Monday, 2021-06-14

*** kafilat <kafilat!> has joined #openstack-outreachy08:23
*** archanaserver <archanaserver!> has joined #openstack-outreachy08:45
archanaserverhi @vkmc, happy monday o/08:48
archanaserverdo we have session today on devstack?/08:54
vkmchi archanaserver!09:35
vkmcI'll schedule for tomorrow09:41
vkmcif that works for you09:41
archanaserveryes sure09:41
archanaserverAlso about that reviewing part, i read the documentation and gone through this
archanaserverbut didn't find any in which i can start reviewing09:43
archanaserveri mean there is already some assigned for the same09:43
vkmcarchanaserver, it's ok, reviews are collaborative 09:45
vkmcit's expected that more than one person look at the code and submit reviews09:45
vkmcit's needed 2 positive reviews from core reviewers to merge the code, but having reviews from everyone help to reach to that point 09:46
archanaserverokay cool! 09:57
archanaserverso should i start my text task in reviewing side or is there any task you have for me?09:58
vkmcI do 10:00
vkmcI see that is failing for the py36 gate 10:00
vkmchave you looked into this?10:00
archanaserveroh no10:01
archanaserverit was working fine when i committed it10:01
archanaserveri'm on it10:02
vkmcarchanaserver, cool! 10:02
archanaserverabout that openinfra live show, i have a few questions to clarify10:04
archanaserveris now a good time?10:04
vkmcsure 10:09
vkmcI have to get back to that10:09
archanaserversure thing, let me know when. so that we can work on some questions :) (i'm nervous though)10:23
vkmcI'll prepare a few questions to guide the conversation, sync with diablo_rojo (Kendall Nelson from OpenInfra) 10:24
vkmcand will get back to you as soon as we do have some format 10:24
vkmcand then we can go over questions and brainstorm a bit 10:24
vkmcsounds good?10:24
kafilatvkmc: hi :)11:11
kafilatAre we still on for meeting at 15.0011:11
vkmchi kafilat! 12:09
vkmcno, I didn't sent the invite 12:09
vkmcI have other meetings today so couldn't make the slot12:10
vkmcI was thinking on scheduling it for tomorrow12:10
vkmcwould that work for you?12:10
kafilatTomorrow's fine :)12:18
vkmccool :) 12:28
vkmcI'll send the invite to your calendar12:28
vkmcplease decline or accept depending on your availability 12:28
vkmcif not we can reschedule12:28
archanaservervkmc: gone through my changes and run the tox command again it's showing "py36: commands succeeded congratulations :)"12:56
vkmcarchanaserver, ok, we can trigger a recheck in the ci 12:57
vkmcand see if that reproduces there 12:57
vkmcyou can add a comment in your change in gerrit 12:57
vkmcwith the word12:57
archanaserverokay sure12:57
archanaserverbut how can we trigger the ci for the recheck? (i don't know about that)12:59
vkmcthat's how you do it: your change and submit a review with the word "recheck" on it 13:00
vkmcand that will trigger it 13:00
vkmclet me do that for you13:00
archanaserverya sure13:00
vkmc <- like that13:00
archanaserverah gotcha13:01
archanaserveralso, i need to add a release note for my both patch?13:07
vkmcI would't add release note to your changes 13:15
vkmcbut maybe gouthamr can chime in later and let us know what he thinks ^13:15
archanaserveri saw release note in every patch so that why i ask, if i'm missing this every time13:23
archanaserverbut yes sure!13:23
vkmcarchanaserver, add for the python-manilaclient one :) 13:29
vkmcI saw a reno added for a last change13:29
vkmcso you are right13:29
archanaserverBuild succeeded -> 🥺13:57
archanaserverokie cool, i'll add release note then13:57
archanaserverseeing "Verified +1" in python-manilaclient patch, made my day 😊 (after sooo long, finally!!)14:01
archanaserverthanks vkmc :)14:02
vkmcawesome! 14:02
vkmcI'll review soon14:02
archanaserveryeah 🥳14:03
archanaserverso i need to run this command reno new slug-goes-here under python-manilaclient project to create a new note file14:34
vkmcarchanaserver, yes, you are right... in your branch, and you need to specify the name of the bug you are working on14:38
vkmcI think it's called "slug" in the documentation14:44
vkmcand then you have to edit the release note 14:44
vkmcto include what you want to include14:44
archanaserveryes, reading the documentation and implementing it in my branch15:19
