Monday, 2024-02-19

*** tkajinam is now known as Guest21308:56
opendevreviewMerged openstack/etcd3gw master: Apply timeout in each request call
opendevreviewMerged openstack/etcd3gw master: Update README
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.utils master: add <range-in> spec DSL operator
tkajinam^^^ damani hberaud I've updated this one based on the response from the original author. we can probably merge this before release if another core would accept it10:41
opendevreviewMerged openstack/whereto master: Install requirements for doc build
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/oslo.utils master: add <range-in> spec DSL operator
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/oslo.utils master: add <range-in> spec DSL operator
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/oslo.utils master: add <range-in> spec DSL operator
opendevreviewAdam Rozman proposed openstack/oslo.utils master: add <range-in> spec DSL operator
damanitkajinam, but it's a new feature 11:48
opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.cache master: Fix incomplete exception message
damanitkajinam, hberaud, but we can always do a request exception if you think it's necessary 12:36
gthiemongeHi Folks, IDK if it has already been reported, but there's some spam in taskflow's launchpad:
tkajinamdamani, we can follow official FFE procedure but I think it's overkill for that specific change with limited impact and appropriate test coverage13:03
tkajinamthat's my opinion13:03
tkajinamgthiemonge, thanks. let me report it as a smap13:03
damanitkajinam, ok 13:40
damanihberaud, what do you think?13:40
tkajinamI think he is also positive about merging it according to his comment in the review13:41
tkajinamgthiemonge, I've reported that span and the report has been removed and the account has been banned. thanks for raising it.13:41
gthiemongetkajinam: thank you13:42
hberauddamani, tkajinam: yeah I think we can merge it14:11
hberaudtkajinam: Do you want replacing me in my oslo release liaison role? I'm not the most active oslo member this cycle. I think that you and damani could make a good duo.14:16
damanihberaud, ok 14:16
damanitkajinam, hberaud, done 14:18
damanii will do all the releases little bit later or tomorrow 14:18
hberauddamani: I don't think you need to release things (apart "independent" oslo deliverables), the release team already proposed new versions for us. However, do not forget check the proposed versions, and to update the proposed SHA. At least the oslo.utils patch would require a SHA update once will merged. See =>14:29
tkajinamah that's nice14:51
tkajinamI was wondering if we can generate release patches by any tools but that was already done. nice14:51
hberaudWe reached the lib freeze so those patches are automatically generated by the release team as convenience patches14:55
hberaudtkajinam: let me know if you are ok with my proposal above (release liaison), and then, if you are ok, I'll submit a patch to allow you to endorse that role.14:56
tkajinamsounds good to me14:57
hberaudawesome, thank you14:58
hberaudtkajinam, damani: FYI
hberaudI removed myself from the list of the release liaison to better reflect who are really the active people and allow other developers to contact you directly rather than me15:09
hberaudI'm still there if you need help or info15:10
hberaudconcerning the release of the stable branches, I maintained an automatically generated report . A new report was generated each 2 today. A report is a commit, example (rendering better with git log)15:19
hberaudthis report was generated by using a crontab on my laptop. My local instance seems broken, but you can fork this repo and run it on your own15:21
tkajinamahh that's nice15:22
hberaudyou have to update this script at the begining of each new series
hberaudto move the master to the new stable branch15:23
hberaudthis script is poorly designed and many improvements could be made (loop etc...)15:24
tkajinamif it works then it's all fine15:25
hberaudbut even if it is not perfect it helped me during couple of years15:25
tkajinamit's apparently better than what I do for puppet repos15:25
tkajinam(I generate release patch manually quite often15:25
hberaudalso you have to remove obsolete branches (eoled) from this script time to time15:26
hberaud(obsolete from a release team point of view
hberaudthe crontab will run that script, this script will commit a new report and then push it to the remote repo/fork (origin)15:29
hberaudthe crontab command is given here
tkajinamyeah makes totally sense15:29
tkajinamprobably we can drop wallaby and yoga because these are already unmaintained status.15:30
hberauda good improvement would be to pull this kind of config directly from the official release status
hberaudwith a wget/curl15:31
hberaudand then loop over the results15:32
hberaudit would avoid updating this script each 6 months15:32
hberaud(config = branches who are actives or not actives)15:33
damanihberaud, tkajinam, i will check the repositoru15:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.utils master: add <range-in> spec DSL operator

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