Wednesday, 2014-11-26

gusharlowja: yep, looks good.   That reminds me that I still need to go back and audit the code I wrote yesterday to make sure all the flows are using consistent names so they can be composed usefully...00:18
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add *basic* scope visibility constraints (WIP)
harlowjagus ^ also00:20
harlowjaseems to work on a local test, ha00:20
harlowjaship it :-P00:23
vishydoes anyone here have any idea why periodics fail to fire while oslo.messaging is atttempting ot reconnect?00:24
harlowjavishy using rabbit?00:30
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vishyi’m seeing a failure which has happened before where suddently a worker is processing messages00:31
vishybut not doing anything with them00:31
vishyin this case it happened after a 5 min network outage00:31
harlowjahmmm, using oslo.messaging master or version?00:32
harlowjacause i think that code just recently changed00:32
harlowjamaybe something changed there that shouldn't have (if u are using that)00:33
harlowjasileht might have some ideas to00:35
vishyso that is an example of where it is hung00:37
vishyugh darn it recovered00:37
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vishyharlowja: ok great00:49
vishyso connecting to the eventlet backdoor and doing a print greenthreads causes it to recover00:49
harlowjaseems like this loop
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vishyit looks like it was stuck here:00:51
vishy@harlowja it looks like that while loop doesn’t ever yield to other greenthreads00:52
vishywhich might be what hangs the periodics00:52
vishyand then they somehow get into an endless loop where they don’t recover00:52
vishylet me try adding a sleep in there00:52
harlowjaor at
harlowjaif that timeout is None or something that might be bad00:54
harlowjait seems like other greenthreads there are also doing self._queues[msg_id].get(block=True, timeout=timeout) which i'm not sure, is that the same queue everyone is blokcing on00:55
vishyharlowja: weird there is another spot that is responsible for reconnect00:55
vishyand it does have a time.sleep00:55
harlowjavishy i also wasn't aware that more than 1 greenthread runs periodic tasks (but i might be wrong)01:00
harlowjaso if 1 periodic task is sucked up running that loop01:00
vishyyeah it has a spawn_n in loopingcall01:01
cburgessvishy: I'm with harlowja on this. I thought the periodics run in the main loop which will block on RPC reconnect.01:01
vishyso each loopingcall runs one01:01
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vishyi think the periodic tasks is a single call01:01
harlowjaso that equates to 1 thread?01:01
* harlowja checking what nova is doing01:01
cburgessOh you are saying it reconnects but the task never unblocks, sorry just read your thread trace.01:01
vishyso the issue is reconnect happens but periodics don’t start and the process is completely screwed01:02
vishymessages get pulled off of the queue but don’t make any progress01:02
vishyi noticed during the reconnect loop periodics are not firing01:02
vishyi thought it might be related01:02
vishythe other odd thing is logging in to backdoor and pgt()01:02
cburgessNormal orchestration requests also get pulled off but don't do any work?01:02
vishyseems to unblocks the periodics01:02
cburgessDamn ok I feel like we saw this once a few months ago.01:03
cburgessTrying to remember what we determined it was.01:03
vishyi got a launch command and it said trying to start01:03
vishybut doesn’t actually do anything01:03
vishylike it doesn’t ever get into the libvirt thread01:03
vishyi strongly suspect this old issue:
vishyhanging on the logging semaphore or the libvirt tpool01:04
vishybut i’m still a bit confused why the amqp sleep isn’t allowing the periodic tasks to make progress01:05
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cburgessThat link isn't loading.01:06
vishyyay atlassian01:07
vishywhole thing is down
cburgessI vaguely remember that one though.01:07
cburgesseventlet 0.13 fixed it or something as I recall.01:07
vishygoogle cache01:08
vishyno it has not been fixed01:08
cburgessOh this one from comstud from way back when.01:08
vishyand rax is still using a forked eventlet afaik01:08
vishywith his fix in01:09
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vishyis it possible that somehow that does not have a monkeypatched time?01:11
vishyi don’t see how that could happen01:11
cburgessI guess its theoretically possilbe.01:11
