Monday, 2020-07-20

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openstackgerrityatin proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: [DNM] unit tests not working with stevedore > 2.0.1
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ralonsoh_dhellmann, hi13:21
ralonsoh_can I ask you about I8b08f289d446f4775eac1e1a91997fa96f25f641 ?13:21
ralonsoh_I think there is a circular reference there13:22
ralonsoh_oslo_config is calling stevedore13:22
ralonsoh_stevedore importlib_metadata13:22
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ralonsoh_this one oslo_log13:22
ralonsoh_and this one oslo_config cfg13:23
ralonsoh_that's why oslo_config.cfg has no attribute CONF, is still loading it13:23
dhellmannit does look like something is trying to log before logging is set up13:25
dhellmannwhat is being imported on line 61 of that pastebin?13:25
ralonsoh_dhellmann, I need to check that13:26
ralonsoh_but I think oslo_service.__init__13:26
ralonsoh_is importing oslo_log unnecessarily13:26
ralonsoh_it instantiate LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)13:27
ralonsoh_but is not used there13:27
dhellmannthat's possible. removing that may fix this case, but still leave the circular import. ensuring that logging is configured before any dynamic code is loaded should solve the problem more completely.13:28
ralonsoh_dhellmann, I'll check that13:28
ralonsoh_this is happening in a functional test13:28
ralonsoh_while loading a testing module13:28
dhellmannit looks like the test imports neutron_lib which imports oslo_concurrency which imports oslo_config which uses stevedore to load config extensions. Then for some reason one of those plugins does some eventlet stuff? Or maybe that's just a side-effect of eventlet's stack hacking. And then you're right I see oslo_service being imported.13:30
dhellmannWhy would a plugin load oslo_service?13:30
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dhellmannfiguring out what that call to importlib.import_module() is doing should help13:31
ralonsoh_checking now13:32
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dtantsurhey folks, looks like something went wrong in the CI
dtantsurthis is tooz, and it looks like the mysql driver is broken13:32
dtantsur"Context manager interface is removed from Connection. It will be added with different meaning."13:35
dtantsurthank you pymysql, we hate you as well :)
dtantsuranyone wants to beat me to fixing it?13:35
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dtantsurokay, I'm on it13:42
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/tooz master: Fix breakage with PyMySQL 0.10.0
ralonsoh_dhellmann, hi again, sorry for the interruption13:46
ralonsoh_but I'm having the same circular import13:47
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ralonsoh_before executing anything, I import the neutron config library13:47
ralonsoh_from neutron.conf.agent import common as config13:47
ralonsoh_and then I try to execute config.setup_logging()13:48
ralonsoh_but I have the same problem13:48
ralonsoh_actually, to configure the logging I need oslo_config13:48
dhellmanndoes this happen on the master branch, or only with your PR?13:48
dhellmannwhat plugin is being loaded?13:49
ralonsoh_dhellmann, is not a plugging but a module execute in functional test using a shell13:49
dhellmannI don't know what that means13:50
ralonsoh_dhellmann, I'm just executing13:50
ralonsoh_python /opt/stack/neutron/neutron/tests/functional/agent/linux/bin/ipt_binname.py13:50
openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Move legacy grenade jobs to Zuul v3
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/tooz master: Fix breakage with PyMySQL 0.10.0
dtantsurwith a release note ^^^ plz review13:52
dhellmannralonsoh_ : you need to figure out what is being imported by the call to importlib.import_module() on line 61 of the traceback in
dhellmannadd a print statement to your local copy of the code or something13:55
dhellmannthat will tell us more about what is going on13:55
dhellmannmy guess is that the change in stevedore has changed the sequencing of imports in neutron's test (maybe neutron itself?) and now something that used to work by accident needs to be fixed to work explicitly13:56
dhellmannbut until we know what is being imported we won't know what is out of sequence13:57
ralonsoh_dhellmann, I'll try it now13:57
ralonsoh_dhellmann, done: we need first to import the oslo_config module. That breaks the circular import error we had because oslo_config.cfg is already loaded14:07
ralonsoh_dhellmann, thanks for the tips!!14:07
dhellmannexcellent, I'm glad you worked it out :-)14:08
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Clarify what exactly an "access file" is
bnemec#startmeeting oslo15:00
bnemecCourtesy ping for bnemec, smcginnis, moguimar, johnsom, stephenfin, bcafarel, kgiusti, jungleboyj15:00
