Friday, 2021-10-22

francieGood morning all06:46
francieWelcome mbeas_06:46
franciemaaritanm: Hi07:07
vkmcfrancie, o/ 08:06
francieThanks vkmc08:06
francieconcerning this:
francieI am looking at here:
francieI might be wrong but the idea is to add '--wait' option correct?08:07
vkmcfrancie, that's correct08:38
vkmcsorry, if you need to caught my attention type "vkmc" and that will trigger a notification to me :) 08:38
vkmcfrancie, you have some examples of how this was implemented08:39
vkmcsee for example08:39
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: zuul needed to be restarted, queues were lost, you may need to recheck your changes08:47
francieThanks vkmc, taking a look already09:13
vkmclet me know if you need any pointer09:14
franciesure I will09:15
mbeasVictoria I am trying to work on the bug13:52
mbeasI have opened it in my vs code connecting remote to my VM13:52
mbeasI have opened the file13:53
mbeasas far as I see I have to read about the six library, because I haven`t used it before13:54
mbeasI am on this line now:                 if six.PY3:13:55
mbeas                    member_type = inspect.isfunction13:55
mbeas                else:13:55
mbeas                    member_type = inspect.ismethod13:55
mbeasline 290 - 29313:55
mbeasas I understand I should remove all these lines despite the line 29113:55
mbeasand I should correct the indentation of lline 29113:55
mbeasis this ok?13:55
mbeassorry to ask about these things but it is the first time contributing to open source and I don`t want to make a mess instead of correcting things13:56
mbeasi am currently reading here:
mbeasand trying to convert the methods belonging to six, to python 3 equivalents14:02
vkmcmbeas, a few things14:08
vkmcmbeas, if you are pasting a big chunk of text (like code or logs) you can use
vkmcmbeas, now, what you need to do in order to fix that14:09
vkmcmbeas, since we want to remove the six library usage 14:09
vkmcmbeas, you need to keep the instructions that comply with py3 syntax, and delete the instructions that comply with py2 syntax 14:09
mbeasyes, I undestand14:10
vkmcin that if clause you shared, the line "member_type = inspect.isfunction" corresponds to the py3 syntax 14:11
vkmcso you need to keep that 14:11
vkmcyou can get rid of the if clause and the py2 instruction 14:11
vkmcdoes that make sense?14:11
mbeasyes, I did it14:11
mbeasI am currently coming to the end of the fixes14:12
mbeasthere is only one left to do14:12
mbeasand then I will ask you how to proceed14:13
mbeasit was easier than I firstly thought14:13
mbeasthank you very much for your help14:13
mbeasstill something14:13
mbeasas I am understanding by reading the code you use spaces and not tabs14:14
mbeasVictoria I finished the fixes14:28
mbeasplease could you help me14:28
vkmcmbeas, ok, submit it for review14:28
mbeaswhat should I do now?14:28
mbeasthank you victoria14:40
vkmc<mbeas> as I am understanding by reading the code you use spaces and not tabs <- yes, you can make sure your syntax is correct by running the pep8 tests 14:42
vkmctox -e pep8 14:42
mbeasok, thank you14:43
mbeasi will run it now -)14:43
mbeasafter running the command i get an error14:52
mbeas./manila/ F401 'oslo_utils.encodeutils' imported but unused14:52
mbeasERROR: InvocationError14:52
mbeasto my understanding it is related to python214:56
mbeasI have to remove it too14:56
mbeasthank you for the command, it helped me find other fixes -)14:58
mbeasVictoria, another question: do I have to make changes to the comments?15:00
mbeasthere is a comment that mentions Python 215:01
mbeasfinally I got:   pep8: commands succeeded15:07
mbeas  congratulations :)15:07
vkmcyay, awesome! 15:56
vkmcif that is done15:56
vkmcthen just commit 15:56
vkmcand git review15:56
mbeasVictoria sorry one more time16:40
mbeasI am having problems with git review16:40
mbeasPlease make sure you have the correct access rights16:41
mbeasand the repository exists.16:41
mbeasCould not connect to gerrit.16:41
mbeasFinally it is pushed online.16:46

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