Thursday, 2025-02-27

ralonsohhberaud[m], hello! We have an issue in Neutron with, that we recently started to notice in the functional tests08:40
ralonsohwhen I use the previous patch to this commit, the tests pass with no problem08:41
ralonsohbut with this patch I have this strange issue with the config options08:41
hberaud[m]ralonsoh: Thanks for the heads up08:55
hberaud[m]damani: 08:55
hberaud[m]damani: FYI ^08:55
ralonsohhberaud[m], I'm writing you an email too (including Daniel, Yatin and Slawek)08:57
ralonsohthis is only affecting these 2 FT jobs, but could be something more serious08:57
hberaud[m]The weird thing is that the internal implementation of oslo_service.service do not changed... it was just moved from oslo_service.service to oslo_service.eventlet.service
hberaud[m]and you confirm that if you downgrade oslo.service to the version before the backend migration these tests works?09:00
hberaud[m]Thanks for your email09:02
ralonsohhberaud[m], yes, with the previous patch to this commit, the tests work09:02
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/taskflow master: Add mask keys parameters to failure logging
damani[m]i will check later 14:40
damani[m]weird 14:40
damani[m]thanks a lot for the notice14:40
hberaud[m]damani: FYI see your inbox, Rodolfo sent us an email with a reproducer14:41
damani[m]i will check later 14:42

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