Monday, 2021-06-07

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opendevreviewyang yawei proposed openstack/oslo.i18n master: Changed minversion in tox to 3.18.0
opendevreviewyang yawei proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Changed minversion in tox to 3.18.0
opendevreviewyang yawei proposed openstack/oslo.versionedobjects master: Changed minversion in tox to 3.18.0
opendevreviewyang yawei proposed openstack/oslo.reports master: Changed minversion in tox to 3.18.0
opendevreviewyang yawei proposed openstack/oslo.privsep master: Changed minversion in tox to 3.18.0
opendevreviewyang yawei proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Changed minversion in tox to 3.18.0
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hberaud#startmeeting oslo15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Jun  7 15:00:05 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is hberaud. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'oslo'15:00
hberaudCourtesy ping for hberaud, bnemec, johnsom, stephenfin, bcafarel, kgiusti15:00
hberaudWill just wait a couple minutes for folks.15:00
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hberaudok let's go15:03
hberaud#topic Red flags for/from liaisons15:03
moguimarnothing from Barbican15:04
* hberaud wonder why the bot doesn't change the topic15:04
johnsomNothing new from Octavia/Designate15:04
bnemecHmm, possibly a bug with the migration?15:04
hberaudHopefully the meeting will be recorded15:05
hberaudAFAIK Nothing new from oslo15:05
hberaud#topic Releases liaison15:06
hberaudWe just passed Xena's Milestone-1 I released a couple of oslo deliverables15:07
hberaudMilestone-2 is in ~ 1 month15:07
hberaudAnd we recently moved train to extended maintenance, so we won't release train deliverables anymore15:08
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hberaudThat's all for releases15:09
hberaud#topic Security liaison15:09
hberaudbnemec: the floor is yours15:09
bnemecNothing from me15:10
hberaudthank you15:10
hberaud#topic TaCT SIG liaison15:10
moguimarnothing on my radar15:10
hberaudthank you. Apparently damani, and sboyron didn't yet migrated on OFTC15:11
hberaud#topic Action items from last meeting15:12
hberaudNothing from last meeting15:12
hberaud#topic Weekly Wayward Wallaby Review15:12
hberaudIt will be awesome if someone could review this oslo.messaging patch
hberaudbnemec: ^15:14
hberaudI'll ping kguisti too on freenode15:14
hberaudThe author need this patch for moving further with oslo.metrics15:15
hberaudWell, I just asked to kguisti on freenode15:17
hberaud#topic Open discussion15:17
redrobotQuick question: Is this a new time for this meeting?  Or just an hour early today?  Does eavesdrop need updating? Because  currently says Mondays @ 1600 UTC, but this meeting started at 1500 UTC.15:18
hberaudAnything else to discuss today15:18
dansmithI have a question15:18
dansmithif anyone feels like they can review an oslo.limit patch, I have one up:
moguimarThis is my last week working on OpenStack ='(15:18
dansmithto add a new feature to help make it more useful in real situations15:19
redrobotWe'll miss you moguimar :(15:19
moguimarit was an awesome ride with all you guys15:19
hberaudredrobot: Meeting are scheduled at 4pm UTC when Western Europe DST is ending (
redrobothberaud ack, so eavesdrop is wrong then15:19
hberauddansmith: I'll try to have look soon15:20
dansmithhberaud: ack, thanks15:20
hberaudmoguimar: we'll miss you :(15:20
moguimarLet's see if I can keep up with reviews, I'll change gerrit to my personal email15:21
moguimarnot sure if I'll be able to make it to the meetings15:21
hberaudI wish you all the best for your new journey15:21
moguimarwill depend on my availability in the new job15:22
hberaudthank you moguimar15:22
moguimarthanks for all the learning hberaud =D15:22
hberaudglad to hear that you'll be around :)15:22
hberaudmy pleasure15:22
hberaudAnything else?15:24
hberauddansmith: that could be worth to ping Lance Bragstad too, I think he have a good knowledge about oslo.limit15:25
johnsomDid you want to discuss shutting down the #openstack-state-management IRC channel?15:25
dansmithhberaud: I would, but he's out for extended leave15:25
hberaudah ok15:26
hberaudjohnsom: why not15:27
moguimarlance is on PTO15:27
johnsomSorry if the "Anything else?" was not an open topic prompt. grin15:27
hberaudjohnsom: I wasn't even aware of this channel15:27
johnsomAh, well, it's been the taskflow channel for a long time. Low traffic15:27
johnsomMaybe a question or two a year.15:28
hberaudjohnsom: np, we are on "Open Floor"15:28
johnsomI am probably the sole "person to answer"15:28
* redrobot is still confused about when this meeting happens15:28
redrobotlooks like 1500 UTC sometimes, 1600 UTC others
moguimarredrobot, it happens now xD15:29
johnsomThe conversations can be lengthy, but they are rare. So if you don't mind some occasional noise in the oslo channel, I have no issue closing this down.15:29
redrobotmoguimar touché15:29
bnemecredrobot: It's explained on
hberaudjohnsom: Up to you, I don't a have great preference15:29
bnemecWe started changing it with DST to avoid conflicts with other meetings people had.15:30
hberaudjohnsom: I don't see issue to migrate the discussions here15:30
johnsomOk, let's simplify things and save some IRC bot cycles.15:30
johnsomI will work to migrate things and get the channel dropped.15:31
redrobotI see ...  just making sure I catch this meeting now that moguimar will be gone :(15:31
hberaudjohnsom: ack15:31
moguimarredrobot, it is also 1st and 3rd monday of the month15:31
moguimarnot weekly15:31
moguimarI think starting from today15:32
hberaudand only on the leap years15:33
bnemecredrobot: You could add yourself to the ping list. That way you get notified whenever the meeting starts (even sometimes when it starts at the wrong time ;-).15:33
johnsomDuring a full moon15:33
hberaudok I go out15:33
redrobothaha, sounds good bnemec15:33
hberaudmoguimar: we already switched last month15:34
hberaudanything else?15:35
hberaudThanks everyone for this funny and fresh moment, see you soon (June 21)15:37
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Jun  7 15:37:50 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:37
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
hberaud\o/ meeting have been recorded15:38
johnsomHumor for posterity15:39
dansmithbnemec: thanks for the review, will hit that in a sec.. clarified your question in the commit message15:42
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/oslo.limit master: Add Enforcer.calculate_usage()
redrobothberaud updated the eavesdrop schedule
hberaudredrobot: thank you15:47
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johnsomFYI, sent out an email to discuss about the proposed retirement of #openstack-state-management:
hberaudjohnsom: thanks17:01
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.config stable/ussuri: Updating lower-constraints.txt
opendevreviewMichael Johnson proposed openstack/taskflow master: Updating for OFTC IRC network
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opendevreviewMichael Johnson proposed openstack/automaton master: Moving to OFTC
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