Thursday, 2024-07-18

fricklertkajinam: hberaud: can we make a new oslo.log release with then and denylist 6.1.0 in g-r? I almost merged the bump enabling it once again06:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tooz master: Add requirements check job
abhishekktkajinam: is there any timeframe when oslo_middleware will be released? I need to use the new library in glance this cycle 09:46
abhishekkI need to use new health_check plugin added in glance 09:46
*** elodilles is now known as elodilles_ooo17:10
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Enable enforce_scope and enforce_new_defaults by default
gmannhberaud: tkajinam this is ready now, please check

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