Thursday, 2021-09-02

vkmcarchanaserver, o/08:23
vkmchey, any chance we can meet one hour later today_08:23
archanaservervkmc, o/08:24
archanaserveryes sure08:24
vkmcwill push it on the calendar08:24
archanaservernp and sure :)08:24
archanaservervkmc, i was facing a failure in my share server command on openstack-tox-docs( 10:03
archanaserveri tries to run this command(tox -e docs) to see find what is the error but this is the output i got
archanaservercan you help me to find what this is pointing to?10:03
vkmcarchanaserver, are you hitting this on the ci as well?10:18
archanaserveryes, from there i find about this10:19
vkmcarchanaserver, current meeting is running a bit over11:00
archanaservervkmc, oh okie! no problem, thanks for informing11:02
archanaservervkmc, let me know where you are joining :)11:11
vkmcarchanaserver, ok, just got out 11:13
vkmcjoining now11:13
vkmcis it good now?11:13
archanaservervkmc, yes sure11:13
vkmcarchanaserver, if bluejeans doesn't work, I can try google meet again11:17
archanaservervkmc, i got the same doc failure in my share group command patch too ->
archanaserverso may be there is some issue in my vm or something, i'm not sure11:42
vkmcarchanaserver, found the issue with share servers 16:50
vkmcarchanaserver, reviewed in the code :) 16:51
archanaservervkmc, updated that in the PS10( there is failure due to python-manilaclient-functional( after i dropped that.16:58
archanaservervkmc, this is the another new failure due to functional: commands failed16:59
vkmcarchanaserver, ok... so, I see that is being taken from 16:59
vkmcosc uses a different library underlying 16:59
vkmcso check examples on how it is being done in the osc :) 17:00
vkmcI think there are some other commands that expect key=value attributes17:01
vkmcok, heading out now 17:02
archanaservervkmc, okay i'll look into that, thanks :)17:03

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