Monday, 2019-02-25

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s0ruo/ vkmc15:20
vkmc\o sup15:20
s0ruI'm dealing with the installation of transpec to do the upgrade on puppet-cinder.15:21
s0ruI installed ruby, did the update&&upgrade15:22
s0ruand it threw me the next error15:23
s0rulike I haven't ruby or something like that15:24
* vkmc checks15:25
s0ruI tried to search on stackoverflow and only found differents ways to reinstall ruby15:25
s0rui did it on the devstack directory inside de VM15:26
vkmcs0ru, so I assume you are within the puppet-cinder repo, right?15:26
vkmcwhich distro are you using? ubuntu?15:26
s0ruyes, bionic15:27
vkmcso, you need to have all dependencies installed...15:27
vkmcapt-get install ruby-dev gcc-c++ zlib-dev15:28
vkmcand then you need to install a gem that is called "bundler"15:29
vkmcsudo gem install bundler15:29
s0rufor puppet-cinder I did sudo apt-get install puppet-module-cinder / sudo apt-get install puppet and puppet module install openstack/cinder15:29
s0ruI'll go with that install command for ruby so and the bundler15:30
vkmclet me know how that goes15:33
vkmcafter you have bundler15:33
vkmcyou do "bundle install"15:33
vkmcand finally you can run tests with "bundle exec rake spec 'SPEC_OPTS=--format documentation' SPEC=spec/classes/cinder_*_spec.rb"15:34
vkmcchange cinder_*_spec.rb for the name of the class you are changing15:34
s0rugreat, I'll notice you15:36
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