cburgessDoes it happen frequently? You could test the object and log something if its not patched.01:12
harlowjai wonder if the perodic task gets sucked into the following (never getting its reply for some reason)01:13
* harlowja just speculating01:13
vishyholy crap that works01:13
cburgessWhat works?01:13
vishyperiodcs are still going at the moment01:13
vishyoh wait01:13
vishyso yeah the periodics are hanging waiting for replies01:14
vishythey run initially01:14
harlowjaya, do they get locked into that loop?01:14
vishyah so that’s it01:14
vishythe periodic processor gets stuck waiting for a reply from conductor01:14
harlowjaya, which i guess drops on the floor (due to reconnect)01:14
harlowjaand then spins01:15
harlowjamaybe even becoming 'Ok, we're the thread responsible for polling the connection'01:15
cburgessYeah that _poll_connection function doesn't seem to have sleep or yielf.01:15
cburgesser yield01:15
harlowjaya, its almost like we don't want periodic tasks to get stuck in that part01:15
harlowjathey shouldn't become the 'thread responsible for polling the connection'01:16
vishyi suspect it is locking trying to send the messagre actually01:16
harlowjaleave it to some other thread, ha01:16
vishylemme look01:16
cburgessCould be..01:16
vishyso i have three threads stuck in recoonect01:17
cburgessSo the rabbit server is down right now?01:18
cburgessOr unavailable?01:18
vishyone in service_update01:18
vishyreport state01:18
vishywhich makes sense01:18
vishynow in this case the recovery happens on that one01:18
vishybecause my services were happily reporting state01:18
vishyone in update_available_resource01:19
vishythat one is the one that never recovers01:19
cburgessCan you send a link to the reconnect function you are stuck in?01:20
vishyits here01:20
vishy File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo/messaging/_drivers/", line 580, in reconnect01:20
vishy    self._connect(params)01:20
vishybut when it does reconnect01:21
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cburgessThat line number if a bit off from what is in the stable/icehouse01:21
vishyi think it is stuck in loopingcall here:01:21
vishymaybe i need to update my oslo.messaging?01:22
vishylemme look at a diff01:22
vishyi’m using 1.3.0-0ubuntu1~cloud001:22
harlowjait'd be interesting to see whatever the following outputs01:23
harlowjaLOG.debug('Dynamic looping call %(func_name)s sleeping '01:23
harlowja'for %(idle).02f seconds',01:23
harlowja{'func_name': repr(self.f), 'idle': idle})01:23
harlowjaif u think its stuck there01:23
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vishyi added an import so that would move the lines by 201:24
vishyto try switching time.sleep for greenthread.sleep01:25
cburgessOK thats harmless then.01:25
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vishyharloja that stops printing01:25
vishyi did get a WWARNING nova.openstack.common.loopingcall [-] task run outlasted interval by 426.364903 sec01:26
vishyon one of them01:26
harlowjai do wonder if stuff is just stuck in
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harlowjain that durn loop01:27
vishythat is often the last message that prints01:27
vishyi don’t see that loop in the pgt output01:28
vishyany thoughts on how i could test for that?01:28
harlowjaFile "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo/messaging/_drivers/", line 280, in wait ?01:28
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cburgessLog on entrance and exit of the loop?01:30
vishywait a sec01:31
vishyif the dynamic looping call function throws an exception01:32
vishydoesn’t it just exit01:32
harlowjaseems so, maybe that too01:33
harlowjabut i think u get a 'LOG.exception(_LE('in dynamic looping call'))'01:33
vishyi’m not seeing that message01:35
vishyok so it isn’t an exception01:36
harlowjait'd be interesting to know the timeout that 'message = self.waiters.get(msg_id, timeout)' has01:36
harlowjaor whatever timeout it think its using (hopefully not None)01:36
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harlowjaalthough the default that seems to be passed along if not provided is timeout=None01:37
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harlowjawhich i guess becomes self.conf.rpc_response_timeout01:38
harlowjabut it could be X times of that, seeing all the places where that seems to be used01:38
vishyharlowja: added some logs to that message01:40
vishy* method01:40
vishyso we will see01:40