openstackMeeting started Mon Jul 20 15:00:51 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bnemec. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'oslo'15:00
bnemec#topic Red flags for/from liaisons15:03
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bnemecLooks like pymysql broke us over the weekend.15:03
jungleboyjI am not aware of anything specific to Cinder.15:03
bnemecSpecifically tooz.15:03
bcafareljust a note on neutron side: we got a recent test failure fixed with
bnemecdtantsur proposed a fix, which I just started looking at. Unfortunately it seems we have no lower-constraints job on that repo so there's nothing verifying that the fix works with older versions too. :-/15:04
johnsomNothing from Octavia15:05
dtantsurbnemec: I don't think there is a version that did not have Connection.cursor()15:05
moguimarNothing from Barbican15:05
bnemecdtantsur: Yeah, that was my guess.15:06
bnemecbcafarel: Ick. I hate eventlet.15:06
bcafarel:) yes a nice surprise circular import15:07
bnemecOh, this is because of the stevedore change.15:07
bnemecI wonder if there's any other way to break that circular import. Importing stuff before eventlet is monkey patched goes against our documented eventlet best practices.15:08
bnemecdhellmann: ^15:08
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bnemecI guess as long as you're unblocked we can live with it.15:10
bnemec#topic Releases15:10
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bnemecI saw a bunch of release requests from hberaud last week, so I assume we're up to date on that.15:10
hberaudo/ sorry to be late15:10
bnemecAnything to add about releases?15:11
hberaudindeed normally we more or less up-to-date15:11
bnemecCool. I guess people can look for a tooz release in the near future to fix the pymysql breakage.15:12
bnemec#topic Action items from last meeting15:12
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bnemec"kgiusti to look at migrating messaging jobs to zuulv3."15:12
bnemecI saw some patches related to this.15:13
bnemecI think I even reviewed one.15:13
kgiustibnemec: yeah, seems straightforward:
kgiustibnemec: hberaud: but Zuul (and tosky) have not had the final say yet :)15:13
bnemec"moguimar to propose patch integrating pre-commit to the gate for oslo.cache"15:14
moguimaryes I did15:14
moguimarme and hberaud15:14
moguimarah, the gating patch, I guess I didn't do that one15:15
hberaudIIRC it was merged, isn't15:15
moguimarthe precommit is merged15:15
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bnemecYeah, this was a followup to that.15:15
bnemecOkay, will keep it on the list for next week then.15:15
bnemec#action moguimar to propose patch integrating pre-commit to the gate for oslo.cache15:15
hberaudah okay, I missed the last meeting, so I got it15:15
moguimarthanks ben15:16
bnemecThat's all of the action items.15:16
bnemec#topic zuulv3 migration15:17
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bnemecI guess we already kind of covered this too.15:17
bnemecBesides the messaging jobs that Ken is handling, we have a couple of grenade jobs that need to be migrated and the pbr jobs.15:18
bnemecI think that should be all that's left.15:18
bnemecI assume grenade will be relatively easy since there should be a common migration path for that one.15:18
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bnemecIf someone wants to look into it, maybe sync with tosky.15:19
bnemecThe pbr jobs might be more interesting since I suspect they do some non-standard stuff.15:19
toskyyep (grenade probably easy; others not sure)15:19
stephenfinthe pbr jobs suuuuck15:19
bnemecThey're testing installation with the proposed pbr patch, so they may not be able to rely on the normal zuul stuff.15:20
stephenfinwe would probably benefit from recreating them from scratch15:20
* bnemec assigns stephenfin to do that migration ;-)15:20
bnemecThat's certainly an option.15:20
stephenfinProbably a necessity. I can't solve :-\15:21
bnemecAh, delightful.15:22
bnemecAt least since they're blocking something we shouldn't forget to do this. :-)15:22
toskykgiusti had a question about devstack-plugin-zmq; if support was dropped long ago, shouldn't the repository be retired?15:23
bnemecYeah, I think that's the right thing to do for that repo.15:23
kgiustitosky: most certainly15:24
bnemecI guess the only concern would be if we're still using it in an older stable branch.15:24
bnemecI don't know that we ever branched the zmq plugin.15:24
kgiustibnemec: dunno - but I doubt whatever tests used it were ever voting15:24
bnemecOn the other hand, the zmq tests were always super flaky and we're pretty sure the driver didn't work right anyway, so if it turns out that we break a stable branch we can probably just remove the tests.15:25
kgiustibnemec: zmq never really got stable15:25
smcginnisIt seemed an effort that was kind of dead on arrival.15:25
kgiustibnemec: so how does one go about retiring a repo?15:25
bnemecThere's an infra doc.15:25