vkmcarchanaserver, here you have some examples of release notes15:36
vkmcif you want to check names or content 15:36
vkmcI like the bug-<bugnumber>-description slug format 15:36
vkmcbut there are no rules about that15:36
archanaserverokay so when i open release note file to edit, few things are already there like prelude,features,issues and etc.15:41
vkmcyou have to manually delete the sections that shouldn't be there15:41
vkmcand keep the one you need15:41
vkmcand add some text15:41
vkmcexplaining what changed15:41
vkmccheck this example15:41
archanaserveroh so i need to do this manually15:41
archanaservergot it!15:42
archanaserveradding changes15:42
archanaserverok now when i do git commit -a --amend, i'm getting this
archanaserverso here i need to add commit msgs again?15:49
archanaserveri'm confused 15:49
archanaserverwould it be good, if i do git review?15:55
gouthamrarchanaserver: that looks like a git merge in progress, can you quit without saving15:56
gouthamrarchanaserver: what does "git status" and "git log" give you? 15:58
archanaservergouthamr: git status is showing untracked file(release note i have just added)15:59
archanaservergit log is this
vkmcsomething is wrong with your index 16:01
vkmcthe git merge shouldn't be there16:01
gouthamrright, i'd suggest "git reset 711648" and then git commit -a --amend16:03
archanaservergouthamr: getting this
archanaserverso many untracked files showing up16:06
gouthamryep, and they're not your changes?16:12
gouthamrdoesn't look like it16:12
archanaserveryes, they aren't mine16:12
gouthamrdid you just add the release note file?16:12
archanaserveryes only release note file16:13
gouthamrif yes, you can save that file "git stash <filepath>"16:13
gouthamrgit reset --hard16:13
gouthamrand then "git stash pop"16:13
archanaserverok, let me try this16:14
archanaservershowing fatal: unknown subcommand: releasenotes/notes/bug-1898318-add-wait-flag-for-deleting-a-share-group-operation-c602ba9faad411be.yaml16:15
archanaserverwhen i do git stash <filepath>16:15
vkmcarchanaserver, share a tmat16:27
vkmcwith us16:27
vkmc:) 16:27
archanaserverssh session: ssh CaGfX4FS7sqGXPuVZsWRSpWrC@sfo2.tmate.io16:28
archanaservertmate link16:28
archanaserveralso my previous changes gone :(16:30
archanaserverno not this one 16:32
archanaserverthe release note file i have created is -> releasenotes/notes/bug-1898318-add-wait-flag-for-deleting-a-share-group-operation-c602ba9faad411be.yaml16:32
vkmcprevious changes?16:33
vkmcok, that should be fixed now16:34
vkmcI saw you made a git pull 16:35
vkmcthat broke your index 16:35
vkmcnormally we do rebases :) 16:35
vkmcso... what I did16:35
archanaserveryes i did that 16:35
vkmcwas to look for all the history of changes with git reflog16:36
vkmcrecover your change16:36
vkmcwith git reset16:36
vkmcstash all the files we don't needed because they were for a different commit 16:36
vkmcgit rebase -i master16:36
vkmcto update the base 16:36
vkmcthen added your release note that was untracked 16:36
vkmcand then run unit tests to make sure16:37
vkmcah, and wrapped the commit message... it's a good practice to wrap commit messages to 80 chars16:37
vkmcpy39 gate is failing for some reason, we can debug later that16:37
vkmcdo you think there is something missing?16:37
archanaserversure thanks! i'm on it next time16:38
vkmcwith git diff master we can see the differences between master and the current branch16:38
archanaserverin py39 gate?16:38
vkmcI think it looks good16:38
vkmcno no, this question is unrelated to the gate :) 16:38
archanaserveryes looks good, but why py39 failing 16:39
archanaserveroh yes16:39
vkmcno idea... I'll debug it later 16:39
vkmcgood thing is 16:39
vkmcit's a non-voting job 16:39
vkmcand seems to be unrelated to your code16:39
vkmcso your code is fine16:39
archanaserveroh cool then 16:40
vkmcoff you go, git review16:40
archanaserverso now we can do git review, right?16:40
vkmcand we should be done16:40
vkmcI'm exiting the tmate16:40
archanaserverdone :)16:41
vkmcgood job!16:42
archanaserverthanks @vkmc and @gouthamr for helping me to fix this :)16:42
archanaserverthanks a lot! 😊16:43
gouthamrgood stuff! :) 16:54

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