vishynot seeing logs at all01:41
vishyI don’t think it is making calls01:41
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vishyi think the updates are casts01:41
vishyso it isn’t getting stuck there01:42
harlowjaseems to be though that the update_available_resource calls into the conductor, so i think thats a call; but i guess this isn't it01:43
harlowjapretty sure most of stuff using conductor is call01:43
harlowjaanyway u can get more traces from when this happens?01:45
harlowjawonder if a pattern will emerge01:45
harlowjawonder/hope, ha01:45
harlowjaits interesting how so much goes through the RPC layer nowadays01:46
harlowjaprobably be seeing more stuff like this i think01:46
harlowja*especially under reconnects, disconnects, partitions...01:50
vishyok so this is interesting01:50
vishythis is the last trace01:51
vishyso it tries to reconnect with timeouts a bunch01:51
cburgessvishy: How are you simulating the failure? Killing rabbit?01:52
vishyno dropping traffic to rabbit01:52
vishyin both direections01:52
vishybut this definitely reproed01:52
cburgessOK random lark... try setting kombu_reconnect_delay to 1001:53
vishymy report state seems to be ok in this case01:53
vishybut my other thread failed01:53
vishyso i’m suspecting that this is the issue01:53
cburgessWhat is?01:53
vishytwo threads are attempting to publish to conductor01:53
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vishythey both attempt to redeclare the exchange01:54
vishythe first succeeds01:54
vishybut the second fails01:54
vishyand it doesn’t recover01:54
cburgessThere is a bug about this.01:54
cburgessWhere the hell did I see this bug...01:54
vishyi remember a bug about needing to redeclare01:55
vishylooks like that never merged01:56
cburgessNope it didn't01:56
cburgessBut pretty sure its the same bug.01:56
harlowjaanyone know the historical reason that oslo.messaging just doesn't have 1 dispatch thread (that can also do reconnects and such); instead of having many threads that seem to try to do it together? (just out of curosity)01:59
vishycburgess: so not sure02:00
vishyso i have two greenthreads logging that they are trying to reconnect02:00
vishyone of them gets a timeout02:01
vishythen the other one gets an ioerror02:01
vishythey both log the error properly02:01
vishybut then only one tries to reconnect02:01
cburgessWell similar02:01
vishythe other one is just sitting there02:01
vishyok i have the hang finally02:06
vishythis is where it is hung02:07
harlowjaso its in that loop of death02:08
harlowja ?02:08
harlowjasomeone the periodic task got to take over ''Ok, we're the thread responsible for polling the connection' ?02:08
vishyno it is hung in send02:09
vishynot receive02:09
cburgessOK I have to run but let me know how this turns out.02:09
harlowjahmmm, from that paste send -> wait (the loop?) -> _poll_connection -> consume02:10
vishyi added logging there02:11
vishyand i didn’t see any log messages02:11
harlowjaleftover pyc file or something?02:11
harlowjathere are 2 branches of that loop, only log one branch?02:11
harlowjaor both?02:11
harlowjathere's also nested while True that it can get stuck in02:12
harlowjaa few of those02:12
harlowjaif the timeout is the default 60; and it does that spinning it really becomes 60 * infinite  from what i can tell (not knowing this code so well)02:13
vishyi definitely put logs everywhere02:14
vishymaybe the pyc didn’t get regenerated02:15
vishyi have four logs in that wait method and i didn’t see any of them get hit at any point02:15
harlowjaa few more while True loops in
vishyok got it logging now02:17
harlowjalog baby log02:18
vishyok i see the log saying it02:19
vishy2014-11-26 02:18:00.833 29972 WARNING oslo.messaging._drivers.amqpdriver [-] GOT LOCK FOR d9d2dec9dc88496fba77cd42f1a4f79a with timeout: 12002:19
vishyi have three separate methods waiting on reconnect02:19
harlowjawith one or 2 spinning?02:20
vishyso i suspect that it is when it passes the 120 seconds that it fails02:20
vishybecause if i reconnect quickly it seems to recover ok02:20
harlowjathe resource tracker does have alot of '@utils.synchronized(COMPUTE_RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE)' on it02:21
harlowjaalthough if one of those threads that has the lock gets promoted to the 'thread responsible for polling the connection' that would seem bad02:21
harlowjasince at that point nobody else will get said lock02:21
harlowjauntil that thread stops being the 'thread responsible for polling the connection'02:22
