Monday, 2020-06-08

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AJaegerhberaud, stephenfin, is a docstheme update for mox3, could you review, please?08:17
AJaegerstephenfin: could you review the placement ones as well, please?
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.messaging master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslotest master: Revert "Revert "Switch to unittest.mock from mock""
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Dmitrii-ShHi everybody, if anybody has time, I would appreciate another code review on Thanks in advance!09:39
openstackgerritDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/oslo.serialization master: Remove the yamlutils module.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mox3 master: Switch to newer openstackdocstheme versions
stephenfinAJaeger: did all those reviews, btw11:14
stephenfinAJaeger: Do we want to look at removing the mox3 project now though? fwict, there are no projects left under openstack governance using it so we don't really need to keep maintaining it11:14
stephenfinDo need to clean up some lower-constraints.txt files, but those won't result in mox3 being installed11:14
AJaegerstephenfin: thanks11:15
AJaegerregarding mox3: I agree to retire it11:18
AJaegerstephenfin: removing mox3 was a rocky goal11:19
stephenfinYup. We finally removed it in nova and horizon during Ussuri, which allowed us to remove it from oslotest11:20
AJaegerso, time to remove in victoria ;)11:21
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openstackgerritDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Reload files in policy_dirs on primary file change
Dmitrii-Shstephenfin: thanks for the review, uploaded
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.serialization master: Remove the yamlutils module.
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/stevedore master: Remove Travis CI config
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stephenfinDmitrii-Sh: Two nits on the reno13:36
openstackgerritDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Reload files in policy_dirs on primary file change
Dmitrii-Shstephenfin: ty, uploaded one more with fixes.13:39
stephenfinthanks, +213:40
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hberaudbeekneemech, smcginnis: o/ do you think this is something that could help us to maintains stable branches and reduce the possibilities to forget some backports?
smcginnishberaud: I know some projects have been using that.14:27
smcginnisI suppose it could help so we can flag things if they look like they are important to backport.14:28
hberaudsmcginnis: IMO I think it could be useful for us14:28
smcginnisIt would be interesting to hear from the teams that have been using this to see if they think it has helped them.14:28
hberaudsmcginnis: it's just a system to flag important things, right? I mean it don't automatically cherry-pick the tagged things on stable branches, right?14:30
smcginnisRight, just a way to make it easy to flag something in case someone else wants to follow through and propose backports.14:31
hberaudack thanks14:33
hberaudanyway it can't hurt14:33
hberaudsmcginnis: feel free to leave your feedback on the review :)14:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/stevedore master: Replace external mock with built-in unittest.mock
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Dmitrii-Shstephenfin, hberaud: thanks a lot for the code reviews!14:58
hberaudDmitrii-Sh: you're welcome14:58
bnemec#startmeeting oslo15:03
bnemecCourtesy ping for bnemec, jungleboyj, moguimar, hberaud, stephenfin, kgiusti, johnsom, e0ne, redrobot, bcafarel, smcginnis15:03
openstackMeeting started Mon Jun  8 15:03:01 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bnemec. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:03
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'oslo'15:03
moguimarwelcome to the Victoria cycle =D15:03
bnemecHave we not had a meeting since Ussuri shipped?15:04
moguimarI mean post PTG15:04
* hberaud have an appointement soon so I will surely eject before the end of the meeting15:04
bnemecAh, fair enough. I think we had one meeting since release.15:04
bnemechberaud: No problem. It'll probably be a quick one since we just had the PTG.15:05
moguimarso anything we should focus on before you leave hberaud ?15:05
hberaudmoguimar: just this one =>
hberaudI would love have all of our feedbacks15:06
hberaudbut could be done through the review15:07
moguimarI'd like to see more in the commit message15:07
bnemecI'm fine with that. It doesn't hurt to have it available.15:08
moguimarlike reason and link for the discussion15:08
johnsomWe have really liked having that for Octavia15:08
bnemecFor it to accomplish much someone has to actually look at it, but that can't happen until it exists.15:08
smcginnisjohnsom: Has it worked out well in Octavia?15:08
bnemec#topic Adding Backport-Candidate label to Oslo projects15:08
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bnemecJust to make it official.15:09
hberaudbnemec: thx15:09
