Wednesday, 2025-03-12

mihalis68so it's official, the OpenInfra foundation will become a subfoundation of the Linux Foundation. Anyone on here have thoughts?14:46
mihalis68@emccormick and I attended a board/community office hours thing at SCALE on Friday and heard their side of it14:47
* diablo_rojo_phone sneaks in room to listen14:47
amorinyou heard their side of it? what was said?15:25
mihalis68The costs of running these foundations and preserving the mission are going steeply up - security, legal etc. The Linux foundation is vastly bigger with more resources so it can take over some of that stuff leaving the OpenInfra foundation to focus on helping its projects thrive15:26
mihalis68this preserves the structure of the OpenInfra foundation almost perfectly as a sub-foundation of the Linux Foundation, all the culture, staff, ways of doing things15:26
amorinit seems to be a pretty good thing then, benefits from linux foundation staff but keep beeing autonomous for project decisions15:28
amorinmaybe that would make openstack a little bit more visible?15:28
mihalis68I think so. I have a meeting to go to, back in a bit15:28
mihalis68there are some little downsides, no seat on the board for the openinfra staff for now, and also it may be that Linux Foundation events are already locked in for a year or two without accomodation for OPenInfra joining in, but I think those will all get smoothed out15:29
amorinoh, what about the openstack 15th birthday, openinfra events and stuff like this? Is it still going to happen?15:30
ttxamorin: yes15:38
*** michiel[m] is now known as MichielPiscaer[m]17:51

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