Monday, 2020-07-13

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moguimarstephenfin, thanks for the reviews =D11:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/stevedore master: sphinxext: fix warning message for detailed list
dansmithbeekneemech: can I do an *or* type operation in a policy rule?14:31
dansmithbeekneemech: also, is there a more appropriate policy guru I should be asking?14:31
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bnemecdansmith: Yes. I believe the boolean ops are all just their literal name: and, or, not.14:39
dansmithoh really?14:39
dansmithdid I just assume obscurity? :)14:39
bnemecI can't imagine why. ;-)14:39
bnemecAlso, the keystone folks are more clued in about writing policy rules. They're the ones who had to figure out how to write all of these fancy policy rules in the first place.14:40
dansmithah okay14:41
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bnemec#startmeeting oslo15:00
bnemecCourtesy ping for bnemec, smcginnis, moguimar, johnsom, stephenfin, bcafarel, kgiusti, jungleboyj15:00
openstackMeeting started Mon Jul 13 15:00:47 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bnemec. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'oslo'15:00
toskyhi from your friendly zuulv3 community goal volunteer15:01
bnemeco/ tosky!15:02
bnemec#topic Red flags for/from liaisons15:04
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johnsomNothing from the Octavia team15:04
bnemecWe had a major release of stevedore last week that broke something.15:04
bnemecThere's a fix slated for release today.15:04
moguimarall fine in Barbican land15:05
bnemecOkay, I think that's all of the liaisons, so we can move on.15:06
bnemec#topic Releases15:06
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bnemechberaud has been handling most of these lately, so I'm a little out of the loop.15:07
bnemecGenerally speaking, I think our releases should be pretty current though.15:07
smcginnisI think that is accurate.15:09
bnemecHmm, no action items for one-off topics.15:09
bnemecAnd my VM that hosts reviewstats seems to be down, so weekly wayward review is problematic.15:10
moguimarI have some15:10
bnemec#topic Open discussion15:10
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toskyif I may :)15:10
moguimargo on tosky15:11
bnemecmoguimar: A review or a topic?15:11
moguimarI'll bring mine after15:11
moguimarI need to colect some links15:11
bnemecSounds good.15:11
toskyI'm here for the Zuul v3 porting goal; the overall status of oslo is good, but there are still a few jobs that needs some porting15:12
bnemecCool. Do you have a list?15:12
toskyI haven't sent a proper report yet (drafting it right now) but I can share this as a special preview:
toskyoslo ones are around line 19715:13
bnemecWe can just kill that zmq job. We don't support that driver anymore and haven't for a while.15:14
toskyif I've got all of them, there are 10 legacy jobs, and 4 of them are grenade (which got their native zuul v3 version only recently)15:14
bnemecI assume there's a known migration path for grenade?15:14
toskyoh, kill the job or close the repository, whatever works for you; I'm fine as long as the job is not around :)15:14
toskyyes, grenade job received a native job just before branching ussuri thanks to, uhm15:15
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toskythis one
toskyif you look for merged patches with topic:native-zuulv3-migration, you will see a few grenade ones, even pretty complex (see ironic)15:16
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bnemecOkay, I doubt we're doing anything crazy with it, so hopefully those won't be too hard.15:17
toskyjust a few random grenade jobs:
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toskyI haven't checked what these jobs do, but I think they won't be complicated to port as well15:17
toskyif you have any question please feel free to ping me (and add me as reviewer)15:17
bnemecLooking at the list, the ones that may require some Oslo-specific work are the messaging and pbr ones.15:17
kgiustibnemec: I'll take a crack at the messaging ones.15:18
bnemeckgiusti: Awesome, thanks!15:18
toskythe messaging ones may be easy, if the only things they do is to use oslo.messaging from source15:18
bnemec#action kgiusti to look at migrating messaging jobs to zuulv3.15:18
toskyjust add oslo.messaging to required-projects15:18
toskybut again I haven't checked the job in details :)15:18
kgiustitosky: I'll take a look and get back to you with questions15:19
kgiustitosky: thanks :D15:19
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toskyyou probably know that already, but the migration to zuulv3 provides most of the work for the other community goal, the port from bionic to focal15:20
bnemecOkay, I've added this topic to the agenda for next week too so hopefully we won't lose track of it like we did with the docs goal...15:20
bnemecWe'll probably find some obscure deps for one of our drivers that doesn't exist on focal. :-)15:21