vishyor it could be  a race02:22
vishycuz it recovered ok this time02:22
harlowjakeep on trying, maybe adding the logging stuff in screwed it up due to timing changes02:22
vishythat is very interesting02:23
vishyit looked like all three threads that were waiting there attempted to proccess all three message responses02:24
* harlowja makes me wonder why oslo.messaging has so many dispatch threads (vs just one)02:24
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harlowjaanyway, gotta head out, let me know what u find02:25
harlowjaseems to be getting closer (maybe)02:25
harlowja*not like mean 'ha'02:26
vishywell i will try to repro again02:26
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add *basic* scope visibility constraints (WIP)
vishywith the logging in02:26
vishyhaven’t had it repro with logging in02:26
vishyso.. add a sleep :)02:26
harlowjaya, sucky part if it never occurs with logging on due to eventlet02:26
harlowjabut lets see02:26
vishyrecovered 3/3 so far02:27
harlowjaya, so there's your problem, run more with debug logging02:27
vishyso looks like it is this issue as I suspected:
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vishyharlowja_away: so that fix does not fix the issue05:27
vishywhich makes me feel better05:27
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/oslo.db: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/oslo.utils: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add *basic* scope visibility constraints
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openstackgerritJens Rosenboom proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Fix reconnect race condition with RabbitMQ cluster
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fricklervishy: I reanimated the re-declare patch from before seeing your discussion on this issue.08:32
fricklervishy: Did you check whether that patch might help mitigate the issues you are seeing?08:32
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vishyi haven’t checked yet08:51
vishybut i don’t think it will08:51
vishyfrickler: it seems to be getting stuck on a recv that never times out08:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.concurrency: Add a TODO for retrying pull request #20
fricklerjenkins seems to fail with: 'oslo.middleware' is not in global-requirements.txt -- is this a known issue?10:26
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jokke_ttx: ping11:05
ttxjokke_: pong11:06
jokke_ttx: sorry, wrong channel, will pm you11:06
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ihrachyshkafrickler: a link to review?11:26
openstackgerritMatthew Gilliard proposed openstack/oslo.log: Remove NullHandler
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jokke_anyone here who could help me with oslo.messaging?11:54
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viktorshi! Does anybody knows the current state of the gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-*-icehouse gate jobs ?12:15
viktorsjd__: hi! Maybe you know something about ^^12:20
ihrachyshkafrickler: hm. I wonder what those jobs are for. they include 'neutron' in their name, and icehouse, and neutron definitely hasn't used oslo.messaging till Juno12:27
fricklerthe icehouse test has a different error from tempest about floating IPs12:29
fricklerbut I think none of these could be related to the patch12:29
ihrachyshkafrickler: as for oslo.middleware issue for juno+ jobs, I guess we'll need to add it to requirements repo for Juno branch12:30
ihrachyshkafrickler: devstack checks that all oslo.messaging requirements are present in Juno requirements repo, and I guess oslo.middleware didn't get there, yet12:30
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fricklerihrachyshka: so can you fix that? or who takes care of these gate things?12:34
fricklerall the latest reviews at,n,z seem to share these three failures12:36
ihrachyshkafrickler: see
ihrachyshkafrickler: I guess it's meant to fix similar failures, though I wonder whether the patch is actually correct and will solve your particular issue12:38
ihrachyshkafrickler: I've asked Dave to consider your failures in comments, let's see what he has to say12:38
frickleryeah, that seems to be related, so I will wait for that, thx12:41
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jd__viktors: I don't13:22
viktorsjd__: ok, got it13:23
