Thursday, 2022-09-08

*** brinzhang0 is now known as brinzhang01:36
*** brinzhang0 is now known as brinzhang02:51
*** brinzhang_ is now known as brinzhang09:12
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/oslo.db master: types: Set 'cache_ok' (redux)
stephenfinzzzeek: When you're about, could you give me a hint about how I can test that? ^09:50
stephenfinWhat I've tried clearly isn't useful09:51
stephenfin>>> types.JsonEncodedDict()._static_cache_key09:51
stephenfinI tried binding also, but I don't think that's doing what I think it's doing 😇09:55
stephenfin>>> type_ = types.JsonEncodedDict()09:56
stephenfin>>> bind_processor = type_.bind_processor(dialect=default.DefaultDialect())09:56
stephenfin>>> bind_processor({'a': 42, 'b': [1, 2, 3]})09:56
stephenfin'{"a": 42, "b": [1, 2, 3]}'09:56
dtantsurhuh, autocommit does not help ironic-inspector, broken now11:34
dtantsurmigrations tests are a horrible mess11:35
dtantsurshort of reverting the oslo.db bump, do we have any ideas?11:42
dtantsur should show-case the problem once it's through the CI11:43
stephenfindtantsur: I'll look before EOD. Looks like there's another (alembic-based?) context that's messed up13:35
stephenfinyou need to pass 'autocommit=True' to that13:39
dtantsurstephenfin: great find, thanks a lot!15:15
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