toskyonce the base jobs switch the ubuntu version, all native zuul v3 job are switched as well (which may bring some breakages in tests, but at least the general part is done)15:21
toskythat's the project-specific part15:21
bnemecYep. We'll whack those moles when they pop their heads up.15:22
moguimaryou're done tosky ?15:23
toskyI think that's it from my side for now, yes15:23
bnemecThanks tosky!15:23
moguimarI was working with herve last week on
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moguimarpre-commit is very good as a tool, but I have my doubts that it will be as effective as a git hook15:25
moguimarso while anyone can install the hooks locally, I think we should also enforce pre-commit at gate15:26
moguimarusually when you run pre-commit, it will only consider modified/staged files15:26
moguimarso at the gate we can either run on all source or in the last commit15:26
bnemecIf we don't have it in the gate it will most likely get broken over time.15:26
moguimarand I think it should go in the pep8 check15:27
bnemecLast commit should be fine in the gate, at least once we get the whole project compliant in the first place.15:27
bnemecWould you propose adding it to the pep8 tox env then?15:28
moguimarin a following patch15:28
moguimarreplacing the flake8 like15:28
moguimaras flake8 is also included in pre-commit checks15:29
moguimarbasically replace line 27 with line 35 in a followup patch15:29
moguimarwith an intermediate patch making everything compliant15:29
moguimarso 1st, I need some one else to review this patch, 2nd, get to an agreement for gating15:30
moguimar2nd point shouds positive so far15:30
bnemecI don't have any strong objections. It looks like the stuff pre-commit is checking is all sane.15:30
moguimaryup, I'd +2 it but then I made some changes on it15:31
moguimarwith herve's consent15:31
bnemecstephenfin: ^might be relevant to your interests since I believe you were advocating for pre-commit too15:31
moguimar3rd point on this is a raise dead from the discuss list15:31
moguimarI'd like to, in yet another patch, introduce black through pre-commit15:32
bnemecThat I object to.15:32
moguimarthe impact on oslo.cache is around 18 files at first15:32
bnemecWe've discussed black in the past and didn't want to deal with the churn it would cause.15:33
moguimarthat was for big projects like openstack sdk15:33
moguimarI was looking at the options15:33
moguimarwe cound have 80 lines and ignore "" vs ''15:33
smcginnisPlease no black.15:33
bnemecI mean, we have 40 projects. Collectively I think that qualifies as "big".15:33
moguimarok, so lets stick to points 1 and 2 then15:34
* stephenfin is in another meeting but agrees with pre-commit integration (reviewed it this morning). Integrating it into the gate seems sound though we didn't bother doing it for nova since pep8 was the only one we really cared about and that was already validated15:34
moguimarso do we have a tribute to review and I will work on the gating patch?15:36
bnemecI've approved that patch.15:37
moguimarach, thanks Ben15:37
bnemecWe can discuss how to handle the gating on the followup.15:37
moguimarI think we can watch pre-commit during this cycle and then decide on applying it to other projects next cycle15:38
bnemecI can't remember if there were any objections to gating on it when it was discussed previously.15:38
moguimarlike a topic in the retrospective or so15:38
bnemecI would even make it a standalone topic for the next PTG.15:39
bnemecIt'll be easier to have that discussion not in the context of the overall retrospective.15:40
bnemec#action moguimar to propose patch integrating pre-commit to the gate for oslo.cache15:40
bnemecAnything else on this topic for now?15:41
moguimarand I don't have anything else15:41
bnemecOkay, anything else this week?15:42
bnemecLooks like "no". :-)15:44
bnemecThanks for joining, everyone!15:44
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openstackMeeting ended Mon Jul 13 15:44:24 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:44
openstackMinutes (text):
smcginnisbnemec: was updated based on Doug's feedback.15:44
bnemecThat's what I get for not actually looking at the patch. ;-)15:45
smcginnisI didn't really think it would be considered a new feature, but probably safer that way.15:45
bnemecYeah, a feature bump isn't a big deal.15:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.messaging stable/queens: Simplify tools/
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.cache master: Introducing usage of pre-commit
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zanebkgiusti: it appears we are having an issue in Heat where we continue to send messages to a queue that only one engine is listening on, so that when it gets shut down we lose messages:
zanebis there any documentation anywhere on how you're supposed to set queues up for these various purposes?19:54
kgiustizaneb: ping - sorry in a meeting.  IIRC the 'amqp_auto_delete' configuration setting in [oslo_messaging_rabbit] controls what gets passed into kombu when a queue is created:
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