Friday, 2023-08-11

opendevreviewThomas Goirand proposed openstack/tooz master: Add missing coma in diagnostic_lines.append call
opendevreviewThomas Goirand proposed openstack/tooz master: Add missing coma in diagnostic_lines.append call
opendevreviewMerged openstack/tooz master: Change StrictRedis usage to Redis
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Only allow safe context fields in notifications
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Only allow safe context fields in notifications
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Only allow safe context fields in notifications
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Only allow safe context fields in notifications
JayF has been tested working against Ironic in devstack; notification from Ironic is in comments there; unsafe context fields appear to be nulled \o/21:24
JayFdansmith: Given the nature of the bug; I'm not sure a specific test of Nova notifications is required, but I've tested this working against Ironic. I can test against nova specifically if you think it's needed + it's a hardship for you to do the test. (I've been trying to get a working devstack w/ironic+nova for about a week, something local is screwing it up so testing in21:28
JayFnova would be from a fresh stack for me)21:28
* JayF going to be around checking that PR for failed CI/feedback over the weekend, ping me if there's anything21:30
dansmithJayF: just a DNM patch against nova should confirm it doesn't crash at least, but I can get that done sure22:41
dansmithtypically not a huge deal to get something like this landed as long as it's proposed, so let's make sure we don't land, release, and discover we need to fix something22:41
JayFI thoguht would've covered it22:43
JayFbut I guess you all probably run 4000 different matrix'ed out scenarios in your CI like we do22:43
JayFI'll do a dummy patch for nova, ironic, and neutron to be safe22:43
JayFthat may not get up until later today or saturday though22:44

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