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/oslo.vmware: Switch to use requests/urllib3 and enable cacert validation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo-incubator: Don't log missing policy.d as a warning
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/oslo.vmware: Switch to use requests/urllib3 and enable cacert validation
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viktorsdhellmann: hi!15:30
dhellmannviktors: hi. Looks like we have some persistent gate issues. :-(15:35
viktorsdhellmann: are you talking about gate-tempest-dsvm-src-*-icehouse job?15:37
dhellmannviktors: yes15:37
dhellmannviktors: I was out yesterday; is someone working on that?15:37
* dhellmann is still catching up on the backlog of email15:38
viktorsdhellmann: I looked into project meeting log -
dhellmannI'm just reading that now15:39
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viktorsdhellmann: can we merge this patch to unblock gates - ?16:03
dhellmannviktors: see the backlog in #openstack-dev -- I am working on a patch to pin the oslo requirements in the icehouse branch16:04
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viktorsdhellmann: ok, thanks!16:04
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viktorsdhellmann: as for stable requirements - what should we do with requirements, which were missed in Icehouse16:33
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dhellmannviktors: I'm not sure what you mean?16:44
viktorsdhellmann: patch fails on icehouse gates with error 'doc8' is not a global requirement but it should be,something went wrong16:45
viktorsthat's true, because doc8 was added to global requirements in juno16:45
dhellmannviktors: yeah, I think I need to cap whatever is calling for that to a lower number for icehouse16:45
dhellmannviktors: do you know what is adding that requirement?16:47
viktorsdhellmann: see
dhellmannviktors: ok, so taskflow at least and possibly some others. I'll work out which version of taskflow added that and lower the cap16:49
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silehtdhellmann, viktors|afk I known that oslo.config and oslo.messaging are broken too16:54
silehtby the introduction of docs8 and oslo.middleware16:55
silehtdhellmann, icehouse/juno compat-jobs for the master branch can be removed when the stable requirements have been merged16:56
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ihrachyshkadhellmann: may I ask oslo team to prioritize which blocks oslo.middleware consumption for neutron?17:08
openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed openstack/oslo-incubator: Add ConnectionError exception
vishyharlowja_away: so still no luck in fixing the issue17:21
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dimsihrachyshka: lgtm17:44
ihrachyshkadims: thanks sir!17:45
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/oslo.vmware: Switch to use requests/urllib3 and enable cacert validation
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harlowjavishy durn, i thought u found it :)18:04
harlowjavishy did adding logs basically just cause eventlet to switch more and then it doesn't happen?18:05
harlowjadhellmann the lower cap i think u put for taskflow is ok with me18:05
dhellmannharlowja: k, thanks18:08
harlowjasileht yt18:09
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add *basic* scope visibility constraints
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Add import check for try/except wrapped imports
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Add a decorator that logs enter/exit on wait() (no merge)
harlowja_vishy ^ might be useful for u18:48
harlowja_if u just use that patch, and take all the other logging out, i wonder if that would show the issue again (and still show useful info)18:49
harlowja_can place it on other methods, if u feel thats useful18:49
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Add a decorator that logs enter/exit on wait() (no merge)
vishyharlowja_: it isn’t in the loop18:56
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vishyharlowja_: it gets stuck doing a recv and never times out19:05
vishythen the other thread hits and doesn’t get the lock so it can’t ever make progress19:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo-incubator: Add middleware.catch_errors shim for Kilo
harlowja_vishy kk, so it gets a timeout passed in, but doesn't use it apparently?19:09
harlowja_or recv just broken, lol19:09
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vishyharlowja_: so the main executor thread calls drain events without a timeout :(19:40