johnsomYes. We came up with it because we were struggling to keep up with backports. It's a very handy flag to make a list.15:09
smcginnisI think it can't hurt. :)15:09
bnemecWe should probably create an Oslo dashboard for it:
hberaudbnemec: good idea15:10
smcginnisjohnsom: Does ocatavia has a process to remove the flag once it's actually been backported?15:10
smcginnisThat seems like the only issue to track it through.15:11
hberaudah right15:11
johnsomNot today. We have talked about it. You can flip it over to -2 once they are all proposed15:11
bnemecWouldn't we just make the dashboard ignore merged patches?15:11
bnemecOh, no that doesn't work, does it?15:11
hberaudbnemec: could be a good shortcut15:11
moguimarI guess not15:11
smcginnisThe dashboard would have to show patches that have the flag set. It wouldn't know if it has been backport or not.15:11
moguimarcause you see in the list the one which needs backport, not the backport itself15:12
bnemecYou still need to see the flagged reviews even after they merged.15:12
smcginnisAnd if we don't remove the flag, that dashboard gets less useful over time because it will fill with irrelevant things.15:12
bnemecWe should write a tool that can do that, if one doesn't exist already.15:12
smcginnisSeems quite possible.15:12
* bnemec is not volunteering, mind you ;-)15:13
* smcginnis neither15:13
* hberaud need to dash, see you soon15:14
bnemeco/ hberaud15:14
bnemecFWIW, I wrote a tool that interacted with Gerrit a while back:
bnemecYou would probably do something similar, except instead of looking at how old the patch is, you look to see if the backport has merged.15:15
bnemecThe potentially tricky part would be figuring out which review is the backport so you can check its status.15:15
bnemecI don't know how Gerrit would represent that.15:15
smcginnisIf it's backported right, it should have the cherry-pick footer in the commit message.15:16
bnemecI'm hoping maybe there's a cherry-picks section in the Gerrit API data that would point you directly to the right review.15:16
bnemecBut that would be too easy, so it probably doesn't exist. ;-)15:17
bnemec#agreed Add Backport-Candidate label to Oslo projects15:18
bnemec#idea Write a tool to automatically remove Backport-Candidate label once the backport has been proposed15:18
bnemecWe don't actually need to wait for the backport to merge. Once it's been proposed the candidate label has done its job.15:19
bnemec#topic Red flags for/from liaisons15:19
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bnemecSorry for the delay liaisons. Hope you're still with us. :-)15:19
bnemecThe main thing we've been dealing with lately is the bug in oslo.log that broke a number of projects.15:20
bnemecI think backports to all supported branches are merged. Stein still needs to be released, but I believe the others are all in the wild now.15:21
johnsomNothing to mention from Octavia team.15:21
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bnemec#topic Releases15:23
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bnemecMaster and all the stable branches except Stein got released late last week.15:23
bnemecUnless there's an urgent need I'll probably skip release proposals this week. I doubt much has merged in the past couple of days anyway.15:24
bnemecWill try to get the Stein oslo.log out there today though.15:24
bnemec#action bnemec to release Stein backport(s)15:24
bnemec#topic Action items from last meeting15:25
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bnemec"bnemec to look at hberaud's patch for per-project contributing.rst"15:25
bnemecI believe I did that. I think I had concerns that we were duplicating something already covered by the template.15:25
bnemecWe don't have hberaud right now so we'll have to table that discussion for later.15:26
bnemec"bnemec to create new ping list on meeting agenda"15:26
bnemec"Pull babel alias list into oslo.i18n for backward compatibility."15:26
bnemechberaud to review comments on
bnemecLooks like that was done too.15:26
bnemecJust needs review now.15:27
bnemec"Oslo team to review series starting at"15:27
bnemecDone, thanks moguimar and smcginnis15:27
bnemecThat's all of our action items.15:27
moguimarcool, are we making new action items out of PTG discussions?15:28
moguimarfor tracking purpose15:28
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bnemecI guess we could. I have a todo to write a followup blog post summarizing what we discussed.15:29
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bnemecIt might be better to open lp bugs for anything longer term so we don't keep repeating the same action items from week to week.15:29
bnemecAlso, if there's anything we want to revisit in future meetings it should be added to the agenda explicitly. That might be better than using action items.15:31
bnemecSo I guess my preference for PTG followups would be lp bugs or agenda items.15:32
bnemecI won't throw a tantrum if someone adds an action item too though. :-)15:32
bnemec#topic Ping list update15:32
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bnemecPer the action item above, the new ping list is now available on the agenda wiki page.15:33
