Wednesday, 2021-08-18

archanaservervkmc, o/09:18
archanaservervkmc, can i assign myself to some other task/command implementation to work on?09:18
archanaserverbecause in the share group there is some error that i need to fix, also that would be great if someone can review it again.09:18
archanaserverand in the share group snapshot we need to mock share group first, which is dependent on share group09:18
vkmcarchanaserver, o/09:38
vkmcsure, you can claim some other task 09:38
vkmcwe have the osc hackaton today, maybe you can pair with some other folks to work on tasks as well09:39
archanaservervkmc, okay sure! thanks09:47
vkmcwe have the kickoff at 2pm utc 09:48
archanaserveryep! i've set the reminder for it. i'm super excited for this hackathon09:49

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