harlowja_pew pew pew19:40
harlowja_that sux19:40
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Have the timeout decrement inside the wait() method
harlowja_vishy ^ probably is a good thing to have also19:47
harlowja_but won't address your main concern i think19:47
vishyso i found the issue19:48
vishyi think19:48
harlowja_poll without timeout :(19:50
vishythe main executor polls (which does a drain event) with no timeout19:50
vishyso yeah it hangs on reconnect19:56
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vishyand none of the other threads can process events because they don’t have the lock19:56
vishycburgess: ^^19:57
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Have the timeout decrement inside the wait() method
vishyharlowja_: so it looks like a timeout param was recently added to the poll method for the trollius work20:02
vishythe question is what should the timeout be for that call?20:02
vishyshould it be the same as the rpc timeout or do we need a new param20:02
harlowja_i don't think its rpc timeout related, just seems to be more poll related20:03
harlowja_rpc seems seperate (hopefully 137456 helps with that one)20:03
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Add a listener provided default poll() timeout
harlowja_vishy ^20:28
harlowja_seems reasonable...20:28
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Add a listener provided default poll() timeout
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Add a listener provided default poll() timeout
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openstackgerritThiago Paiva Brito proposed openstack/oslo-incubator: Improving docstrings for policy API
openstackgerritThiago Paiva Brito proposed openstack/oslo-incubator: Improving docstrings for policy API
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Add a listener provided default poll() timeout
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add *basic* scope visibility constraints
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/oslo.concurrency: Add external lock fixture
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vishyharlowja_: 1 sec may not be long enough, I got a timeout in normal operation when starting the service23:09
vishyimeout: Timeout while waiting on RPC response - topic: "<unknown>", RPC method: "<unknown>" info: "<unknown>"23:09
harlowja_hmmm, ideally u'd get a timeout, then the loop would continue23:10
harlowja_and try again and again?23:10
vishyyeah it did continue23:11
vishybut i don’t think it should timeout unless there is a failure23:11
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vishyI’m guessing the greenlet switching can cause more than 1 second23:11
vishyor something23:11
vishyjust set it to 12023:11
vishyseems ok so far23:11
vishytesting to see if it fixes the issue23:11
harlowja_can also handle the exception better; instead of invoking the logic in excutils.forever_retry_uncaught_exceptions to retry23:12
harlowja_or just mess around with poll() itself23:12
harlowja_although if it is timing out, thats good23:13
harlowja_it'd be interseting to try also23:14
harlowja_which imho does more of the 'correct' thing for threads that get stuck in the wait() method23:15
vishyharlowja_: well partial victory23:19
vishyit does raise a timeout properly23:19
vishyevery 120 seconds...23:19
vishyso the socket itself is no longer sending data23:20
vishywhich means it isn’t reconnecting properly23:20
harlowja_onwards toward the next victory/battle!23:20
harlowja_what'd the reconnect do, just never really do it and giveup?23:22
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harlowja_i wonder if then fixed a bunch of that23:23
harlowja_i don't think u are running master/that commit though23:23
vishyharlowja_: was that stuff in juno?23:26
harlowja_not afaik23:26
vishyI could try upgrading to master23:26
harlowja_authored 9 days ago so i don't think so23:27
vishyalthough i’m sure there will be new dependencies that will break23:27
vishysomething about the reconnect logic seems to be a bit borked23:27
harlowja_ya, its complicated, so that doesn't help either :-/23:27
harlowja_which is why i'm wondering if that commit fixes it23:27
harlowja_since it seemed to have overhauled that whole thing23:28
* harlowja_ crosses fingers, ha23:28
vishyi suspect it will be somewhat difficult to use that due to dependencies but i will try it23:51
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