitmq?22:52
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klindgrenWe disabled ssl on a single rabbitmq host and forced a conductor node to connect to that - CPU usage dropped from 7-30% average to a max usage of 1.3% withe average usage of .7%22:53
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klindgrenso turns out htat was because I screwed up the change - and didn't notice that conductor was logging: 2015-11-18 16:02:13.374 16155 ERROR oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-dfe0c216-9f36-4a57-970d-0475dc80a01c - - - - -] AMQP server closed the connection. Check login credentials: Socket closed23:10
klindgren2015-11-18 16:02:13.393 16180 ERROR oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-292d6537-681e-4146-b018-098853470841 - - - - -] AMQP server p3plcldcap001-00323:10
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