Tuesday, 2022-05-24

francieHello gouthamr, maaritamn Good morning06:06
francieI am still having this challenge with Gerrit06:06
vkmcfrancie, hey08:02
vkmcfrancie, is your gerrit username "franciedigital"? 08:03
vkmcyou can check in https://review.opendev.org/settings/08:03
vkmcin the profile you have "id, email, registered, username, ..." 08:04
vkmcthe username is the field we want 08:04
vkmcif it is franciedigital, the next step to check is if the ssh key is correctly updated 08:04
vkmcalso, I saw you did08:05
vkmcstack@devstack-VirtualBox:~/python-manilaclient$ git remote rename origin gerrit08:05
vkmcwe need to add a remote, not to rename it 08:05
vkmcremove the repo and start over please08:05
francievkmc Thanks, okay let me try. Yes my username on gerrit is 'franciedigital'.08:14
vkmcperfect! 08:14
vkmcso, rm the repo 08:14
vkmcclone it again08:15
vkmcand then we add the gerrit remote 08:15
francievkmc, here: https://paste.opendev.org/show/bJfKXdBpF7YN8iNCemdP/08:33
francie1. I have removed .ssh and reconfigured it back08:33
francie2. I have added ssh public key both at Github and Gerrit08:33
francie3. I could successfully authenticate to Github using `ssh -T git@github.com`08:34
vkmcfrancie, didn't ask you to regenerate the ssh key08:34
vkmcit doesn't hurt, but it was not needed 08:34
vkmcfrancie, what you want to do now, then, is "git remote add gerrit ssh://franciedigital@review.opendev.org:29418/openstack/python-manilaclient.git"08:35
vkmcin the repo08:35
francieok, just a moment08:36
francieAha! Now I see a different issue: https://paste.opendev.org/show/bJ9gThxnCevBqucKCvRK/08:37
vkmcfrancie, you are missing the t08:37
vkmcin "ssh://franciedigital@review.opendev.org:29418/openstack/python-manilaclient.git" 08:37
vkmcso... let's remove the remote and create it again 08:38
vkmcgit remove remote gerrit08:38
vkmcand then08:38
vkmcgit remote add gerrit ssh://franciedigital@review.opendev.org:29418/openstack/python-manilaclient.git08:38
francieOh I see08:39
franciesame: https://paste.opendev.org/show/blEfm8vzWup485i0prOS/08:41
francieI am suspecting something wrong with the hooks?08:42
vkmccan you provide a tmate session to me? 08:42
vkmcnot sure if you are familiar with it08:42
vkmcthe next thing I'd check is the name and the permissions of the keys that has been created08:44
vkmcand make sure that id_rsa.pub is the key that has been uploaded to your gerrit profile08:44
francieone moment08:45
franciessh session: ssh zUcJU5ddx9c7aG6khJ6QkNkgC@lon1.tmate.io08:46
vkmcgreat, I'm in08:47
vkmcfrancie, ^08:47
vkmcpermissions are ok 08:49
vkmcfrancie, can you check that id_rsa.pub is the one that has been uploaded to your profile?08:50
francieLet me paste that08:50
vkmcyeah, that output needs to be in your profile08:51
vkmcfrom ssh-rsa to the email08:51
vkmcyes, that one 08:52
francieThey are same08:52
francieYou can test ssh to Github on tmate08:53
vkmchm, I'm clueless then :) 08:54
francieYou see this line:08:55
francieThe following command failed with exit code 1                                                                                                                                                 │····08:55
francie    "scp -P29418 franciedigital@review.opendev.org:hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/commit-msg"   08:55
vkmcI do08:55
franciesomething is wrong with the hooks I suppose08:55
vkmcwell, the key needs to be in 08:55
vkmcthat's review.opendev.org08:56
francieIt is right there08:58
vkmcso I'm probably missing something 08:59
vkmcyour env looks good as far as I know08:59
francieI feel something might have changed somewhere maybe a new patch introduced a bug somehow ?09:00
vkmcI don't think so09:00
vkmcotherwise it would be all the ci broken 09:00
vkmcI'll deploy a fresh env and let you know if I hit the same 09:01
vkmchow new is this environment?09:01
vkmcin any case 09:01
vkmcno code changes should affect the functioning of the peer reviewed system09:02
vkmcoki, logging out now 09:03
francieWhen I hit the issue yesterday, I googled all through to resolve it but could not. So I made a fresh deployment (Removed the VM, set it back, then stack up) Could not succeed till this morning09:06
francieok, Thanks, I wait once you have a fresh env09:06
vkmchonestly, there is no much to it... if the key is correctly uploaded to your profile, the permissions on the key are ok (0600), your username is correct 09:07
vkmcit should just work 09:07
francieIf you hit same issue on fresh env then it's wide?09:07
vkmcin that event, maybe yes 09:09
vkmcbut again, we would see it on the ci 09:09
vkmcwhich is running 09:09
vkmcevery couple of minutes 09:09
vkmc:) 09:09
vkmcprobably I am missing something09:10
vkmcbut not sure what 09:11
francieI doubt but let's see09:11
vkmcfrancie, have you started the internship already?09:12
vkmcso, you have a meeting scheduled with your mentors?09:12
francieOn tmate, you could remove the .ssh dir then recreate the the ssh key and copy and share with me so I add back both to Github and to Gerrit. Then test09:13
francieYes, I speak with maaritamn09:13
vkmcso, why you are adding it to github? 09:13
francieI am following a guide on setting up local environment :)09:13
francieAlways handy09:14
vkmcI'd stick with the official docs09:15
vkmcwhich is what we use 09:15
francieCould be I missed this line: This guide recommends using ed25519 keys because it has been found that this type works well across all operating systems.09:15
vkmcbecause there are several things there that are outdated09:15
francieGot it!09:15
vkmcno, it doesn't matter what kind of encryption you use for your ssh key 09:16
vkmcso if you want we can have a quick call and you share your screen with me 09:24
vkmcand we try to follow the process09:24
vkmcI have 30min now09:25
francieGoogle meet?09:26
francieworks for you?09:27
vkmcfrancie, https://meet.google.com/xbo-ybpd-yao09:28
francieone moment09:41
vkmcsure, let me know when you are available09:44
vkmcfrancie, I have to run for another meeting now, so maybe we can sync up later :) 09:51
franciesorry i needed to change my wears, lets catch up later 09:53
franciethank you 09:53
franciei appreciate09:53

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