Monday, 2022-01-17

JorhsonHi, can help to review, thanks very much!09:06
opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/oslo.utils stable/victoria: Fix regex used to mask password
damanihberaud, stephenfin, please can you review ?10:15
damanihberaud, please can you review ?10:20
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/oslo.service stable/xena: Make debug option of wsgi server configurable
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/oslo.service stable/wallaby: Make debug option of wsgi server configurable
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/oslo.service stable/victoria: Make debug option of wsgi server configurable
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/oslo.service stable/xena: Make debug option of wsgi server configurable
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/oslo.service stable/wallaby: Make debug option of wsgi server configurable
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/oslo.service stable/victoria: Make debug option of wsgi server configurable
damanistephenfin, do you would like i fix the merge conflict here ?11:22
hberauddamani: concerning lower-constraints should be removed first for stable/victoria. Do you want backporting this removal too? this patch should be a single patch that merge
hberaud and (at least)12:54
damanihberaud, i would do it :)13:10
damaniabout the backport 13:10
hberauddamani: thanks13:10
hberaudOnce this patch is submitted then we'll be able to validate 82491213:11
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/oslo.service stable/victoria: Unbreak lower constraints
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/oslo.service stable/victoria: Make debug option of wsgi server configurable
damanihberaud, ok13:14
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/oslo.service stable/victoria: Unbreak lower constraints
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/oslo.service stable/victoria: Make debug option of wsgi server configurable
opendevreviewHervé Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.cache master: Expose pymemcache's HashClient public params

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