kgiustibnemec: kk - I'm just being lazy15:26
kgiustibnemec: stephenfin: most excellent thanks - I have an Action Item for next week then.15:26
bnemecCool, thanks.15:26
bnemec#action kgiusti to retire devstack-plugin-zmq15:26
bnemecStill some open questions on this, but I think we've got enough planned for the next week at least.15:28
bnemecAnything else to cover on the migration topic before we move on?15:28
bnemec#topic Weekly Wayward Review15:29
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bnemecSimple one. I believe the rest of these merged already, right?15:30
bnemec#topic Open discussion15:32
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hberaudbnemec: we only have this one now =>
hberaud(similar patch)15:33
hberaudbut with some debats on it15:33
bnemecDid we ever make oslo-cookiecutter reflect the main cookiecutter change?15:34
bnemecSince we merged all of the other copies of that patch I think we might as well go ahead with it.15:35
hberaudlemme check15:35
bnemecZane makes a good point about keeping our stuff in sync though.15:35
* bnemec had this on his todo list for a long time and never actually did it :-/15:36
hberaudbnemec: we don't submit related patches against oslo-cookiecutter15:36
moguimarI think we can go ahead with this one and maybe action item to update oslo-cookiecutter15:38
bnemecOkay, so that's another thing we need to do before calling the contributor docs goal done.15:38
hberaudI'll try to submit the oslo-cookiecutter patch tomorrow15:38
bnemecGreat, thanks!15:39
bnemec#action hberaud to sync oslo-cookiecutter contributing template with main cookiecutter one15:39
bnemecAnything else to discuss this week?15:40
moguimarI was poking open patches in oslo.config and castellan15:40
moguimarand updated the rst2txt patch to requirements15:40
moguimarthat one merged and then this patch from stephenfin got unblocked15:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.limit master: Align contributing doc with oslo's policy
moguimarbut I'm not sure if I just created more work now that is not that big of a priority15:41
bnemecI saw some discussion about this lsat week.15:41
hberaudalso, I want to bring few words about eventlet, and especially about the stdlib SSL issue with monkey patched env, a fix have been merged on eventlet [1] so normally it will improve the situation, but I don't know it will be released (or if it is already) [1]
bnemecIt sounds like a good thing, but has the potential to break people if they have invalid rst?15:43
moguimarI think stephenfin would be the best person to answer that15:44
bnemechberaud: So we probably want to bump our minimum eventlet to that when it releases? Or at least document that people need that version for sane ssl?15:44
hberaudI'll try to track possible advancments and keep us up-to-date about this topic15:45
stephenfinbnemec: Sphinx has a context manager you can use when parsing potentially broken rST. We use it for the oslo.config15:45
stephenfin...Sphinx extension15:45
bnemecI assume that would make this pretty safe to do?15:46
bnemecIf I'm understanding the question right, we're trying to decide whether cleaning up the doc output is worth the potential breakage for invalid rst.15:47
bnemecIf we can eliminate the latter then this seems like a win, right?15:47
stephenfinYup, it should be fine15:48
bnemecOkay, cool.15:48
stephenfinif is_valid_rst: parse else no_parse15:48
bnemecmoguimar: ^Does that answer your question?15:48
openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack/oslo.service master: Do not import "oslo.log" in the main module
moguimarmy main question is: should we keep this patch on or revert rst2txt from requirements15:50
moguimarand abandon it15:50
bnemecSeems like a good patch if we can get it working.15:50
bnemecIt seems like most of the work is done, right?15:51
stephenfinYeah, I think it still makes sense. Just needs the final issues closed out15:51
moguimarI guess since we put rst2txt as an extra, we revert the test cases to the original expected15:51
moguimarand the patch should go back passing CI15:51
moguimarI could do that15:52
bnemecSounds good.15:53
bnemec#action moguimar to get in shape to merge15:53
bnemecThanks for going through the patch backlog!15:54
bnemecI haven't been doing that much lately.15:54
bnemecWe're down to about 5 minutes. Anything else before we end the meeting?15:55
bnemecOkay, thanks for joining everyone!15:57
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openstackMeeting ended Mon Jul 20 15:57:05 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:57
openstackMinutes (text):
hberaudbnemec: thanks15:57
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openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Enable the rabbitmq failover test during the RabbitMQ functional test
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tooz master: Fix breakage with PyMySQL 0.10.0
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