bnemecIf you want to keep receiving courtesy pings for this meeting please add your name to the new list.15:33
bnemecI'll keep using the old list next week, but after that I'll switch over to the new one.15:33
bnemec#action Anyone who wants to continue receiving courtesy pings should add their name to the Victoria list on the agenda wiki15:33
bnemecKind of a wordy action item.15:34
bnemecI'll send an email reminder too now that the PTG is over.15:34
bnemec#action bnemec send email about Victoria ping list15:34
bnemec#topic Oslo core contact details15:35
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bnemecThis was actually something that came out of the contributor documentation goal.15:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack/stevedore master: Remove Travis CI config
bnemecOne of this things we're supposed to do for that is create a contact list for Oslo cores.15:35
bnemecTo that end, I've created some tables on
bnemecI'd like to ask all of the Oslo cores to fill in their details there, if they don't mind.15:36
bnemecNote that there's also one for the project-specific cores.15:36
bnemecI've filled in the names of some of our more active cores, but if you're not there please add yourself.15:37
bnemec#action Oslo cores to fill out contact details on
bnemecThat's the one-off agenda.15:39
bnemec#topic Weekly Wayward Review15:39
*** openstack changes topic to "Weekly Wayward Review (Meeting topic: oslo)"15:39
bnemecGorka replied to the comments on that so it would be nice to get it in.15:39
bnemecAlright, +2A. It sounds like everyone is okay with the current version.15:41
bnemecIf someone wants a debug log for the other cases they can propose a followup and we'll discuss it there.15:41
bnemec#topic Open discussion15:41
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bnemecThat's it for our regularly scheduled topics. Anything else before we close?15:42
moguimarnot on my end15:45
bnemecOkay, thanks for a great PTG last week everyone.15:45
bnemecCatch you all next week.15:45
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openstackMeeting ended Mon Jun  8 15:45:40 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:45
openstackMinutes (text):
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.serialization master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.context master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.privsep master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.db master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.middleware master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.service master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.config master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.utils master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.cache master: Fix pygments style
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.policy master: Reload files in policy_dirs on primary file change
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.policy master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/oslo.utils master: Release greenthread when computing checksum
openstackgerritDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/oslo.policy stable/ussuri: Reload files in policy_dirs on primary file change
openstackgerritDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/oslo.policy stable/train: Reload files in policy_dirs on primary file change
openstackgerritDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/oslo.policy stable/stein: Reload files in policy_dirs on primary file change
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openstackgerritDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/oslo.policy stable/rocky: Reload files in policy_dirs on primary file change
openstackgerritDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/oslo.policy stable/queens: Reload files in policy_dirs on primary file change
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.concurrency master: Don't warn on lock removal if file doesn't exist
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.concurrency master: Fix pygments style
openstackgerritMerged openstack/taskflow master: Cap jsonschema 3.2.0 as the minimal version
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.config master: generator: Handle 'cfg.Opt'-type options
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.versionedobjects master: Cap jsonschema 3.2.0 as the minimal version
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.versionedobjects master: Remove translation sections from setup.cfg
openstackgerritHervĂ© Beraud proposed openstack/automaton master: drop mock from lower-constraints
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/automaton master: Update lower-constraints list
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openstackgerritHervĂ© Beraud proposed openstack/futurist master: drop mock from lower-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tooz master: Add python 3.8 to classifiers

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